View Full Version : Forum Update

11-02-23, 15:29
Good Afternoon All,

We wanted to pass along some information on the future of the M4 Carbine forum. The forum came under new ownership/managment this year and the new ownership group is committed to keeping the spirit of the forum alive while updating the experience.

We are currently working on a massive forum overhaul which will move the forum to a new platform making M4 Carbine the most advanced forum in the industry. The current software the forum runs on will not be supported much longer and it is a needed change.

#1 Goal of this transition is ensure that all data is preserved. I was personal friends with Will Larson and many other members of the forum who have passed on. We want to ensure all users are able to still access historical posts from those users for all time while being able to access new more modern features.

This will include great new opportunites for Sponsors and members alike, we will be reaching out to sponsors and moderators in the near future to explain new features and options.

Rest assured the forum has a bright future and our goal is advanced the forum while retaining the spirit that makes it great.


11-02-23, 15:35
After the transition is completed will the name of the new ownership group be published?

11-02-23, 15:42
Our intention is to keep it under wraps because we want the forum to be open and not influenced by who owns it. We are here to make sure the forum succeeds as a community and not to promote our own interests. The ownership is long term members of the gun industry who have made it a point to be fair, even and not bias the forum in anyway.


11-02-23, 16:18
As long as it's not those anti-gun Canucks or Brownells trying to pound our square peg into the round BARFCOM hole.

11-02-23, 16:31
Good afternoon.
Is it going to be available on the Fora app or its own app?

11-02-23, 17:03
It will be nice to get moving forward again. Thank you for the update.

11-02-23, 18:11
As long as it's not those anti-gun Canucks or Brownells trying to pound our square peg into the round BARFCOM hole.

Haha neither, not Canadian, not brownells, and definitely no pegging.

11-02-23, 18:13
It will be nice to get moving forward again. Thank you for the update.

Were looking forward to it as well and ill reach out directly to you because a big goal is ensuring the forum has solid original content.

11-02-23, 18:14
There will be an app version, well put out more details in the coming 6-8 weeks

11-02-23, 18:27
I’m glad to hear this.

11-02-23, 19:26
Please make it easier to post photos as many other forums allow this effortlessly, including several firearms forums. Not easy to do this in the current format.

11-03-23, 09:56
Please make it easier to post photos as many other forums allow this effortlessly, including several firearms forums. Not easy to do this in the current format.

I still think its easiest to host a pic on one of the free sites (I use Tumblr), and post the pics here using the Tumblr url. However, you aren't the first person to show issue with the pic posting.

11-03-23, 11:15
Thank you for sharing. I look forward to what the future holds for the forum and hope to continue seeing quality content and information posted.

11-03-23, 19:17
I hope you keep the colored background which is easy on the eyes. And keep a posting icon to easily load pics from photo library.

11-03-23, 19:37
Thank you for the update @STAFF. Could you tell us if the forum will maintain support for Tapatalk, please?

11-03-23, 20:30
I look forward to the changes.

11-03-23, 20:34
Thanks for the update.

11-04-23, 06:52
Our intention is to keep it under wraps because we want the forum to be open and not influenced by who owns it. We are here to make sure the forum succeeds as a community and not to promote our own interests. The ownership is long term members of the gun industry who have made it a point to be fair, even and not bias the forum in anyway.


Love the openness and reasoning for secrecy. Make sure the word "equity" is included it the mission statement. That will provide an additional layer of fairness and non-bias perception.

11-05-23, 12:14
Love the openness and reasoning for secrecy. Make sure the word "equity" is included it the mission statement. That will provide an additional layer of fairness and non-bias perception.

One of the things most people aren't aware of is that certain other sites, especially a large one, not only charge massive amounts of money, but also have "highly suggested" large dollar product donations they ask to be made. Depending on how much money and product you give, depends on how much "flexibility" you get on the forum.

I've never seen that on this site. Not even once.

The reason I bring this up is there is "fairness" in print, and there is fairness in actuality. Two very different things.

