View Full Version : Trump is explaining exactly how wild and extreme his second term would be

09-11-23, 07:17


Donald Trump is conjuring his most foreboding vision yet of a possible second term, telling supporters in language resonant of the run-up to the January 6 mob attack on the US Capitol that they need to “fight like hell” or they will lose their country.

The rhetorical escalation from the four-times-indicted ex-president came at a rally in South Dakota on Friday night where he accused his possible 2024 opponent, President Joe Biden, of ordering his indictment on 91 charges across four criminal cases as a form of election interference.

“I don’t think there’s ever been a darkness around our nation like there is now,” Trump said, in a dystopian speech in which he accused Democrats of allowing an “invasion” of migrants over the southern border and of trying to restart Covid “hysteria.”

The Republican front-runner’s stark speech raised the prospect of a second presidency that would be even more extreme and challenging to the rule of law than his first. His view that the Oval Office confers unfettered powers suggests Trump would indulge in similar conduct as that for which he is awaiting trial, including intimidating local officials in an alleged bid to overturn his 2020 defeat.


Oh well, it was a good run that had to end somehow.

09-11-23, 07:55
I mean, it's CNN. Trump could cure cancer and they would hold him responsible for overpopulation.


09-11-23, 08:10
Cool. If I thought he had any idea on how to actually govern once elected, I might actually vote for him. This is just campaign promises of actually doing what he's failed to do in the past.

09-11-23, 08:15
I mean, it's CNN. Trump could cure cancer and they would hold him responsible for overpopulation.


Yeah but you gotta admit, trump is going to unleash a level of hell and go after everyone who’s ever even thought about investigating or prosecuting him.

Everyone involved will need to leave the country for someplace without an extradition treaty and then hope he’s not crazy enough to send CAG after them.

If he gets re-elected it’s gonna be full on banana republic land!

09-11-23, 09:16
Yeah but you gotta admit, trump is going to unleash a level of hell and go after everyone who’s ever even thought about investigating or prosecuting him.

Everyone involved will need to leave the country for someplace without an extradition treaty and then hope he’s not crazy enough to send CAG after them.

If he gets re-elected it’s gonna be full on banana republic land!

We’re already full on banana republic- and a good deal of it is the found in the way the deep state is going after Trump.

09-11-23, 09:26
If he gets re-elected it’s gonna be full on banana republic land!

What? Trump going banana republic? Where have you been the last two years?

09-11-23, 09:28
So... Trump is extreme and has a dystopian view while accusing democrats of allowing an invasion of migrants over our souther border, so says CNN.

Yet, when NYC mayor Adams says that migrants will literally destroy NYC, CNN characterizes it as merely a prediction.

New York City mayor says influx of migrants will 'destroy' the city

"New York City's Democratic Mayor Eric Adams predicts the influx of migrants to New York will end up destroying the city unless the crisis is brought under control."

More here: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/09/07/eric-adams-migrant-crisis-destroy-new-york-city-sot-cnc-vpx.cnn

09-11-23, 10:03
Well here’s how we’re gonna end up with King Cheeto…

Biden calls climate deniers 'lying dog faced pony soldiers' and talks about 'Indians' and John Wayne at VERY bizarre press conference with whispers, walking around and jokes about 'softball' questions from approved list of reporters and ended the 26-minute event by saying, 'I'm going to go to bed.'


The left is literally running a fading dementia patient and a VP who’s the most unpopular in the history of polling.

09-11-23, 10:14
...ordering his indictment on 91 charges across four criminal cases as a form of election interference
No shit, duh.

“I don’t think there’s ever been a darkness around our nation like there is now,” Trump said
Also, duh

he accused Democrats of allowing an “invasion” of migrants over the southern border

and trying to restart Covid “hysteria.”
Also true.

a second presidency that would be even more extreme and challenging to the rule of law than his first. His view that the Oval Office confers unfettered powers.... , including intimidating local officials in an alleged bid to overturn his 2020 defeat.
Everything every democrat regime has already been perfectly happy doing.

Well apparently all it takes to be "extreme" these days is to state the obvious. Who knew... :laugh:
F*** CNN, the orange guy just got my vote. Again.
Not that OMB would actually be able to follow up on any of this in a second term, I just want to watch them scream.

09-11-23, 11:35
Well here’s how we’re gonna end up with King Cheeto…


The left is literally running a fading dementia patient and a VP who’s the most unpopular in the history of polling.

I for one am ready to welcome our Orange Overlord and support him in his pursuit of justice against his false accusers. Let the games begin! :)

09-11-23, 11:55
The current "left," bankrupt and worthless as they are, will do anything to prevent Trump from getting back into office. Anything. Not saying they will succeed, but they will try.

