View Full Version : Issues with Germany's new G95A1

01-26-24, 10:49
Knowing how the press loves hyperbole, this may be blown out of proportion:

"Current testing by the army in laboratory conditions shows that the weapon doesn’t meet army standards when loaded with combat ammunition,” said the review, which was first revealed by Der Spiegel news magazine.

“The army requires an assault rifle that is sufficiently accurate under real conditions with its combat ammunition,” the report said. The defence ministry, it added, “can no longer ensure this... due to a modified contract with the weapon manufacturer”. The army’s procurement department allowed gunmaker Heckler & Koch to test the weapon using civilian ammunition, rather than the same cartridges used by the army.

Testing was also allowed to take place at room temperature rather than at extreme temperatures.

Concerns over the new weapon’s accuracy are not shared among the country’s troops, Der Spiegel reported.

Germany’s elite KSK troops are equipped with the G95A1 and have had no complaints, the magazine reported."


01-26-24, 12:07
The 416 has a nearly 2 decade record of proven success in combat. How is it now problematic?

01-26-24, 13:58
Does this speak about the rifle itself or their issue ammo?

01-26-24, 18:00
The 416 has a nearly 2 decade record of proven success in combat. How is it now problematic?

They failed to shoot it in extreme conditions and didn't use the right ammo. It's the testing conditions that were failed, the rifle didn't fail.

01-27-24, 02:40
So are you left to conduct your own testing without .mil interest or intervention, or ??

01-27-24, 05:19
Did Heineken/Caracal pass with standard ammunition and extreme temperatures?

I’m leaving the typo but correction: Haenel

01-27-24, 07:26
They failed to shoot it in extreme conditions and didn't use the right ammo. It's the testing conditions that were failed, the rifle didn't fail.

The way I read it the rifle is failing under extreme conditions using service ammo, HK was allowed to test under room temperature with commercial ammo so this is a contract/requirements failure. What I am wondering is if the accuracy requirements are realistic or not, being German could be they wanted something silly. If they want something like 1 MOA under all conditions well good luck with that.

"The army’s procurement department allowed gunmaker Heckler & Koch to test the weapon using civilian ammunition, rather than the same cartridges used by the army.

Testing was also allowed to take place at room temperature rather than at extreme temperatures."

01-27-24, 08:01
Hadn't read about these before, but their 2 chosen barrel lengths(16.5" & 14") seems like bizarre splitting of a very fine hair.


01-27-24, 09:08
It's very hard to believe there is an actual issue with the HK416 A8.

The 416 is not like the G36 with a *plastic* receiver.

It's fundamentally an excellent AR with a piston.


01-27-24, 10:01
Some ammo will never meet some accuracy requirements regardless of what barrel is fired through. It’s just physics.

Does the German army have an example of a rifle that does pass these requirements with the ammo they want?

01-27-24, 10:23
That was my question, how does the German accuracy requirement compare to the US?

01-27-24, 23:20
I'm just curious why the Military isn't conducting their own testing and letting the factory observe rather than the factory conducts testing and the Military drops in when and if the feel like it?

I don't think weapons testing should be left to the factory and if the Military wants the weapon the need to get in their, show an interest and get their hands dirty.

I reasonably sure we don't do it that way here in the US.

01-28-24, 08:12
That rag has been trying to put HK out of business for years.