View Full Version : List of Companies Terrorists Supporters Are Boycotting...

01-22-24, 00:39
Don't want to give them clicks so here is the image.


Just ordered some Puma's on Amazon, guess I'm doing McDonalds tomorrow.

01-22-24, 04:34
WTF I’ll fill up Chevron and pick up flame broiled for lunch tomorrow.

01-22-24, 04:59
Ironically, most of all of these companies are both DEI & Democrat supporters, were complete Nazis when it came to pushing the vaccine on their employees , masking their customers, and a host of other nasty and oppressive crap. They didn't suddenly become the good guys because they happened to be attacked by someone you don't like.

The enemy of my enemy is... still my enemy.

01-22-24, 05:33
Of those I only use Amazon but that’s been a lot less of late.

01-22-24, 06:29
Ironically, most of all of these companies are both DEI & Democrat supporters, were complete Nazis when it came to pushing the vaccine on their employees , masking their customers, and a host of other nasty and oppressive crap. They didn't suddenly become the good guys because they happened to be attacked by someone you don't like.

The enemy of my enemy is... still my enemy.

That's what I was thinking.


Haven't heard anything about Caterpillar so far. Lol

01-22-24, 09:39
Sounds like we need to find out who's financing the Hamashumpers and prepare a Blacklist of our own. We really DO need to get to work on creating that "Parallel Economy" so we can completely divorce from the Woke Megacorps and the Big Banksters at the Big Four who pull their puppet strings...

Sometimes when I look back at the history of a former family employer, I wonder if New York Central CEO Robert R. Young might have had a little "help" eating that mouthful of buckshot in 1958 because he was kinda the Perot/Trump of railroading and similarly challenged the Banksters. (He coined the term, also.)

01-22-24, 10:03
I note the irony of Puma, founded by Rudolph Dassler, a Nazi. Texaco? BP? Do they not understand that some of the money these companies make get funneled back to organizations that support Gaza and Hamas?

01-22-24, 14:25
Ironically, most of all of these companies are both DEI & Democrat supporters, were complete Nazis when it came to pushing the vaccine on their employees , masking their customers, and a host of other nasty and oppressive crap. They didn't suddenly become the good guys because they happened to be attacked by someone you don't like.

The enemy of my enemy is... still my enemy.

I understand that. But I've always kind of liked Puma's and enjoy McDonalds fries from time to time. And if doing that makes Hamas cry, well...even better.

01-22-24, 14:30
I note the irony of Puma, founded by Rudolph Dassler, a Nazi. Texaco? BP? Do they not understand that some of the money these companies make get funneled back to organizations that support Gaza and Hamas?

Hitler gave us the Volkswagen and hippies did love that bus. Ironies abound. Growing up in a neighborhood heavily populated by doctors and lawyers, being jewish didn't prevent anyone from having a mercedes.

01-22-24, 17:28
I note the irony of Puma, founded by Rudolph Dassler, a Nazi.

I had heard of the Puma vs Adidas brothers, but never read the details. That's kinda funny. :D


01-22-24, 17:32
Hitler gave us the Volkswagen and hippies did love that bus. Ironies abound. Growing up in a neighborhood heavily populated by doctors and lawyers, being jewish didn't prevent anyone from having a mercedes.. Or a Glock, or a Walther, or an H&K.

01-22-24, 21:06
. Or a Glock, or a Walther, or an H&K.

Ummm, HK didn't exist until after the war, however they were founded by former Mauser engineers.

But honestly even your Krupp coffee maker has a history.

01-22-24, 21:40
Ironically, most of all of these companies are both DEI & Democrat supporters, were complete Nazis when it came to pushing the vaccine on their employees , masking their customers, and a host of other nasty and oppressive crap. They didn't suddenly become the good guys because they happened to be attacked by someone you don't like.

The enemy of my enemy is... still my enemy.


01-22-24, 21:55
Hitler gave us the Volkswagen and hippies did love that bus. Ironies abound. Growing up in a neighborhood heavily populated by doctors and lawyers, being jewish didn't prevent anyone from having a mercedes.

Mercedes is named after the daughter of Jewish entrepreneur, Emil Jellinek. So the joke is on the Nazi's.


01-22-24, 22:27
Mercedes is named after the daughter of Jewish entrepreneur, Emil Jellinek. So the joke is on the Nazi's.


Hitler's personal chauffeur, Emil Maurice was mixed jewish ancestry (1/8th jewish) but was declared an honorary aryan and even allowed to join the SS. While under the Nuremberg laws he was considered "german blooded" and "belonging to the German race and nation; approved to have Reich citizenship" he definitely didn't meet the stated criteria for the SS much to the annoyance of Himmler.

Which really goes to show that ultimately, it was all about power and just doing whatever the hell you felt like doing because you were in power. And if that meant saying one thing and making it change (or end) the lives of millions of people and then contradicting yourself because you felt like it, that really is all the nazis were and nothing more.

And you can see it in the people who have nothing better to do than try and prevent other people from eating McDonalds or Starbucks. If they actually cared about "humanity" or "innocent lives" they'd have condemned the October attacks, instead barely a week later they started talking about how Israel shut off the water supply. They are as racist as the nazis, there care less about humanity than Israel who up to that point was still trying to work out a two state solution. The palestinians demonstrated they have no interest in "co existence" with anyone, that is why they have a terrorist organization representing them instead of a government.