View Full Version : NYPD Police Officers attacked, assailants released without bail

01-31-24, 06:04
Everyday a new low. Makes me wonder where the bottom of this bottomless pit might be ...

"Attacks on police officers are becoming an epidemic, and the reason is a revolving door we’re seeing in cases like this one. It is impossible for police officers to deal effectively with crime and disorder if the justice system can’t or won’t protect us while we do that work."


01-31-24, 06:28
It's time to bring Bernie Goetz out of retirement.

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01-31-24, 07:01
And at the same time, they want to go after law-abiding gun owners who have done nothing? Or, choke out a scum bag attacking people and you go to jail. Not a lawyer, but I was looking into running for DA on a FAFO platform. If DAs can selectively non-enforce the law, why not use that to help the good guys? Wife nixed the idea HARD.

01-31-24, 14:56
The officers were on the ground getting kicked in the head by multiple assailants and would have been fully justified in shooting those criminals. At least it was justified 20 years ago when I was an LEO- no amount of money could get me to do that job today.

01-31-24, 14:57
The officers were on the ground getting kicked in the head by multiple assailants and would have been fully justified in shooting those criminals. At least it was justified 20 years ago when I was an LEO- no amount of money could get me to do that job today.

SO Glad I retired when I did. SO glad.

01-31-24, 15:44
Soros funded officials.

01-31-24, 16:28
Looks like things are improving in NYC a little versus how they did things in 2008.

Back then a gang of drunks was able to beat a cab driver up and the only one arrested was the cab driver. Heck, the city even harassed a good Samaritan who put himself between the drunk perps and the cab driver.


01-31-24, 17:00
NYC has been a shithole for a long time, I’ll never get the attraction.

01-31-24, 17:02
Same place that prosecuted a former marine for protecting subway riders from an armed attacker.

NYC - don't be there IF it happens.

01-31-24, 17:02
NYC has been a shithole for a long time, I’ll never get the attraction.

Outstanding pizza.

01-31-24, 17:06
My Sister has an Apartment in downtown Manhattan.
She always goes to Broadway plays and her family rides bicycles everywhere. Never a care in the World, but claims she's afraid of Texas.

01-31-24, 17:32
All part of the Cloward-Piven process and the Alinsky plan.

01-31-24, 19:27
Good samaritans get arrested in NYC. What’s the motivation for people to do anything but stand by and watch when these things happen?

02-01-24, 04:22

02-01-24, 05:44
Good samaritans get arrested in NYC. What’s the motivation for people to do anything but stand by and watch when these things happen?Good in the face of evil. Now you know why Batman wears a mask.

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02-01-24, 06:54
My Sister has an Apartment in downtown Manhattan.
She always goes to Broadway plays and her family rides bicycles everywhere. Never a care in the World, but claims she's afraid of Texas.

Wow, an apartment in downtown Manhattan. The rent must be astronomical.

NYC and its nearby towns is another world from most of rural America. I've been to NYC/Manhattan twice, once as a child and last Christmas. I can't believe the congestions and the mass of people. When I was there as a kid, I remember my dad parked our car on a side street not far from the Empire State Building. We drove around all over from site to site and traffic moved nicely. This time, it's one huge traffic jam. Our group parked our rental car around Queens and rode the subway into town.

It was a magical sight though, everything in Manhattan looked like all those Christmas pictures we see in magazines and TV.

Oh, I bet your sister is afraid of Texas because of all those people ride around in pick up truck with their cowboy hats and shotguns. LOL.

02-01-24, 09:20
POS smirking and flipping off reporters as he is released without bail. If the NYPD has a pair they will have a case of the blue flu department wide in protest. Otherwise, they can just suck it up.


02-01-24, 10:50
I'll say, what needs to happen to that guy...some cop needs to "step outside the box"...thinking of the end scene in "The Departed".

There is very little true justice anymore, within the twisted framework of what these fools call their "law".

Law is now meaningless. They have made it so. The social contract is long broken. Live accordingly.