11-07-23, 12:46
The software we are moving too is way way more modern, so that won't be an issue.

11-07-23, 12:50
Thank you for the update @STAFF. Could you tell us if the forum will maintain support for Tapatalk, please?

I will find out, thats something we had brought up. The new software has its own app and not sure if its compatible with Tapatalk. I hope it is, but either way getting off Vbulletin was a must, its not being kept current and it will eventually go away and not be supported.

11-08-23, 15:23
Was the down time today upgrade related or did you get hit with a DNS attack?

11-08-23, 15:38
Was the down time today upgrade related or did you get hit with a DNS attack?

I noticed this too

11-09-23, 04:25
Forum was down for two days on my end….

11-09-23, 09:19
Was the down time today upgrade related or did you get hit with a DNS attack?

We were working on server side and broke something, Shouldn't be anymore downtime till we go live with the new system.

11-09-23, 09:21
Forum was down for two days on my end….

Hmm should have only been 8 hours max, I am not 100% sure when it went down, think it was over night so we didn't notice till the morning.

11-09-23, 09:39
Hmm should have only been 8 hours max, I am not 100% sure when it went down, think it was over night so we didn't notice till the morning.

Sounds about right. Went down ~8pm, as I recollect, and was back up in the morning.

11-09-23, 09:50
We were working on server side and broke something, Shouldn't be anymore downtime till we go live with the new system.

Been there done that. Ask the new owners to pony up for a distributed hosting model so you have some sort of redundancy.

11-09-23, 09:59
Been there done that. Ask the new owners to pony up for a distributed hosting model so you have some sort of redundancy.

OTOH then you're at your platform's mercy, and Cloudflare LOVES yoinking the rug out from under Wrongthinkers. Toward the end of my time as a mod there they had threatened Redstate with deplatforming SEVERAL times after the 2020 election, part of why management turned to Karening and cowardice there.

11-09-23, 10:18
OTOH then you're at your platform's mercy, and Cloudflare LOVES yoinking the rug out from under Wrongthinkers. Toward the end of my time as a mod there they had threatened Redstate with deplatforming SEVERAL times after the 2020 election, part of why management turned to Karening and cowardice there.

Preaching to the choir. We are an AWS shop. Look at what they did to GAB. I'm neither a fan nor detractor, but they got shot down and then created their own hosting facility and services. That is the way.

11-09-23, 10:42
Preaching to the choir. We are an AWS shop. Look at what they did to GAB. I'm neither a fan nor detractor, but they got shot down and then created their own hosting facility and services. That is the way.

That is the way until everyone gets put on an Alphabet Agency’s watchlist.

11-09-23, 10:52
Preaching to the choir. We are an AWS shop. Look at what they did to GAB. I'm neither a fan nor detractor, but they got shot down and then created their own hosting facility and services. That is the way.

I have this debate DAILY with my mother who works in Boeing IT, blissfully in denial about how many third-party platforms the systems that keep the company running and planes airworthy depend on and how all it takes is ONE GUY at AWS or Google to decide he has a serious case of the Butthurt Bitchness and throw the killswitch because "we're a ludicrously huge defense/gov contractor and they wouldn't DARE."

Yeah, that's what everybody said about the union [edit: my bad, it was the flaming commies at IAM, not ALPA] when they decided they hated Frank Borman so much they were gonna burn all of Eastern Airlines to the ground to stick it to him...

11-09-23, 11:04
I have this debate DAILY with my mother who works in Boeing IT, blissfully in denial about how many third-party platforms the systems that keep the company running and planes airworthy depend on and how all it takes is ONE GUY at AWS or Google to decide he has a serious case of the Butthurt Bitchness and throw the killswitch because "we're a ludicrously huge defense/gov contractor and they wouldn't DARE."

Yeah, that's what everybody said about the ALPA when they decided they hated Frank Borman so much they were gonna burn all of Eastern Airlines to the ground to stick it to him...