We had a sort of low-grade lawfare civil war starting in November 2016, and an intentional street-violence guerrilla campaign from early 2020 onward - Floyd riots most of all - so it's not like this would be brand new or unprecedented. It would just be worse.

Much as Trump would be a billion times better than "Biden," he never was very good at hiring quality and loyal people, and a lot of his failed policies likely failed because his deputies didn't intend to push them. Who's to say Trump would do better this time around? The Dems are obviously pretty inept at this point as well, but Trump '24 in real or alleged victory would likely be a somewhat inept Trump team fighting a psychotically rabid, but also inept, Dem team. Could be quite the spectacle, but horribly destructive at the same time.

We're all on a rudderless raft going down the river into the rapids anyway.

09-11-23, 12:01
Biden cheated in the last election and the democratic party seems fine with him cheating RFK a shot at POTUS.
These people have no ethics.

09-11-23, 15:11
The only hope for our country is a TRump win and purge, and I don’t mind if it gets a bit ‘excessive’. They have done everything that Trump is accused of and more and borne no negative effects. The Steele Dossier with the weaponization of the intelligence apparatus, the outright denying of 1A rights around the Hunter laptop, even if the election were outright ‘stolen’ is sure was rigged- and now we can’t even count on FOX News. And respect for the ‘rule of law’? After what the MN gov is trying to do?

Trump as some great evil? Or is he an idiot, I never can get a clear answer from the left.

We need to chocolate pie and feather these people as a faux tar&feather, or start throwing flower seed packets to them to put into their pockets Ala Ukraine lore. Something to get their heads out of their asses and realize that their revolution that they are forcing didn’t go well for the people who pushed it in France.

09-11-23, 15:28
Biden cheated in the last election and the democratic party seems fine with him cheating RFK a shot at POTUS.
These people have no ethics.

I suspect the DNC cheated in the last election and Biden was along for the ride.

The DNC wasn't just "fine with it". They orchestrated it.

09-11-23, 16:09
We need to chocolate pie and feather these people as a faux tar&feather, or start throwing flower seed packets to them to put into their pockets Ala Ukraine lore. Something to get their heads out of their asses and realize that their revolution that they are forcing didn’t go well for the people who pushed it in France.

The idiots are totally lacking in self-awareness. Anything subtle or polite won't work. But a literal punch in the face from a carjacker did seem to get through to a leftist in Minneapolis, so the Mike Tyson approach might be the only option. (I'm not offering, just to be clear.)

Seriously, the busing of migrants by Abbott and Desantis has probably had the greatest impact of anything in the last year or two, and is making the hardcore Dems in Chicago and NY sound more extreme than the supposed "racists" that they have been ranting against for years.

09-11-23, 16:09
I for one will enjoy the chaos that Trump brings with him to the White House should they not kill him,
before he can be crowned !

09-11-23, 17:25
I for one will enjoy the chaos that Trump brings with him to the White House should they not kill him,
before he can be crowned !

Which is the real worry... the only thing I can see holding them back is the Maximus Effect--they Dealey him now they just make a martyr, rip the masks off and unleash CW2, so before they can go kinetic on him they have to either kill his name (see also, Maximus in Gladiator, attempted) or find some way to False Flag him as a pretense for "culling the Deplorables."

Frankly, a part of me wonders what's kept them waiting THIS long...

09-11-23, 17:37
noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles

exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
"he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles"


09-11-23, 18:09
Yeah but you gotta admit, trump is going to unleash a level of hell and go after everyone who’s ever even thought about investigating or prosecuting him.

Everyone involved will need to leave the country for someplace without an extradition treaty and then hope he’s not crazy enough to send CAG after them.

If he gets re-elected it’s gonna be full on banana republic land!

As they say "Shit in one hand, wish in the other, see which one fills up first." Nothing personal at all, but it ain't happenin' bro. I would gladly eat crow if it turned out to be true, but unfortunately I won't have to.

09-11-23, 18:12
I suspect the DNC cheated in the last election and Biden was along for the ride.

The DNC wasn't just "fine with it". They orchestrated it.

You would be correct on both counts: yes they did cheat, and yes Shtihead Joe was right along with it. F**k them all.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-11-23, 22:49
My dream is that some other Republican gets elected and pardons trump, Biden, hunter, all the rest of the trump team that has been charged and we just move on from this game of banana republic roulette. But we know its just going to keep getting dumber.

09-12-23, 00:39
My dream is that some other Republican gets elected and pardons trump, Biden, hunter, all the rest of the trump team that has been charged and we just move on from this game of banana republic roulette. But we know its just going to keep getting dumber.

Yeah, that’s a hard no. They, Hillary, the 51 intelligence officials and everyone behind their curtains need to be vilified, hounded, pursued and punished until there’s nothing left but dust and blood. This is literally a battle for our nation and future. No quarter asked, none given.

09-12-23, 07:05
My dream is that some other Republican gets elected and pardons trump, Biden, hunter, all the rest of the trump team that has been charged and we just move on from this game of banana republic roulette. But we know its just going to keep getting dumber.

Any pardons for the leftists / revolutionaries would just encourage more and we would never get out of this.

The very idea of a constitutional republic is in a deep coma and near death. My dream is that Trump steps aside, someone younger, smarter and 100 times more focused steps into his place, and the entire leftist assembly gets dismantled from top to bottom, like the Nuremberg trials but 100% thorough instead of maybe 50%.

09-12-23, 12:33
Any pardons for the leftists / revolutionaries would just encourage more and we would never get out of this.

The very idea of a constitutional republic is in a deep coma and near death. My dream is that Trump steps aside, someone younger, smarter and 100 times more focused steps into his place, and the entire leftist assembly gets dismantled from top to bottom, like the Nuremberg trials but 100% thorough instead of maybe 50%.

Absolutely. Forget that "Moral High Road" bullshit. Scorched earth, crucify them. Payback is a bitch and they deserve it in spades. There needs to be a Purge, a thorough cleansing.

09-12-23, 12:34
Yeah, that’s a hard no. They, Hillary, the 51 intelligence officials and everyone behind their curtains need to be vilified, hounded, pursued and punished until there’s nothing left but dust and blood. This is literally a battle for our nation and future. No quarter asked, none given.

I will agree wholeheartedly with that.

09-12-23, 12:39
Absolutely. Forget that "Moral High Road" bullshit. Scorched earth, crucify them. Payback is a bitch and they deserve it in spades. There needs to be a Purge, a thorough cleansing.

Yes. A “Reckoning” is justified, long overdue, and a Necessity if our Nation is to survive.

09-12-23, 17:12
Absolutely. Forget that "Moral High Road" bullshit. Scorched earth, crucify them. Payback is a bitch and they deserve it in spades. There needs to be a Purge, a thorough cleansing.

Yes. A “Reckoning” is justified, long overdue, and a Necessity if our Nation is to survive.

It's the only way the commies and wanabe tyrants will learn to stop effing with us.
They think the constitution can be ignored or modified as they want.

09-12-23, 18:06
Yes. A “Reckoning” is justified, long overdue, and a Necessity if our Nation is to survive.

Lincoln tried to teach the lesson the nice way back during the Civil War, it didn't take. :( (By which I mean his practice of "scare 'em straight" allowing capital sentence and execution date to be set, then sometimes literally pardoning ON the gallows.)

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 18:11
I know y'all are going to get your wish. All my liberal friends are saying the exact same stuff.

09-12-23, 18:14
I for one don’t have any liberal “friends.” Pretty much explains some of your posts however.

I don’t have or make time for morons.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 18:18
I for one don’t have any liberal “friends.” Pretty much explains some of your posts however.

I don’t have or make time for morons.

"Pretty much explains some of your posts however."


09-12-23, 18:19
My dream is that some other Republican gets elected and pardons trump, Biden, hunter, all the rest of the trump team that has been charged and we just move on from this game of banana republic roulette. But we know its just going to keep getting dumber.Why pardon the Bidens? They are genuine criminals.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 18:36
Why pardon the Bidens? They are genuine criminals.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

I totally agree. The Bidens are criminal scumbag grifters. I don't think dad is any better than the son. They don't deserve a pardon, but America will need it. Trump is likely to be convicted in at least one of his federal trials. He needs to be pardoned. America will need it.What I want is a stop to the cycle of prosecuting our political opponents. One of the smartest things a President ever did was when Ford Pardoned Nixon. Nixon was a criminal scumbag and a cheat, but prosecuting him would have done serious damage to our democracy. Pardoning him put the issue to bed and we were able to move on. The Republican's impeachment of Bill Clinton was stupid. It began a cycle of impeachment tit for tat over trivial nonsense that would have been ignored in the past. Al Gore, an absolutely classless turd, did serious damage to the republic when he contested the 2000 election (and he had a solid claim). He was an even bigger shit than Nixon because Nixon refused to do the same thing when the Kennedy's likely cheated him. But Nixon came back and won because he could run and he didn't look like a sore loser. The Democrats have basically claimed every election since then was stolen, and Republicans are starting to do it too. It is bad for the country, and short-sighted.

Don't worry, I won't get I want. This country will spin itself apart unless we have a serious war or other calamity to unify us.