02-01-24, 11:34
I'll say, what needs to happen to that guy...some cop needs to "step outside the box"...thinking of the end scene in "The Departed".

There is very little true justice anymore, within the twisted framework of what these fools call their "law".

Law is now meaningless. They have made it so. The social contract is long broken. Live accordingly.

I mean... why's it gotta be "some cop"... instead of just... "somebody"?

02-01-24, 11:41
I mean... why's it gotta be "some cop"... instead of just... "somebody"?

See post #14.

02-01-24, 12:00
I mean... why's it gotta be "some cop"... instead of just... "somebody"?

Absolutely, good sir.

02-01-24, 12:16
See post #14.

So... only the police should risk prison in this endeavor?

02-01-24, 13:06
So... only the police should risk prison in this endeavor?

They were the ones attacked so they seem to be the logical choice in this situation.

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02-01-24, 13:54
It's as outrageous as it surreal to see criminals being allowed by government to enter our country illegally, commit violence against our police, then set free again while one of the bastards gives the middle finger to America on camera upon his no-bail release and no ICE deportation effort. sigh...

02-01-24, 13:56
They were the ones attacked so they seem to be the logical choice in this situation.

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Well, hell, that's fair. You got me.

02-01-24, 14:04
POS smirking and flipping off reporters as he is released without bail. If the NYPD has a pair they will have a case of the blue flu department wide in protest. Otherwise, they can just suck it up.


Don't be disrespectful!


Coal Dragger
02-01-24, 15:55
Those same NYPD officers would happily arrest all of us for carrying a firearm, or having the temerity to protect ourselves in their shithole city. They’re demonstrably one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies in the country, and gleefully act as the strong arm of totalitarians that run New York.

So I’m kind of apathetic to see a couple of them getting the shit kicked out of them by illegals that their city government masters want to shelter.

02-01-24, 16:08
Those same NYPD officers would happily arrest all of us for carrying a firearm, or having the temerity to protect ourselves in their shithole city. They’re demonstrably one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies in the country, and gleefully act as the strong arm of totalitarians that run New York.

So I’m kind of apathetic to see a couple of them getting the shit kicked out of them by illegals that their city government masters want to shelter.

That's a whole bunch of hell yeah, man.

02-01-24, 16:28
Those same NYPD officers would happily arrest all of us for carrying a firearm, or having the temerity to protect ourselves in their shithole city. They’re demonstrably one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies in the country, and gleefully act as the strong arm of totalitarians that run New York.

So I’m kind of apathetic to see a couple of them getting the shit kicked out of them by illegals that their city government masters want to shelter.

Pretty much. Ask and ye shall receive, don’t bitch about it when you do.

02-01-24, 17:07
Those same NYPD officers would happily arrest all of us for carrying a firearm, or having the temerity to protect ourselves in their shithole city. They’re demonstrably one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies in the country, and gleefully act as the strong arm of totalitarians that run New York.

So I’m kind of apathetic to see a couple of them getting the shit kicked out of them by illegals that their city government masters want to shelter.

I don't like watching any LEO getting beat up and losing a fight.

But, you have a point.

Coal Dragger
02-01-24, 17:26
I don't like watching any LEO getting beat up and losing a fight.

But, you have a point.

Normally I agree, but in the case of any LEO’s in totalitarian states or cities I don’t care much.

Between their love for trampling the rights of normal citizens at the behest of the leftist turds who are in charge of those places, to all the civil asset forfeiture bullshit; LEO’s in places like that are the enemy of free citizens.

At this point anyone working for those agencies is pretty much on board with the policies of their masters. It’s a free country and those guys and gals could move to a free state and LEO it up the right way with no problem getting hired.

02-01-24, 19:02
It is being reported that they were let loose without bail and hopped on a bus that is heading to Kali.

Once upon time, not so long ago. You took a shot at a LEO and they were gonne knock your teeth out and than the judge was going to toss the book at you.

02-01-24, 19:23
Most of this is interesting

, but looking up the individual commissions listed under "attempts at reform" are particularly so. Had no idea that one of the original co-owners of the New York pro baseball team that was to become the NY Yankees was an NYPD cop.

02-02-24, 07:29

Real crimes, fake names, faux consequences.

02-02-24, 07:34
Future of Biden's America. As Pelosi said... 'sparks of divinity'.


02-02-24, 08:48
Those same NYPD officers would happily arrest all of us for carrying a firearm, or having the temerity to protect ourselves in their shithole city. They’re demonstrably one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies in the country, and gleefully act as the strong arm of totalitarians that run New York.

So I’m kind of apathetic to see a couple of them getting the shit kicked out of them by illegals that their city government masters want to shelter.

I'm of two minds of this. On one hand, yeah, they support the system that allows this, and punish any political resistance that regime faces. On the other hand, They're still close enough to the "right kind" of Americans, and I don't like watching invading aliens assault them.

But yeah, we're a nation definitely entering "without rule of law" territory and we need to start being prepared to act accordingly.

02-02-24, 10:54
Those same NYPD officers would happily arrest all of us for carrying a firearm, or having the temerity to protect ourselves in their shithole city. They’re demonstrably one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies in the country, and gleefully act as the strong arm of totalitarians that run New York.

So I’m kind of apathetic to see a couple of them getting the shit kicked out of them by illegals that their city government masters want to shelter.

This is kinda where I'm coming down on this issue as well, but honestly I was hesitant to post as much. I'm over shedding tears for people who would casually ruin my life over some bullshit then slap each other on the ass like they saved humanity.

02-02-24, 11:03
Normally I agree, but in the case of any LEO’s in totalitarian states or cities I don’t care much.

Between their love for trampling the rights of normal citizens at the behest of the leftist turds who are in charge of those places, to all the civil asset forfeiture bullshit; LEO’s in places like that are the enemy of free citizens.

At this point anyone working for those agencies is pretty much on board with the policies of their masters. It’s a free country and those guys and gals could move to a free state and LEO it up the right way with no problem getting hired.

I'm of two minds of this. On one hand, yeah, they support the system that allows this, and punish any political resistance that regime faces. On the other hand, They're still close enough to the "right kind" of Americans, and I don't like watching invading aliens assault them.

But yeah, we're a nation definitely entering "without rule of law" territory and we need to start being prepared to act accordingly.

This is kinda where I'm coming down on this issue as well, but honestly I was hesitant to post as much. I'm over shedding tears for people who would casually ruin my life over some bullshit then slap each other on the ass like they saved humanity.

I had never heard of POSIWID before this morning, but it couldn't be more apt than this case.


The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer, who observed that there is "no point in claiming that the purpose of a system is to do what it constantly fails to do." The term is widely used by systems theorists and is generally invoked to counter the notion that the purpose of a system can be read from the intentions of those who design, operate, or promote it. When a system's side effects or unintended consequences reveal that its behavior is poorly understood, then the POSIWID perspective can balance political understandings of system behavior with a more straightforwardly descriptive view.

Stafford Beer coined the term POSIWID and used it many times in public addresses. In his address to the University of Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001, he said:

The purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes a better starting point in seeking understanding than the familiar attributions of good intention, prejudices about expectations, moral judgment, or sheer ignorance of circumstances.

Simply stated, the "justice" system as it operates in New York City, is designed to produce objectively bad outcomes. Any protestations otherwise ignore the bald facts. It's time someone in the NYPD union leadership explained this to the rank and file, and if not flat out go on strike, begin endorsing Republicans for elected offices. Doing anything else just reinforces POSIWID in their situation.

02-02-24, 11:14
I had never heard of POSIWID before this morning, but it couldn't be more apt than this case.


Simply stated, the "justice" system as it operates in New York City, is designed to produce objectively bad outcomes. Any protestations otherwise ignore the bald facts. It's time someone in the NYPD union leadership explained this to the rank and file, and if not flat out go on strike, begin endorsing Republicans for elected offices. Doing anything else just reinforces POSIWID in their situation.