It was a legit concern when we migrated from a physical data center to AWS a number of years ago. Purely from a risk standpoint it is now your Achilles heel. Not only that but bet your a$$ if you have a good business model at some point AWS will launch a competing service. That and controlling costs. We had to hire a third party to constantly manage and tweak our "set up" or the monthly bill just grows unchecked. I do miss the days, sometimes, of having two data centers.

11-09-23, 11:10
That is the way until everyone gets put on an Alphabet Agency’s watchlist.

If you are not already on those lists, then you are not doing your part and are part of the problem........ ;)

11-09-23, 11:25
If you are not already on those lists, then you are not doing your part and are part of the problem........ ;)

I just assume that everyone on this board except the plants, trolls and Ray Eppses are scheduled for a visit from our own personal Mommy-Murderin' Lonnie at the stroke of midnight on Kinetic Day, you guys for what you know/have one/can do and the rest of us like me just by association "to make sure"--including your kids, dogs and even the squirrel in my front yard.

11-09-23, 12:09
I just assume that everyone on this board except the plants, trolls and Ray Eppses are scheduled for a visit from our own personal Mommy-Murderin' Lonnie at the stroke of midnight on Kinetic Day, you guys for what you know/have one/can do and the rest of us like me just by association "to make sure"--including your kids, dogs and even the squirrel in my front yard.

They best come well armed, trained and move quickly or it won't go well very quickly.

11-09-23, 12:12
They best come well armed, trained and move quickly or it won't go well very quickly.

I wouldn't rule out drone strikes, either. Or false-flag "mysterious unsolved home-invasions"...

11-09-23, 13:00
Speaking of getting off vBulletin... What's the new software? I have a buddy who has two wargaming forums running on vBulletin that he's keeping held together with duct tape, bubblegum and baling wire (and having several just SCARY outages with data loss a year) and I'm trying to see if I can find him a viable option on a shoestring budget so we don't lose the technical-research legacies of any more of our fallen members.

11-10-23, 07:07
The software we are moving too is way way more modern, so that won't be an issue.

Hopefully the upgrade allows your team better tools to manage the site as well. It can't be easy catching bots and other bad actors, maybe some AI to show you possible issues before 100 of us flag them (causing more work). Looking forward to it.

11-10-23, 22:23
Please keep the Tapatalk plugin in the new forum software. All the other forums have dropped Tapatalk and I've quit posting or reading them.

11-17-23, 12:25
If you are not already on those lists, then you are not doing your part and are part of the problem........ ;)

If it sets anyone's minds at ease, new ownership is definitely on all the lists. Some you've probably never even heard of.

11-17-23, 12:48
Please keep the Tapatalk plugin in the new forum software. All the other forums have dropped Tapatalk and I've quit posting or reading them.I agree.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

11-26-23, 14:25
Just now seeing this, very cool.I’m excited. Especially the part about keeping the old school posts around and accessible. IG was the man that put me on my current path and I am still learning stuff from him via his posts here and his are not the only ones. I’ve pretty much walked away from most forums but continue to support this one for the legit information, much of it historical. Best wish for the new owners.

If you are not already on those lists, then you are not doing your part and are part of the problem........ ;)

Hear, hear!! Was just about to post if you’re not on the lists you’re doing it wrong and most likely a commie cunt.

11-28-23, 17:02
If you're gonna move a thread, tell me where the hell you moved it to.

11-28-23, 17:20
It usually ends up in the obviously correct forum.

12-27-23, 23:32
Good Afternoon All,

We wanted to pass along some information on the future of the M4 Carbine forum. The forum came under new ownership/managment this year and the new ownership group is committed to keeping the spirit of the forum alive while updating the experience.

We are currently working on a massive forum overhaul which will move the forum to a new platform making M4 Carbine the most advanced forum in the industry. The current software the forum runs on will not be supported much longer and it is a needed change.

#1 Goal of this transition is ensure that all data is preserved. I was personal friends with Will Larson and many other members of the forum who have passed on. We want to ensure all users are able to still access historical posts from those users for all time while being able to access new more modern features.

This will include great new opportunites for Sponsors and members alike, we will be reaching out to sponsors and moderators in the near future to explain new features and options.