09-12-23, 19:10
"Pretty much explains some of your posts however."


Perhaps, but I’m not going to propose pardoning the crime family currently installed in office, or diagnose Tucker Carlson as a sociopath with zero evidence or credentials. Pick that stuff up from your commie friends did ya?

Thought you were a lawyer, not an MD…….

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 19:18
Perhaps, but I’m not going to propose pardoning the crime family currently installed in office, or diagnose Tucker Carlson as a sociopath with zero evidence or credentials. Pick that stuff up from your commie friends did ya?

Thought you were a lawyer, not an MD…….

Lordy, I really got under your skin at some point.

09-12-23, 19:38
I know y'all are going to get your wish. All my liberal friends are saying the exact same stuff.

The better solution is we just remind them that this continent was ALREADY partitioned between those who want to be Eurotrash and those who don't, and THEIR side got the half called Canada.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 19:55
The better solution is we just remind them that this continent was ALREADY partitioned between those who want to be Eurotrash and those who don't, and THEIR side got the half called Canada.

I'll do that! Problem solved

09-12-23, 20:20
The innocent should be exonerated & the guilty punished accordingly...that is what the founding fathers wanted & that is all.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 20:30
The innocent should be exonerated & the guilty punished accordingly...that is what the founding fathers wanted & that is all.

So, if Trump gets convicted on the documents case he shouldn’t be pardoned? I certainly think so because the harm of incarcerating a former president is greater than the harm of letting him go.

09-12-23, 20:32
"The innocent should be exonerated & the guilty punished accordingly...that is what the founding fathers wanted & that is all."

If he's innocent, of course...if he's guilty, then no.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 20:41
You are a hard man!

I don’t care if he did it or not. Those are some piddly charges to tear a nation apart for.

09-12-23, 20:47
Absolutely & if a 1-24 hour arrest & a quick pardon are punished accordingly??

What about non-piddly charges??

09-12-23, 20:48
You are a hard man!

I don’t care if he did it or not. Those are some piddly charges to tear a nation apart for.

I agree, though it seems the left are intent on destroying the country for some reason.

09-12-23, 20:57
I'll do that! Problem solved

The problem is getting them to MOVE there... otoh, I have friends in the "Prairie Provinces" who have started talking about a movement to secede from Canada and seek US statehood. No more Ottawa looting the Alberta economy to pay the parasites in Quebec...

AND when I've mentioned the "Pop Swap" idea to my gal (remember, she's in the "belly of the beast" of Canadian leftism in Toronto) she goes straight to "HELL NO, we don't want 'em either!"...

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-12-23, 21:03
I agree, though it seems the left are intent on destroying the country for some reason.

Totally agree. The 24 hour news cycle and Internet echo chambers have destroyed second order thinking.

09-13-23, 00:36
The problem is getting them to MOVE there... otoh, I have friends in the "Prairie Provinces" who have started talking about a movement to secede from Canada and seek US statehood. No more Ottawa looting the Alberta economy to pay the parasites in Quebec...

AND when I've mentioned the "Pop Swap" idea to my gal (remember, she's in the "belly of the beast" of Canadian leftism in Toronto) she goes straight to "HELL NO, we don't want 'em either!"...

The parasites aren’t only in Quebec. Toronto gives it a good run for its money.

It really isn’t any different in the US. The large cities are self sustaining parasite collectors.

09-13-23, 00:39
The better solution is we just remind them that this continent was ALREADY partitioned between those who want to be Eurotrash and those who don't, and THEIR side got the half called Canada.


09-14-23, 07:44
As they say "Shit in one hand, wish in the other, see which one fills up first." Nothing personal at all, but it ain't happenin' bro. I would gladly eat crow if it turned out to be true, but unfortunately I won't have to.

This right here ^

I voted for him but as they say, "fool me once." 2020 was the last straw for me, I don't care what the man says now. There's no voting our way out of this fiasco, anyway, at this point. Washington, D.C. has been transformed into the Potomac Green Zone for a reason, and the vermin holed up inside that fortress do not intend to leave. Ever.

"Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."

- Romans 14:5, King James Version

09-15-23, 15:59
Trump is gaining support of the black, latino and young community. He will win in a landslide and Thank God!

09-15-23, 16:59
Trump is gaining support... He will win in a landslide and Thank God!


09-15-23, 17:29
Trump is gaining support of the black, latino and young community. He will win in a landslide and Thank God!

I'll believe they break their chains and walk off the D Plantation when I see it.

09-15-23, 22:23
Trump is gaining support of the black, latino and young community. He will win in a landslide and Thank God!

You're either joking or delusional.