Exactly. Which is why I shake my head whenever I hear the talking heads and politicians saying this is what needs to be done to fix the economy, to stop illegal immigration, to end endless wars, to get people off welfare and back to work, etc…. Whatever, the state of our country now is exactly how those in power want it.

02-02-24, 13:32
I'm of two minds of this. On one hand, yeah, they support the system that allows this, and punish any political resistance that regime faces. On the other hand, They're still close enough to the "right kind" of Americans, and I don't like watching invading aliens assault them.

But yeah, we're a nation definitely entering "without rule of law" territory and we need to start being prepared to act accordingly.

I know what you mean. I was torn on this too. But I don't think I can describe agents and enforcers of a tyrannical, corrupt, and unjust bureaucracy as "close enough to the right kind of Americans." Yes, many, if not most, of these guys are good men (as men go), but the time has long since come for good men to choose between the Constitution and their own interests.

As long as LEO's consider their pensions more important than doing the objectively "right thing," I don't think they qualify as the "right kind" of Americans. Tyranny doesn't prosper because of tyrants; it prospers because of those willing to obey those tyrants. No obedience to tyrants; no tyranny.

02-02-24, 13:53
You know, many of you make very valid points. I’m just glad to see that we have so many real patriots in here that are actively giving up their homes, pensions, and possibly even their lives to refresh the tree of liberty. I mean, they wouldn’t possibly be so two-faced as to demand NYPD cops abandon their lives, homes, and pensions without being willing to do so themselves right? Or is liberty just the responsibility of the NYPD and its malcontents?

02-02-24, 13:59
You know, many of you make very valid points. I’m just glad to see that we have so many real patriots in here that are actively giving up their homes, pensions, and possibly even their lives to refresh the tree of liberty. I mean, they wouldn’t possibly be so two-faced as to demand NYPD cops abandon their lives, homes, and pensions without being willing to do so themselves right? Or is liberty just the responsibility of the NYPD and its malcontents?

False equivalence. Those calling for the NYPD to stop infringing on people's God given, and Constitutionally protected, rights aren't out there ACTIVELY depriving people of their rights, and breaking their oaths to support and defend the Constitution.

Coal Dragger
02-02-24, 14:02
You will first have to convince me that the NYPD or law enforcement agencies in other totalitarian states have any good officers left.

We have recent evidence from many places during COVID that these LEO’s were quite happy to trample their fellow citizens rights forcing them to close businesses and do all sorts of silly lock down shit. All at the direction of their government masters.

The good officers, Sheriffs, and deputies in those areas all refused to enforce unconstitutional garbage and got disciplined, or they quit.

The only ones left now are shit heels that deserve not even an ounce of respect from anyone. I sincerely hope none of them make it to retirement or ever collect their damn pension. They should all be incarcerated.

02-02-24, 14:54
You know, many of you make very valid points. I’m just glad to see that we have so many real patriots in here that are actively giving up their homes, pensions, and possibly even their lives to refresh the tree of liberty. I mean, they wouldn’t possibly be so two-faced as to demand NYPD cops abandon their lives, homes, and pensions without being willing to do so themselves right? Or is liberty just the responsibility of the NYPD and its malcontents?

Swing and a complete miss.

02-02-24, 19:14
I had never heard of POSIWID before this morning, but it couldn't be more apt than this case.


Simply stated, the "justice" system as it operates in New York City, is designed to produce objectively bad outcomes. Any protestations otherwise ignore the bald facts. It's time someone in the NYPD union leadership explained this to the rank and file, and if not flat out go on strike, begin endorsing Republicans for elected offices. Doing anything else just reinforces POSIWID in their situation.

Yes it fits. There have been commissions probing NYPD corruption going back to 1894 and every time they determine that yes NYPD is corrupt.

