View Full Version : Big Drop In Crime

02-02-24, 14:04
There was a big spike in crime beginning of covid, now claimed a big drop. Whether that's Brandon admin playing with stats as election gets closer I can't say, but:

Homicides See Historic Decline In 2023 Despite Perceptions That Crime Is On The Rise

After the pandemic brought historic spikes in murders, the U.S. is poised to finish the year with a historic drop in homicides and drops in other crime categories, a finding that conflicts with public perceptions that crime is on the rise, according to a recent analysis of criminal justice data.


02-02-24, 14:14
My guess is that less people are being charged or prosecuted.

02-02-24, 14:45
My guess is that less people are being charged or prosecuted.

No kidding. When you cripple LE's ability and willingness to do their job, and have Soro's bought and paid for DAs in place... Criminals don't get caught or prosecuted.

02-02-24, 14:50
If a crime isn't documented in the UCR, did it actually happen? Not if you're a politician!


02-02-24, 15:12
My guess is that less people are being charged or prosecuted.

That's where it's at in WA.

02-02-24, 16:11
That's where it's at in WA.

Chicago as well. My wife has family in Northfield/Glencoe area who's neighborhood had people vandalizing/breaking into cars and stealing anything out of them, or spray painting the interiors, because it's Cook County, the cops told them they probably wouldn't prosecute. Her family down there is also major Limousine liberals, so I kinda get a chuckle out of hearing them complaining about something they brought on themselves.

02-02-24, 16:13
That’s what happens when it isn’t reported nor prosecuted.

02-02-24, 16:28
Rahm Emanuel taught them how it is done.
Half of Obama getting away with some pretty horrible crime statistics was by Rahm Emanuel's "Heavy Lifting". They knew they could get away with it for two or three years, but Rahm set the record and help win O's reelection.
Now mind you there was a pretty healthy crime spree going on and no one wanted this rise in crime in any way related to race, so Rahm stalled them for years and finally just told them NO !
Too many people have way too much self interest in the crime statistics and they all get bent up to fit the needs, but Rahm taught them how to do it in a Grand way.

02-02-24, 17:31
That's where it's at in WA.

Cooking the books by discouraging victims from reporting has been A Thing for a very long time; it was enthusiastically practiced as an SOP at my high school in the 1990s and while I'm dismayed to see this particular malignant rectal carcinoma metastasizing through the body politic I'm far from surprised.

02-02-24, 17:59
Cooking the books by discouraging victims from reporting has been A Thing for a very long time; it was enthusiastically practiced as an SOP at my high school in the 1990s and while I'm dismayed to see this particular malignant rectal carcinoma metastasizing through the body politic I'm far from surprised.

And yet it goes two ways when it comes to crime and a budget doesn't it?
When they need to find money for a Police Budget, they can go straight to your pocket in the form of taxes and take it, but when they "De-Fund" or do not spend adequate money on Law Enforcement your taxes never go down.
It's sometimes like they need so much money that no matter what, Mo Money is the answer.

02-02-24, 18:46
My guess is that less people are being charged or prosecuted.

This is the correct answer.

02-02-24, 20:15
Forbes hasn't been a reliable source since at least the 90's. Shilling for the Usurper XiDen, as usual.

Let me guess.....They're using





Yeah, like I'll ever believe them again in my life.

02-03-24, 09:14
Homicides aren't the end all and be all of crime. Theft is huge right now, as are assaults. And yeah, a lot of it isn't being prosecuted.

02-03-24, 09:36
There was a big spike in crime beginning of covid, now claimed a big drop. Whether that's Brandon admin playing with stats as election gets closer I can't say, but:

Homicides See Historic Decline In 2023 Despite Perceptions That Crime Is On The Rise

After the pandemic brought historic spikes in murders, the U.S. is poised to finish the year with a historic drop in homicides and drops in other crime categories, a finding that conflicts with public perceptions that crime is on the rise, according to a recent analysis of criminal justice data.


What you need to take into account is assaults and batteries, especially assaults with deadly weapons and aggravated batteries. A drop in homicides usually equates to improvements in medical tech/practices... not a drop in anything. So... look at how often we TRY to kill each other... THAT is the telling statistic for these discussions...and they're on the rise. We just got better at saving peoples' lives afterwards.

02-03-24, 10:03
No report= no crime. Case in point: when I was an LEO we had a university in our city with it’s own sworn police department. For most on-campus crime greater than a misdemeanor they would call us to investigate and report. I asked their deputy chief who was on scene when I was taking a report one time why they called us and he told me they have to keep the stats for on-campus crime low. So the reports do not show up on their books when the city PD takes them.

02-03-24, 10:15
Homicides aren't the end all and be all of crime. Theft is huge right now, as are assaults. And yeah, a lot of it isn't being prosecuted.

Indeed, again, much the case in WA. Alot of what goes on isn't reported, because folks are either handling things themselves, or they know nothing will be done, so it's pointless.

02-03-24, 11:00
Yup I have talks with our county judges about petty crime makes more victims than a homicide. Then our shitty prosecutors deal everything down to probation. The judge asked a probation officer what she felt was the percentage of people who fail probation at the start. She said easily 75%. Our prisons are closing down whole housing units because they don't have the bodies to put in them.

02-03-24, 11:25
Our cities are burning, Fentinel is freely crossing the border along with millions of illegal men and women, human trafficking is rampant, and there is a new dollar limit on what constitutes a crime. But crime is lower thanks to JB? Whats next? They will claim our economy is booming!

02-04-24, 02:17
There was a big spike in crime beginning of covid, now claimed a big drop. Whether that's Brandon admin playing with stats as election gets closer I can't say, but:

Homicides See Historic Decline In 2023 Despite Perceptions That Crime Is On The Rise

After the pandemic brought historic spikes in murders, the U.S. is poised to finish the year with a historic drop in homicides and drops in other crime categories, a finding that conflicts with public perceptions that crime is on the rise, according to a recent analysis of criminal justice data.


Again, why are you believing anything coming out of the MSM especially statistics? Remember how the CDC and FBI data reports gun crimes to include suicides to inflate gun deaths? I mean you seriously can't be that gullible to believe stuff like this?

Oh BTW if you want to have a real laugh go look at what they put under Race compared to the picture of the mugshots of those who get caught doing violent crime and you'll realize how blatant the lies are.

02-04-24, 04:48
What I read here are a lot of people describing the point at which local people return to addressing crimes outside the judicial system.

02-04-24, 06:04
Simply a case of; “You gonna believe me, or your lyin’ eyes?!?”.

Anyone believing “Crime is DOWN!!” is either Brain Damaged or Mentally Deficient.

02-04-24, 10:40
If nothing else, people’s perception will lag like it does with the economy. So go ahead and tell people how things are better, when they don’t feel it.

Is the number of guns up or down….

I do think that people have stopped reporting smaller crimes. It just isn’t worth it to call it in, wait on hold, and never see a cop show up. And we could almost double the number of cops on the street in Denver for the the money we’ll spend in illegals this year…

Crow Hunter
02-05-24, 15:06
This is awesome.

No need to worry about banning any guns or any type of gun control legislation.

Crime went down and the number of guns went WAY UP! The country is simply awash in fully semi automatic assault weapons with 500 rd banana clips and shoulder things that go up and even bayonets!!!! :dirol:

This should be brought up with every single even mention of any type of gun control legislation.

Not needed. Get to work on something else that Americans really "need" like free healthcare, free college or making the rich pay their fair share! :sarcastic: