View Full Version : And the new Senator for the state of California is….

10-02-23, 06:31
a black female lesbian activist from Maryland. Yessiree, only the best and brightest to lead this country as we circle the drain :lol: .


10-02-23, 07:45
Sort of ties in with “Drug of Choice?” thread.
Make mine Chinese Fentanyl. LOTS of it.

10-02-23, 08:39
a black female lesbian activist from Maryland. Yessiree, only the best and brightest to lead this country as we circle the drain :lol: .


Well it is Fruitfornia after all!

10-02-23, 08:47
Well it is Fruitfornia after all!

Apparently Gruesome Newsome couldn’t find anyone radical enough in CA so he got his new Senator from Maryland. Which I didn’t know was legal but hey, we live in a post-Constitutional country now even if it isn’t legal.

10-02-23, 08:48

Truly "democracy" in action!!!

I just feel so terribly democratic now!

Like Ben Shapiro's jibe: at last Maryland has three senators.

10-02-23, 08:51
Apparently Gruesome Newsome couldn’t find anyone radical enough in CA so he got his new Senator from Maryland. Which I didn’t know was legal but hey, we live in a post-Constitutional country now even if it isn’t legal.

No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.


The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.


Elected senators clearly have to be a resident of the state for which they are elected. That is obviously also implied for appointed replacements, but it's not spelled out in so many words that I see.

As you said, the country and particularly the Dems are post-constitutional. I'm sure someone's horse will be made a senator before long.

10-02-23, 09:00
Apparently Gruesome Newsome couldn’t find anyone radical enough in CA so he got his new Senator from Maryland. Which I didn’t know was legal but hey, we live in a post-Constitutional country now even if it isn’t legal.

Remember Hillary and New York?

10-02-23, 11:13
Apparently Gruesome Newsome couldn’t find anyone radical enough in CA so he got his new Senator from Maryland. Which I didn’t know was legal but hey, we live in a post-Constitutional country now even if it isn’t legal.

You're misunderstanding the tactic. Pelsoi and her ilk were wheeling Feinstein around and hoping she didn't die before the election so they could anoint Adam Schiff to the seat. Problem is Newsom already said he would appoint a black woman, but Barbara Lee was too strong and already running against Schiff and Katie Porter. If he appointed Barbara Lee she probably would have to swept Schiff in the election. Cant have that, so they found a disposable placeholder in Laphonza Butler.

The whole point is the stack things in Schiff's favor because he is the bigger corporatist.

10-02-23, 11:20
Having these brain dead communists foist their village idiots on the rest of the country is so tiresome…..

10-02-23, 16:16
So does this mean that CA has no black lesbians?

10-02-23, 16:32
So does this mean that CA has no black lesbians?

Clearly. Ha!

10-02-23, 17:49
a black female lesbian activist from Maryland. Yessiree, only the best and brightest to lead this country as we circle the drain :lol: .


That's pretty mainstream, I'm sure they'd have preferred a trans pedophile.

10-02-23, 17:51
Apparently Gruesome Newsome couldn’t find anyone radical enough in CA so he got his new Senator from Maryland. Which I didn’t know was legal but hey, we live in a post-Constitutional country now even if it isn’t legal.

Hillary was a NY senator from which state? The senate might as well be the NFL.

10-02-23, 19:08
Good, voters get what they deserve.

10-02-23, 19:58
Good, voters get what they deserve.

After the 2020 election debacle I recall some guys from Kali saying "There were more votes for Trump than any other state". That may be true; Kali is the most populous state in the Union. Flipside and key to the point is that there were also more votes for FJB than any other state! The lunatics run the asylum out there.

10-03-23, 04:22
Good, voters get what they deserve.

The rest of the voters in CA sure don't deserve it. Lots of good people there for all kinds of reasons. Work, deployed, been there for three generations, etc.

10-03-23, 08:14
The rest of the voters in CA sure don't deserve it. Lots of good people there for all kinds of reasons. Work, deployed, been there for three generations, etc.

California was a prosperous and majority Republican state regularly from the 1950's through the late 1980's. Someone might have lived a good chunk of their life in happy, prosperous, conservative California and still be living in neo-communist hellhole 3rd-world Kommiefornia today. We shouldn't hate on all Californians. Only the ones responsible for the current mess.

BTW much of New York state was moderately conservative and basically midwestern in the recent past as well.

There are a lot of reasons those and other states have swung far left, but among them is mass immigration, both legal and illegal. And of course the illegals should not have any effect on a state's politics, but of course they do.