View Full Version : Disappearing Posts

01-05-09, 08:46
It's causing me a bit of concern, to see that certain posts, have been disappearing. I've tried contacting a mod for that particular forum, but no response, and now I'm bringing it out for general review.

The disappearing posts haven't been mine, nor have they have been of flaming content. The posts were in the feedback section, and though they were of negative bend, they were politely phrased, and they were expressing a person's view of their experiences.

If the posts are deliberately being removed because the forum doesn't want to view negative feedback, then we are defeating the purpose and trust of a forum. I have learned a great deal from others here, but if the moderators are judicially removing certain posts, then it throws the entire trust factor into question, and people will stop trusting what others have to share.

01-05-09, 08:49
I believe that it is all a part of the database issue that has been going on for the past five days. Nothing more nothing less.

01-05-09, 09:30
lalakai - We're working closely with our host to fix the issues as soon as possible. Sorry for the issues and hopefully we'll have them fixed and be back to 100% very soon.