View Full Version : thought you guys would be intrested in this

01-06-09, 01:25
I just got done watching an episode of "30 days" on hulu.com and this particular one was related to gun control so I though you might want to see it.

in case you're not familiar with the show, what they do is either the host of a random person will immerse themselves in a culture they're not familiar with for 30 days. in this episode an anti-gun woman goes to live with a pro-gun father and son for a month.


01-06-09, 02:25
Stupid bitch.

It's really hard to watch this. I just want to throw the macbook across the TV room.

01-06-09, 03:08
LOL@ all the crying.

The anti's are freakin' weird...

Even if they knew of close ones getting killed with guns, they have a retarded emotional reasoning, shootings = guns bad.

Soldiers & cops experience/actually see this same thing, but most rationalize it in a better way, shootings = people bad.

Logic seems to be in short supply for some...

01-08-09, 02:35
Wow. I loved the part where her father, a Marine (!), spouts the same idiotic view.

01-08-09, 04:12
That 50 cal. sure didn't look like a machine gun to me.

01-08-09, 04:49
Seriously though, I thought it was done pretty well, and the father represented gun owners intelligently. There were a few instances where he could have made better points, like with the idiots from Ceasefire. When they gave their BS about common sense laws, he should have told them it would be common sense to actually prosecute these people instead of slapping them on the wrist.

01-08-09, 06:26
Stupid bitch.

It's really hard to watch this. I just want to throw the macbook across the TV room.

did you watch the whole thing? thats what I thought at first but by the end she wasn't nearly as closed minded.

01-08-09, 07:58
It's nice to see that she understands the complexity of the issue now.


01-08-09, 12:54
Who are you afraid of? I live two miles from where 4 murders in 2 nights were committed. And I don't have a gun...

So who's the irrational one, then? Wouldn't a reasonable person carry one if they are allowed? Who are you afraid of? How about the murderers? (Although the better question might be, "Who are you prepared for?"

Then cut to the inanimate guns which make her feel unsafe in the house. Not scared of the father or the son, but the guns.

Also interesting and noteworthy is that the assault weapons verbiage campaign has worked in her case. Any EBRs are automatically a "machine gun".

Also when she starts quoting all the gun crime in America stats. Pardon, but isn't it because what those people are doing is against current LAWs than make them crimes? C'mon, the laws are already there! Get the criminals and see real justice served.

Ultimately, did she annoy the heck out of me? Yes.

Still, I thought overall this was a very good episode. And don't you wish you could just expose every gun control advocate to something like this? Not just for an hour at a range or a few minutes at a gun shop but some real time with real people like this young lady did. It would take something on that scale to teach the anti-gunners just what gun ownership in America is really all about. Otherwise there is no way for them to understand.

01-08-09, 22:00
I'm at the 18 minute mark, right when she starts crying after shooting towards the poor clay pigeon... Can't go on and listen to any more of this one sided babble from a woman who knows absolutely nothing about guns and proves it ever time she opens her mouth...

For those that can survive this tripe longer than I can, I'm hoping that somewhere around the halfway mark they show the story from the other side to balance things out, but I know they won't...

She let everyone know exactly how wrong she is about things when she said "The cops and the military are there to protect us."

01-08-09, 22:05
It does, she actually has to confront a family who are alive today because of guns.

The chick is from Brockton, MA. I lived in the next town over in Whitman and actually had a Deputy Sheriff offer me his BUG it was so bad at the time (couple officers were shot when kids would just walk up to their cruiser and shoot them).

You also really need to remember that since she does live in MA she has very much been influenced by the Media and liberal democrats from the state who tell them to RELY on 911 to save them from an attacker (or blow a whistle).

An Undocumented Worker
01-09-09, 01:07
I have to admit that program seemed to be one of the most unbiased representations of both sides of the fence that I have seen. I just wish more in the media actually tried as hard as this show did to remove bias from thier reporting.

While they didn't go as in depth as I would like I think it represented both sides fairly.

01-09-09, 01:17
The pizza shop was funny, the girl couldn't have been more nonchalant about the city girl carrying a gun.

01-09-09, 03:07
I have to admit that program seemed to be one of the most unbiased representations of both sides of the fence that I have seen. I just wish more in the media actually tried as hard as this show did to remove bias from thier reporting.

While they didn't go as in depth as I would like I think it represented both sides fairly.

I agree, I was quite shocked to see the guy talking about how he defended his family and her honest response. I wouldn't have thought they would actually include such footage.