09-16-23, 06:33
DJT and the Repubes have no plan for winning in 2024. Anyone see his interview with Megyn Kelley? She asked him specifically and he basically said “it’s rigged, I can’t win. But vote for me harder, need voter turnout. But it’s rigged against me”. Which, he may be right but he has no plan to beat the system other than “vote for me”.

09-16-23, 08:17
Trump is gaining support of the black, latino and young community. He will win in a landslide and Thank God!

I remember hearing the same thing in 2020. How'd that work for everyone?

09-16-23, 08:44
DJT and the Repubes have no plan for winning in 2024. Anyone see his interview with Megyn Kelley? She asked him specifically and he basically said “it’s rigged, I can’t win. But vote for me harder, need voter turnout. But it’s rigged against me”. Which, he may be right but he has no plan to beat the system other than “vote for me”.

Yeah, in that same interview with Megyn Kelley she asked him if a man could become a woman. Trump's response was "Ummm....." Like literally, that's what he said. Then he went on to dance around the actual question and at the end said "My views are still the same". Which is what?????

09-17-23, 06:25
Attempting to keep Trump off the Florida ballot over a loyalty pledge... pathetic and predictably failed.




Florida GOP gives a victory to Trump over DeSantis by scrapping a proposed primary ballot rule

Score one for former President Donald Trump over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, as the two combatants for 2024 Republican presidential nomination mixed it up in a test of their home turf strength and clout among supporters in the state they both call home.

The Republican Party of Florida's executive board, under pressure from Trump supporters, voted on Friday evening to nix a provision in its bylaws that required any candidate seeking to be on the March 19 presidential primary ballot to sign a pledge of loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

The vote was not only a show of force for Trump in his adopted home state but is also a sign that DeSantis' once iron grip over the Florida state party may be slipping.

More here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/florida-gop-gives-victory-trump-over-desantis-by-scrapping-proposed-primary-ballot-rule

09-17-23, 06:54
As I recall, DeSantis supporters were lecturing on how well DeSantis would do with Independents.

From bad to much worse for Ron DeSantis

excerpt 9/15

While independents often take a dim view of big-name politicians, DeSantis has gone from a minus 16 net favorability among them in December and minus 20 in April to minus 43 today. That minus 43 split is now worse than the ever-polarizing Trump (minus 36).

More here: .

09-17-23, 07:35
Yeah, in that same interview with Megyn Kelley she asked him if a man could become a woman. Trump's response was "Ummm....." Like literally, that's what he said. Then he went on to dance around the actual question and at the end said "My views are still the same". Which is what?????

I don't follow Megyn Kelly... but below are some of Trump's views and actionable measures. Unlike DeSantis, he doesn't seem interested in picking a fight with Mickey Mouse.

Mostly about minors:

“I will ban all taxpayer funding for sex or gender transitions at any age,” said Trump, receiving thunderous applause at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington last month. The Republican leader, who moments earlier had also pledged to reinstate a ban on transgender men and women serving in the military, paused for several seconds to soak in the crowd’s adulation.

More here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article277322158.html#storylink=cpy

09-17-23, 08:05
The Republican Party of Florida's executive board, under pressure from Trump supporters, voted on Friday evening to nix a provision in its bylaws that required any candidate seeking to be on the March 19 presidential primary ballot to sign a pledge of loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

The vote was not only a show of force for Trump in his adopted home state but is also a sign that DeSantis' once iron grip over the Florida state party may be slipping.

More here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/florida-gop-gives-victory-trump-over-desantis-by-scrapping-proposed-primary-ballot-rule

So was this an already existing by-law? Reads like it was.

Oh yeah, 'cause pledging to support whoever wins is such a bad thing. We all know if Orange Man doesn't get the nomination he will pull some kind of a third-party stunt and fvck us all. Like a petulant child.

09-17-23, 08:07
I don't follow Megyn Kelly...

I don't either. It was mentioned on talk radio on my way to work the other morning.

09-17-23, 08:12
Yeah, in that same interview with Megyn Kelley she asked him if a man could become a woman. Trump's response was "Ummm....." Like literally, that's what he said. Then he went on to dance around the actual question and at the end said "My views are still the same". Which is what?????

Well, the Trump camp has defended Disney and Bud Light in the recent past, so that's hardly surprising.

Unlike DeSantis, he doesn't seem interested in picking a fight with Mickey Mouse.

You say that like picking a fight with The Mouse is a bad thing. Every dime spent fighting DeSantis is one dime closer to that horrid company going under, and that's a good thing.

09-17-23, 08:36
So was this an already existing by-law? Reads like it was.

