View Full Version : Admiral Yamamoto

01-05-09, 12:03
I had seen this quote many times before, but someone emailed this to me today.

Admiral Yamamoto: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." Advising Japan's military leaders of the futility of an invasion of the mainland United States because of the widespread availability of guns. It has been theorized that this was a major contributing factor in Japan's decision not to land on North America early in the war when they had vastly superior military strength. This delay gave our industrial infrastructure time to gear up for the conflict and was decisive in our later victory.

I replied back to the person adding this:

...And if ever a day came that another nation considered landing on my country's soil and coming face to face with the sheep that American citezens are seen as by many around the globe... Let them come to find this sheep armed to the teeth with the most radical of all known weapons, standing tall and proud to die in front of family and friend, defending that and those that are loved. This is my creed to my family, my country, and my brothers at arm. Let the dogs of war loose, for my teeth are sharp and my claws ready to deal death.

01-05-09, 13:38
Great reply! ;)

01-05-09, 23:54
i would not worry about an invasion from abroad. i would worry about an invasion from washington D C . those assholes there are more dangerous than any foreign power. think about it.

01-07-09, 11:10
I agree that a slow and methodical removal of our rights from within is what we are seeing now... but also note that Asia is getting stronger by the second and Russia is getting back into the war machine game. We are hated across the globe by many and as Sept 11th showed you and me...hated enough that some wish us to simply.... be dead.

The day may come (Many don't allow themselves to even consider this option...) that a foreign military will attempt... and maybe succede at putting foot down on American soil. If so, by the love of God....I pray we still have the proverbial "Gun Behind Every Blade Of Grass". If we do, they will stand no chance. If our available ammunition and available riffles are taken from our hands... we will be sheep waiting for slaughter.

I pray to die long before that ever happens to my home, but folks in other countries pray for the same thing... and then face war in thier home land.

You never know what tomorow will bring. Plan well, pray for safety for your country and your family, and stand beside other brave Americans and die like a proud man should our country ever get compromised.

I promise to be there beside you my brothers.

Until then, I will hold tight to my family and my country and even tighter to my Lord. I pray every day and thank the Lord that we live free and happy in a safe place that allows us to pretend that evil is not trying to close in from all sides. Many Americans simply don't understand what is out there. I have been to many other countries and seen the lives of many people. In general, we do live in a fantasy land. So many folks here have no idea...they go day to day never thinking of the things that go bump in the night. For years we have been so safe and secure as a nation that the general population simply expects this continue forever....and I hope it does....but it can change in a moment and rock us to the core. Take away the arms that a large percentage of us have....and you strip away a huge part of our naturally occuring self defense system that our country is well known for. It would be like telling the criminals in your home town that your the richest man in town....but you have no dogs, no guns, and no phone to call the police. How long will your home remain secure?

Our safety as a country is partly because of the fact that we have retired military in every town with the training and equipment to defend. We have "average joe's" willing to stand up with the available equipment and fight beside that retired soldier. And we have military with some of the best equipment on earth. Everyone knows it. No one wants to see what would happen to them if they came here......for today. What about tomorow? What if?