Rest assured the forum has a bright future and our goal is advanced the forum while retaining the spirit that makes it great.


I am interested in site sponsorship for my company but have not been able to make contact with anyone. All of the links for doing so just take me to a page that says it is not viewable to the public.

01-05-24, 14:47
I am interested in site sponsorship for my company but have not been able to make contact with anyone. All of the links for doing so just take me to a page that says it is not viewable to the public.

Hey Joe,

The switch over should happen in the next couple of weeks, we are planning to hire a part time employee to run the forum day to day so there will be someone here watching it all the time.


01-05-24, 14:50
Please keep the Tapatalk plugin in the new forum software. All the other forums have dropped Tapatalk and I've quit posting or reading them.

Unfortunately, it won't be. That was a stated goal of the project, but we couldn't find a more modern software that met all the other requirements and was tapatalk compatible. New software does have its own app, it is safe from being shut off because we are a gun community and is available on other chat apps we will list out.

01-05-24, 16:08
Hey Joe,

The switch over should happen in the next couple of weeks, we are planning to hire a part time employee to run the forum day to day so there will be someone here watching it all the time.


Meaning a software guy, or more along the lines of a paid staff / moderator?

01-05-24, 20:46
Unfortunately, it won't be. That was a stated goal of the project, but we couldn't find a more modern software that met all the other requirements and was tapatalk compatible. New software does have its own app, it is safe from being shut off because we are a gun community and is available on other chat apps we will list out.

The forum will lose a lot of engagement without Tapatalk. I urge you to reconsider.

ETA: Especially if the new app is Fora, and you are Vertical Scope. Expect to lose close to 50% engagement.

01-06-24, 12:19
The forum will lose a lot of engagement without Tapatalk. I urge you to reconsider.

ETA: Especially if the new app is Fora, and you are Vertical Scope. Expect to lose close to 50% engagement.

What other options are available?

01-06-24, 18:36
What other options are available?The Xenforo forum software accomplished all the originally stated goals, and also works with Tapatalk.

01-06-24, 19:31
ETA: Especially if the new app is Fora, and you are Vertical Scope. Expect to lose close to 50% engagement.

Let us hope in this.

@georgeib my understanding is that it isn't vertical scope. I don't know for 100% who it is but again we (mods/staff) have been assured it isn't vertical scope.

01-06-24, 19:35
Let us hope in this.Yeah, I saw that. But the whole "no Tapatalk plugin" and "has its own app" is giving me a bad feeling... Let's hope my concern is unfounded.

01-06-24, 21:09
I think I tried Tapatalk for about three days or so and absolutely hated it. I expected it to be great considering how many people use it, but I find it much easier to just leave a few tabs open in Chrome and view the full website.

01-06-24, 22:06
The Xenforo forum software accomplished all the originally stated goals, and also works with Tapatalk.
Not any longer. VS scraped all TT access so they could launch their own garbage app to control all of their content and advertising revenue in house. VS is a cancer on all web forum communities.

01-06-24, 22:15
Not any longer. VS scraped all TT access so they could launch their own garbage app to control all of their content and advertising revenue in house. VS is a cancer on all web forum communities.Exactly. That's why I was suggesting, in answer to @Stickman, that the XenForo forum software serves to achieve the stated goals of the forum software upgrade, and still has Tapatalk access. Vertical Scope is a plague, compounded with their crappy Fora app.

01-07-24, 05:30
I think I tried Tapatalk for about three days or so and absolutely hated it. I expected it to be great considering how many people use it, but I find it much easier to just leave a few tabs open in Chrome and view the full website.

It’s leaps/bounds better than the VS app… because Tapatalk went thru its crappy moments. I prefer the current setup of Tapatalk than any of the mobile versions I’ve seen thus far.

Update or two ago for VS app, can’t mark forums read. Like, really? That’s the part you drop?