Oh yeah, 'cause pledging to support whoever wins is such a bad thing. We all know if Orange Man doesn't get the nomination he will pull some kind of a third-party stunt and fvck us all. Like a petulant child.

Reportedly, it was quitely slipped into the bylaws during May as DeSantis' numbers began to tank.

Lee County Republican Party Chair, Michael Thompson, was asked if he thought the loyalty pledge was designed to go after Trump. Thompson said, "Of course." He nicknamed it the “Donald J. Trump rule.”

09-17-23, 09:47
Reportedly, it was quitely slipped into the bylaws during May as DeSantis' numbers began to tank.

Lee County Republican Party Chair, Michael Thompson, was asked if he thought the loyalty pledge was designed to go after Trump. Thompson said, "Of course." He nicknamed it the “Donald J. Trump rule.”

Let me ask you this since you're a hard-core Trump fan: Since we are all expected to fall in line and vote for whoever gets the nomination to keep a Democrat out of the White House, wouldn't Trump be expected to follow suit? Or is he exempt? Special? An exception to that unwritten rule? While I don't think it needs to be a formal pledge or anything in writing, I expect Trump (if he somehow doesn't get the nomination) to support getting the Democrats out, whoever that may be. But you know as well as I do that the megalomaniac will NEVER do that if the situation presented itself.

09-17-23, 10:53
Let me ask you this since you're a hard-core Trump fan: Since we are all expected to fall in line and vote for whoever gets the nomination to keep a Democrat out of the White House, wouldn't Trump be expected to follow suit? Or is he exempt? Special? An exception to that unwritten rule? While I don't think it needs to be a formal pledge or anything in writing, I expect Trump (if he somehow doesn't get the nomination) to support getting the Democrats out, whoever that may be. But you know as well as I do that the megalomaniac will NEVER do that if the situation presented itself.

A loyalty pledge among candidates is silly and would be used by the media as a cudgel to beat Trump over the head: You raised your hand and pledged to support candidate xyz but he says blah blah blah. Why would Trump be so foolish as to get himself bogged down in such nonsense during the primary season? Why pledge support to a guy whose sole purpose in life is to inhale a dozen donuts for breakfast and hate on Trump all day long? Why pledge support to candidates polling 40-50 points behind him? I can't think of many ways it would help Trump's candidacy, you? On the other hand, a conga-line of candidates polling in single-digits raising their hands like 3rd graders pledging to support each other... c'mon.

AFTER the primary, we'll see. I don't believe there's any chance of Trump going independent as a spoiler. At this point in time (things can always change this far out) the only way Trump isn’t the GOP nominee is if the Feds are successful in legally bringing him down. Hardly something to pledge an oath: If Biden puts me in prison I'll support the other guy... please.

The Florida GOP had a decision to make. They made the right one.

09-17-23, 12:55
DJT and the Repubes have no plan for winning in 2024. Anyone see his interview with Megyn Kelley? She asked him specifically and he basically said “it’s rigged, I can’t win. But vote for me harder, need voter turnout. But it’s rigged against me”. Which, he may be right but he has no plan to beat the system other than “vote for me”.


At the risk of stating the obvious, states are responsible for conducting their elections. That means state party, elected representatives and voters. Trump can point to wrongdoing as he's done ad nauseam, and even challenge in court, however, it's ultimately the responsibility of each state.

As of Aug 2023, polling shows nearly 70% of GOP voters believe Biden's win was illegitimate. If that's the case, then the 70% should get off their dead ass (if they haven't already) to correct any shortcomings or potential for fraud in their state elections regardless of who the GOP nominee might ultimately be. Now it might be entertaining fodder for podcasters to present the issue in terms that Trump is responsible to ensure elections are free, fair and honest instead of their audience being responsible, but that's not the way it works.

Now for the good news... it's not overwhelming. Of the handful of states that gave the election to Biden, there were a total of only 40k votes. A mere 11k votes in Georgia separated Biden/Trump out of a total 5 million. The numbers we're talking about are rather small. So if it takes some closer scrutiny by election observers or whatever is needed... get out there and make a difference.

Fortunately, Tennesseans have their minds right by a large majority so I'll just sit here and criticize others. (grin)

09-17-23, 16:26
You say that like picking a fight with The Mouse is a bad thing. Every dime spent fighting DeSantis is one dime closer to that horrid company going under, and that's a good thing.

Looks like DeSantis would rather put it in the rear view mirror, move forward and forget about it. I don't blame him. Unfortunately, he chose to hang it around his is neck like a millstone. I think DeSantis' fight with Mickey Mouse, among other things, is reflected in his favorability ratings among Independents falling off a cliff. He needs to find a way to connect with America. Hope he does, particularly if Trump's legal woes overwhelm him. I don't want to see a Haley presidency.

