View Full Version : Biden speech touting his mental competence marred by mental competence error

02-08-24, 19:28

Can’t make it up. Go on stage, make false statements, attack Fox News, continue to lie, deny, misconstrue- get off-stage cleanly, and then take a Gaza question, and put Mexico into the Middle East….

Can’t make this up…

02-08-24, 21:04
Yes it was quite the show. Between this and SCOTUS hearing arguments on the Colorado primary case it was quite a day in the news cycle.

02-08-24, 22:03
Linky no worky.

It's working now.

02-08-24, 22:08
What a useless piece of shiit.

02-08-24, 22:42
Linky no worky.

Works for me, takes me to the X app. I don’t think it will be hard to find on Google.

It gets harder and harder to make the argument that Trump is the more dangerous one. He attacks the special prosecutor, he tries to make a joke to Fox News reporter Ducey, but instead it sounds like a threat. A pretty big sign of cognitive decline. is that you can’t Intonate correctly.

And the only saving grace he has, is that literally no one wants Kamala to be president, except for Kamala.

If Trump were a real cold bastard, he’d say that light of the obvious issues with Biden, he is suspending his campaign while the country figures out the path forward…. And then shut up at least thru Monday. He’ll never be able to do it. In all likelyhood Trump will make some gaffs this weekend that put his competency in question and take the heat off of Biden.

02-09-24, 02:26
Daily Mail: Biden Addresses the Nation (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13063725/joe-biden-address-nation-news.html) is also describing the gaffe:

Biden then took a question about the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
In doing so he botched the identification of a world leader, calling Egypt's Abdel Fattah El-Sisi the President of Mexico.
He said: 'I think as you know initially, the president of Mexico, El-Sisi, did not want to open up the gate to humanitarian material to get in. I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate.'
The mix-up with El-Sisi might have gone little noticed in another week. Many politicians occasionally botch names while speaking in public, as the White House pointed out Thursday.
But this week Biden has already twice mixed up the identities of world leaders, instead bringing up predecessors who have passed away.*

* for an explanation of this other one.....
The Standard: Joe Biden Confuses Angela Merkel with Dead German Chancellor (https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/president-joe-biden-angela-merkel-donald-trump-b1137974.html)

Biden mistakenly referred to a conversation he had with Merkel in 2021 as having taken place with Kohl, who died in 2017, on Wednesday night.
Biden said: “When I first got elected president, I went to a G7 meeting with the seven heads of state in Europe and Great Britain. I sat down and I said, ‘Well, America’s back’ and the president of France looked at me and said, ‘for how long?' I never thought of it this way."
Biden continued: "Then Helmut Kohl of Germany looked at me and said, ‘What would you say Mr President, if you picked up the London Times tomorrow morning and learned that 1,000 people had broken down the doors, the doors of the British Parliament and killed some on the way in.'"

The White House had no immediate comment about the mix-up.
Earlier this week, while talking about the 2021 G7 summit, Biden mixed up French President Emmanuel Macron with the late Francois Mitterrand, who was in power from 1981 to 1995 and died in 1996. **

**for -this- one....Daily Mail had video of the speech embedded.
DailyMail: Biden Talks (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13063235/biden-classified-documents-doj-trump-kennedy.html)

On Sunday, Biden name-checked the President of France claiming they spoke at the G7 summit in 2021.
Unfortunately for Biden, he conjured the name of former French President Francois Mitterand and not the current office holder, Emmanuel Macron.
Unfortunately for Mitterand, he died a quarter century before the summit even occurred.
Two days later, Biden forgot the name of the murderous terror group responsible for the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.
'There's been a response… from… the opposition,' he mumbled to reporters.
'Hamas?' a helpful off-camera voice suggested.
'Yes, I'm sorry, from Hamas,' fumbled Joe.

All within the span of the last several days.

Coal Dragger
02-09-24, 03:52
He still probably has a good chance of getting elected again.

02-09-24, 04:11
... and put Mexico into the Middle East….

He FINALLY came up with an idea I can agree with.

02-09-24, 09:06
“ presidential candidate, attacks special prosecutor, lies about facts in case against him, and sows chaos on the international diplomacy scene. In other news, Donald Trump was before Scotus.”

02-09-24, 09:07
He still probably has a good chance of getting elected again.

Of course. Why worry about dementia when "Orange Man Bad!"?

02-09-24, 09:39
He still probably has a good chance of getting elected again.

You mean illegally installed again? Sure, anything's possible with enough subterfuge.

They'd certainly have to ramp up their scheming though, as there are WAY less imbeciles that would actually cast a legitimate vote in that direction this time than before.

Many have seen the error of their ways.

Coal Dragger
02-09-24, 09:54

Way less imbeciles you say?

* Imbeciles who voted for FJB * “Hold my crack pipe and watch this shit!”

02-09-24, 11:22
Oh I do know there are still millions. We live in Idiocracy.

I just think more of those dumbasses are beginning to see what's going on, and what 3 years of these nincompoops running things into the ground has gotten them, like higher groceryBill's, higher gas prices, more crime.

The common Eloi at large sees their ineptitude DIRECTLY affecting their own bottom line.

But then again, that might be offset by the increased number of shiitbags sucking off the system, who're willing to do anything to prop it up and keep it going, as well as millions of illegal aliens who'll most likely be "voting", thanks to further corruption.

So while I stand by my original premise, upon further reflection there may be additional factors to offset that.

And that is the sickest, saddest part of it all, that no matter how much fraud and treasonous undermining is done, they will be aided and abetted by millions of actual honest votes from people supporting them, just like last time.

Fuucking disgusting.