For an app…

-easily show me threads I posted in.
-easily show me threads with new posts.
-easily allow me to go into specific sections of the forum that may interest me, and be able to see new posts.
-easily allow me to mark all read after browsing, so I can keep up with discussions.

And specifically for the VS app… allow users to remove forums from the list of communities. I went thru and found some dead forums that I stopped visiting because some have similar names to other forums I do visit.

That isn’t even going into that the VS app is literally a browser with crappy interface. If VS changes it and does what I posted above (which is the current version of Tapatalk), I’m sold. If not… bye.

01-07-24, 16:39
I tried the Fora app for a couple of weeks and I thought it was ok at first, but ended up not liking it.
I hope the new version is not on the Fora app.

01-07-24, 17:18
If you wan an example of how NOT to do things, look at what's happened to GunHub after its acquisition by Second Media. It's basically been turned into nothing but a classifieds-board for advertisers albeit with a VERY deep archive from BatleRifles and M14Forum.

01-08-24, 09:57
I did a bit of poking around and learned some nuances:

The main one being Fora (with an a) is different than foro/xenforo. But it's a bit complicated.

Xenforo forum software was/is developed by the two original developers of vbulletin.

While not free it's licenses are fairly inexpensive and you can get selfhosted or cloud versions with varying options. It is fairly well respected and one of the top contenders. {(If not the top)

As of what I can tell from searching today it has not been acquired by vertical scope though that is a constant rumor.

Vertical scope does use a highly modified version of xenforo on their forums. So a lot of people tend to conflate the two together, so most forum admins say the vertical scope modifications make the user experience unrecognizable versus distribution xenforo.

Vertical scope does own and promote Fora (with an a) as a forum reading App. It is widely hated, with good reason.

What about other apps for xenforo? Most folks complain about the current app offering from xenforo as well, though they are supposedly in development of one that is much nicer.

The outline in earlier post of what tapatalk allows you to do efficiently is exactly right. I can see on red post s and go straight to them without having to go through pages of stuff I've already seen. I can Mark her form red. I can easily upload images directly to the forums and attachment. Ads, if present, are very unobtrusive.

Virtually none of the above occurs using a mobile phone on most native forums.

If M4C has apps other than Fora, I'll give them a try. But if it does not accomplish the above points, my participation will dwindle as my time to read m4c on my laptop is 2% of the time I spend compared to tapatalk.

There are forums I used to participate in more than m4c that I rarely go to now because of their miserable web experience on phones and no TaT sppt.

I appreciate the staff / admins sharing what they can and hope there is a path forward for all of us.

01-09-24, 12:37
Have ya READ their Terms of Service lately? Discord chat app's TOS are so cryptocommie "we can yoink you for ANYTHING we don't like" that my politics group closed our membership and rename ourselves to be as gray-man as possible.


'Do not use hate speech or engage in other hateful conduct. This includes the use of hate symbols and claims that deny the history of mass human atrocities.

We consider hate speech to be any form of expression that either attacks other people or promotes hatred or violence against them based on their protected characteristics.

We consider the following to be protected characteristics: age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; and weight and size."
So much room for abuse there.

"Do not organize, promote, or support violent extremism. This also includes glorifying violent events or the perpetrators of violent acts, as well as promoting conspiracy theories that could encourage or incite violence against others."
IOW, BLM/Antifa good, J6/other ostensibly-right bad.

"Do not share real media depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm, especially with the intention to harass or shock others."
Bye-bye hunting pics and Terminal Ballistics discussion.

"Do not share false or misleading information (otherwise known as misinformation). Content that is false, misleading, and can lead to significant risk of physical or societal harm may not be shared on Discord. We may remove content if we reasonably believe its spread could result in damage to physical infrastructure, injury of others, obstruction of participation in civic processes, or the endangerment of public health."
Now who have we heard THAT from before?

"Do not organize, promote, or engage in any illegal behavior, such as the buying, selling, or trading of dangerous and regulated goods. Dangerous goods have reasonable potential to cause real-world, physical harm to individuals. Regulated goods have laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade, or ownership of the goods. "
Bye-bye Classifieds!