Aug 15

exceprts from DeSantis' MSNBC interview.

“They’re [Disney] suing the state of Florida. They’re going to lose that lawsuit. . . . . So what I would say is, drop the lawsuit,” he said, adding that Florida is a “great place to do business.”

“So all we want to do is treat everybody the same, and let’s move forward. I’m totally fine with that."

09-17-23, 18:18
Looks like DeSantis would rather put it in the rear view mirror, move forward and forget about it. I don't blame him. Unfortunately, he chose to hang it around his is neck like a millstone. I think DeSantis' fight with Mickey Mouse, among other things, is reflected in his favorability ratings among Independents falling off a cliff. He needs to find a way to connect with America. Hope he does, particularly if Trump's legal woes overwhelm him. I don't want to see a Haley presidency.

Aug 15

exceprts from DeSantis' MSNBC interview.

“They’re [Disney] suing the state of Florida. They’re going to lose that lawsuit. . . . . So what I would say is, drop the lawsuit,” he said, adding that Florida is a “great place to do business.”

“So all we want to do is treat everybody the same, and let’s move forward. I’m totally fine with that."

I will only vote for DeSantis (first choice) or VERY reluctantly for Trump in the general. I absolutely refuse to vote for Haley, Pence, Fat Boy, and likely even Vivek (don't trust him). I will skip the POTUS lever entirely if any of them are the R choice, and I will blame people voting in the primaries for giving us that choice and forcing my hand. Don't care.

I hope you weren't inferring that DeSantis caved on the Disney thing, which maybe he did; Trump is no better, hence the reference earlier to his "Ummm....." response to Megan Kelley's question about a man becoming a woman.

09-17-23, 18:48
I don't know why trump hoo-haw'd that question...he already has stated more than once there are only two genders, along with everything woke turns to crap??

Weird he got spooked on it.


09-17-23, 18:51
I don't know why trump hoo-haw'd that question...he already has stated more than once there are only two genders, along with everything woke turns to crap??

Weird he got spooked on it.


Sign of the times I guess. God I'd NEVER be elected for even dogcatcher with my unyielding views!

09-18-23, 12:33
So was this an already existing by-law? Reads like it was.

Oh yeah, 'cause pledging to support whoever wins is such a bad thing. We all know if Orange Man doesn't get the nomination he will pull some kind of a third-party stunt and fvck us all. Like a petulant child.

Prove it.

I will only vote for DeSantis (first choice) or VERY reluctantly for Trump in the general. I absolutely refuse to vote for Haley, Pence, Fat Boy, and likely even Vivek (don't trust him). I will skip the POTUS lever entirely if any of them are the R choice, and I will blame people voting in the primaries for giving us that choice and forcing my hand. Don't care.

I hope you weren't inferring that DeSantis caved on the Disney thing, which maybe he did; Trump is no better, hence the reference earlier to his "Ummm....." response to Megan Kelley's question about a man becoming a woman.

Fortunately for the rest of us, your vote doesn't matter anyway. Your state will go red just fine without you! ;)

09-18-23, 13:03
Fortunately for the rest of us, your vote doesn't matter anyway. Your state will go red just fine without you! ;)

And then you have states like mine where the GOP could nominate Zombie Eisenhower, Jesus Himself could personally descend from Heaven to endorse him, and even if the D's had a team of necromancers summon Adolf Hitler back from hell our electoral votes would be awarded to the goose-stepping moron.

09-18-23, 15:14
Prove it. Only one way we'll find out.....

Fortunately for the rest of us, your vote doesn't matter anyway. Your state will go red just fine without you! ;)

Glad to see you entertain voting for RINOs! :cool: I said years ago that I would never vote for a McCain/Romney/Christie/Jeb/etc. type ever again. BTDT, never again. Haley, Pence, and Fat Boy certainly fit the bill. Vivek maybe, but we'll have to see.....not that I think he's a RINO like the others but maybe a wolf in sheep's clothing?

How about this: no matter what, you vote in your state's primary and see to it that we aren't given a choice of a RINO, then we can all be happy. ;)

EDIT---NVM, IIRC you are in my state! Please, vote DeSantis or Trump no matter what. I can deal with those choices.

09-18-23, 15:46
Glad to see you entertain voting for RINOs! :cool: I said years ago that I would never vote for a McCain/Romney/Christie/Jeb/etc. type ever again. BTDT, never again. Haley, Pence, and Fat Boy certainly fit the bill. Vivek maybe, but we'll have to see.....not that I think he's a RINO like the others but maybe a wolf in sheep's clothing?

