View Full Version : Assuming this report is accurate and true, Isn't this treason or am I just high?

02-01-24, 23:46

Commanders in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) — a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) — have reportedly gone into hiding in Iraq and Syria after President Joe Biden’s administration have repeatedly leaked their alleged plans to launch retaliatory strikes against those responsible for murdering three U.S. soldiers and wounding dozens more over the weekend.

02-02-24, 01:18
More like SOP.

02-02-24, 05:29
Biden doesn't enforce sanctions on Iran resulting in their enrichment and increased ability to fund their terrorist proxy groups. Biden attempts to give Iran billions in an effort to revive JCPOA. Biden lifted the terrorist designation off the Houthis. Biden sits idle for months while US military men and women have been constantly targeted with missile and drone strikes resulting in deaths and injuries. And... when the pressure to DO SOMETHING reaches a fever pitch, Biden cries that he doesn't want war with Iran but will retaliate at a time of his own choosing, then reportedly gives a heads up to Iran. Treasonist? Say it ain't so...

Trump 2024

02-02-24, 07:26
Something, something, something…. given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof…. Something, something, something….

Seems to be a popular and often cited thing lately…

You wonder if we have the IRG capos talking after Sulimani was hit saying, “But the Americans didn’t warn us this time…..”

02-02-24, 09:07
Democrats are notoriously pussies when it comes to foreign affairs, especially when it comes to retaliation for something. Also, the reason those muzzies are GTFO of Dodge isn't because of FJB's "threats", it's because of the Israelis whacking their higher-ups lately.

02-02-24, 09:39
Why not? General Milley testified he called the ChiComs to let them know he would warn them if the CIC was going to make any aggressive moves towards them. And that POS was hailed as a hero by the establishment. This country is truly fooked as we have been sold to the highest bidder by politicians on both sides of the aisle.

02-02-24, 10:41
If you did it, it would be treason.

The ruling class has different rules.

02-02-24, 11:08
"It's a BIG club, and you ain't in it!"

02-02-24, 11:25
Chatter on SM is that the strikes are imminent in the next 24-48 hours & will hit multiple countries...clown show.

02-02-24, 12:19
These cocksucking traitors just announced via Twitter the time a group of B-1 would be on the way to the Middle East.

**** these treasonous bastards! :mad:

02-02-24, 15:32
Total chaos in U.S. messaging tonight — with officials confirming & denying US strikes in #Syria & #Iraq tonight.

You’d think after taking 5 days to message every possible detail to #Iran, that confirming action would be simple.

Seems not.


These dipshits puddin pop has put in command don’t have the first clue what the **** is going on...

02-02-24, 17:11
You wonder if we have the IRG capos talking after Sulimani was hit saying, “But the Americans didn’t warn us this time…..”

People have zero clue about the Kubuki Theater being played out. Sulimani got caught with his hand in the cookie jar when Trump took him out, Iran knew it was justified and told us about the missile attack on the US airbase so everyone could get into bunkers and they wouldnt look weak. This is the reverse of that. US troops inside Syria get attacked(inside Jordan my ass), in a place they know they shouldnt be esp after Trump called for their withdrawal and barely anyone in the American public knows we even have troops there. Now its our turn to try and not look weak by striking nothing important and making a big show about it. Everyone knows this is the weakest the US military has been in 85 years and they are taking full advantage, the charades in the Red Sea proved that we can talk a big game at the poker table but our hand is weak and everyone is going call our bluff. In the words from John Wick: The US will do nothing because it can do nothing.

Sad to say but I doubt the reputation of US military supremacy is going the survive the Biden admin and Lloyd Austin. The DoD is complete clown show at the moment.

02-02-24, 22:03
So let’s see, talk about the attack on the media for nearly a week, warn them when the attack is initiated, tell them exactly what you’re hitting them with, and time your hit for midnight on a Friday night. Well, as promised they did “respond”! :rolleyes:

02-03-24, 09:15
So let’s see, talk about the attack on the media for nearly a week, warn them when the attack is initiated, tell them exactly what you’re hitting them with, and time your hit for midnight on a Friday night. Well, as promised they did “respond”! :rolleyes:


It was a fireworks show. Never intended to do actual damage to the enemy.

02-03-24, 09:18
Geopolitical theater. I wonder if this is what the Romans guarding the frontier felt like when they heard about civil wars brewing at home, or knew that the Emperors were playing games with barbarian chieftains or the Parthian/Persian King of Kings.

02-03-24, 15:50
So let’s see, talk about the attack on the media for nearly a week, warn them when the attack is initiated, tell them exactly what you’re hitting them with, and time your hit for midnight on a Friday night. Well, as promised they did “respond”! :rolleyes:

The significance of the timing is more than that. It was done a Friday one or two hours AFTER the markets closed. Imagine timing your airstrikes on Wallstreet's timetable as to not rock the markets instead of trying to do the most damage.

02-03-24, 23:27
The significance of the timing is more than that. It was done a Friday one or two hours AFTER the markets closed. Imagine timing your airstrikes on Wallstreet's timetable as to not rock the markets instead of trying to do the most damage.

Just goes to show that for decades if not generations war is big business and nothing more.

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