Here is one of the early ringleaders(the pre Yankees owner)

William Stephen Devery - Wikipedia

"As a police captain he once told his men, "They tell me there's a lot of grafting going on in this precinct. They tell me that you fellows are the fiercest ever on graft. Now that's going to stop! If there's any grafting to be done, I'll do it. Leave it to me.""

02-03-24, 07:33
You will first have to convince me that the NYPD or law enforcement agencies in other totalitarian states have any good officers left.

We have recent evidence from many places during COVID that these LEO’s were quite happy to trample their fellow citizens rights forcing them to close businesses and do all sorts of silly lock down shit. All at the direction of their government masters.

The good officers, Sheriffs, and deputies in those areas all refused to enforce unconstitutional garbage and got disciplined, or they quit.

The only ones left now are shit heels that deserve not even an ounce of respect from anyone. I sincerely hope none of them make it to retirement or ever collect their damn pension. They should all be incarcerated.

The cop attackers got arrested so apparently nypd supports the officers who got attacked.


02-03-24, 08:12
You know, many of you make very valid points. I’m just glad to see that we have so many real patriots in here that are actively giving up their homes, pensions, and possibly even their lives to refresh the tree of liberty. I mean, they wouldn’t possibly be so two-faced as to demand NYPD cops abandon their lives, homes, and pensions without being willing to do so themselves right? Or is liberty just the responsibility of the NYPD and its malcontents?

This entire statement... makes my brain hurt with its glorious WRONGITUDE. Wow.

02-06-24, 06:15
NYPD cop beaters arrested in Phoenix.

“Immigration and Customs Enforcement sources told Fox News that the migrants allegedly involved in the mob beating of NYPD officers were arrested Monday evening by ICE and Homeland Security Investigations at a Greyhound bus station in Phoenix.“


02-06-24, 06:25
They need some prison time then immediate deportation.

02-06-24, 10:21
They need some prison time then immediate deportation.

I don't see a need for prison time, they left for a reason, most likely a good one, just send them back and let them work it all out.
I'm sure whoever financed their trip will be happy to see them.

02-06-24, 10:46
They probably heard the news of NYC Mayor Adams handing out $53 million in prepaid debit cards to illegals, then turned themselves over to ICE to get a free ride back to New York.

02-07-24, 18:36
NYPD cop beaters arrested in Phoenix.

“Immigration and Customs Enforcement sources told Fox News that the migrants allegedly involved in the mob beating of NYPD officers were arrested Monday evening by ICE and Homeland Security Investigations at a Greyhound bus station in Phoenix.“


Apparently not.


02-08-24, 19:56
The officers were on the ground getting kicked in the head by multiple assailants and would have been fully justified in shooting those criminals. At least it was justified 20 years ago when I was an LEO- no amount of money could get me to do that job today.

That was my first thought too. No way would I ever take a beating, especially from some p.o.s. that doesn’t even belong here.

02-09-24, 03:59
NYPD body cam video of beating incident


02-09-24, 13:58
NYPD cop beaters arrested in Phoenix.

“Immigration and Customs Enforcement sources told Fox News that the migrants allegedly involved in the mob beating of NYPD officers were arrested Monday evening by ICE and Homeland Security Investigations at a Greyhound bus station in Phoenix.“


One can only hope they make a successful escape attempt, but have the unfortunate timing to do so in the middle of a desert or something like that.

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02-09-24, 15:14

02-20-24, 22:21
Normally I agree, but in the case of any LEO’s in totalitarian states or cities I don’t care much.

Between their love for trampling the rights of normal citizens at the behest of the leftist turds who are in charge of those places, to all the civil asset forfeiture bullshit; LEO’s in places like that are the enemy of free citizens.

At this point anyone working for those agencies is pretty much on board with the policies of their masters. It’s a free country and those guys and gals could move to a free state and LEO it up the right way with no problem getting hired.

And we have an example of that complete with illegal alien aggressor.


02-20-24, 22:45
New York Mayor Warns Migrants If They Keep Attacking NYPD Officers, They'll Be Downgraded To 4-Star Hotels