How about this: no matter what, you vote in your state's primary and see to it that we aren't given a choice of a RINO, then we can all be happy. ;)

EDIT---NVM, IIRC you are in my state! Please, vote DeSantis or Trump no matter what. I can deal with those choices.

I'm in Oklahoma. My vote doesn't matter either, but I'll be voting for someone other than Trump in the primary. I'm still open to suggestions there, except Pence, Christie & Hutchinson. They can kindly **** off please! :)

09-18-23, 17:42
Glad to see you entertain voting for RINOs! :cool: I said years ago that I would never vote for a McCain/Romney/Christie/Jeb/etc. type ever again. BTDT, never again. Haley, Pence, and Fat Boy certainly fit the bill. Vivek maybe, but we'll have to see.....not that I think he's a RINO like the others but maybe a wolf in sheep's clothing?

How about this: no matter what, you vote in your state's primary and see to it that we aren't given a choice of a RINO, then we can all be happy. ;)

EDIT---NVM, IIRC you are in my state! Please, vote DeSantis or Trump no matter what. I can deal with those choices.

FWIW, I haven't voted *for* anyone is a long time. I end up voting *against* people pretty much universally. In the 2016 election I voted against Hillary, in the 2020 election I voted against the usurper, and in 2024 I will vote against whatever the traitors on the Left put up. But I will NOT throw my vote away by voting *for* someone who has zero chance of beating the Leftists, as some sort of misguided protest.

At the end of the day, as much as I might abhor the RINO's, they are still (at least marginally) less bad than ANYONE the Democrat party puts up. The sooner people realize that we are in a war for the soul of the nation, the sooner they will realize that sometimes you may even hate your side's leader, but at least he's fighting for the right side.

09-18-23, 18:35
FWIW, I haven't voted *for* anyone is a long time. I end up voting *against* people pretty much universally. In the 2016 election I voted against Hillary, in the 2020 election I voted against the usurper, and in 2024 I will vote against whatever the traitors on the Left put up. But I will NOT throw my vote away by voting *for* someone who has zero chance of beating the Leftists, as some sort of misguided protest.

At the end of the day, as much as I might abhor the RINO's, they are still (at least marginally) less bad than ANYONE the Democrat party puts up. The sooner people realize that we are in a war for the soul of the nation, the sooner they will realize that sometimes you may even hate your side's leader, but at least he's fighting for the right side.

Honestly I don't think we'll have one of the RINO choices to choose from.....it's gonna be DeSantis (hopefully) or Trump (reluctantly). I will vote for one of those in the general, and given enough assurance maybe Vivek.

09-19-23, 05:46
And it seems that the one that would actually win is Haley….

09-19-23, 10:55
And it seems that the one that would actually win is Haley….

Ugh. Seriously, Jeb In Drag is the best we an do? :(

09-19-23, 12:13
Sounds like he is going to skip the 2nd debate & instead address the auto union / Detroit audience.

09-19-23, 13:45
And it seems that the one that would actually win is Haley….

NH = Snowball in Hell

The election in Virginia this November will tell you all you need to know about 2024.

The Dems even have a high profile sex scandal candidate. Susanna Gibson. She has offered to do everything the Dems wanted to catch Trump at. Pretty much anything goes sexually. For a price, her and her husband both want to be paid for requested acts. He's going to need the money too because he just got dropped from BOD at a substance recovery org. He's a recovering alcoholic lawyer. Apparently they didn't care for the online sex vids. I'm sure it's not because they thought the two were poor decision makers.

You can also look to the US Senate that has basically no dress code now due to Fetterman.

All of the Liberal vote is devolving and no real signs of diminishing growth. A true race to the bottom.

Mayor of Richmond wants to build a Casino and give proceeds to child care. Translation: Proceeds will go to baby mills in the projects to raise more Dem voters.

Anyway, Virginia has it all and every seat in House of Delegates is up for grabs. Results should give a good idea where people's heads are.

09-19-23, 14:43
Sounds like he is going to skip the 2nd debate & instead address the auto union / Detroit audience.

I hadn't heard that but it makes sense. EVs that Biden is shoving down Detroit's throat require 40% less labor to produce.

09-19-23, 15:49
Sounds like he is going to skip the 2nd debate & instead address the auto union / Detroit audience.This is a good idea for a couple of reasons... One is reminding the auto unions of what supporting Biden did for them.

But there's no advantage in him going to the second debate, while him skipping it forces the other candidates to differentiate themselves from each other rather than just trying to attack DJT.

09-19-23, 17:08
Anyway, Virginia has it all and every seat in House of Delegates is up for grabs. Results should give a good idea where people's heads are.

Oh I can tell you exactly where about half this country's heads are! LOL