View Full Version : Something is happening! “Destabilizing Foreign Military Capability”, Emerging Threat.

02-14-24, 12:46
“Destabilizing Foreign Military Capability”

I have a feeling someone either has or is about to have Nuclear Weapons.


If it is who I think it is; Delaying Strikes would come Quick, probably within 24-48 Hours and not just from the United States.


This is getting Weirder and Weirder…


02-14-24, 12:46
Democratic source familiar w/threat tells @NBCNews: “This is a serious issue that could lead to a destabilizing situation and a national security threat.”

Described it as a "potential foreign threat" but would not say where the threat is coming from. x.com/HouseIntel/sta…

Statement from Chairman

02-14-24, 12:49
A U.S. Intelligence Official has reportedly told CNN that the National Security Threat is a “Highly Concerning and Destabilizing” Capability established by the Russian Armed Forces.


WATCH: White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan addresses House GOP Intelligence Chair Mike Turner’s warning of a potentially “serious national security threat.”


U.S. National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan has stated that the “Gang of Eight” consisting of Leaders of each of the Two Parties from both the Senate and House of Representatives as well as other Ranking Members will hold a Meeting tomorrow to discuss today’s “National Security Development,” with Sullivan then stating he is in No Position to say anything further.


House Intel Chair Turner warns of 'serious national security threat,' urges Biden to declassify


Fox news is reporting that the threat is from space according to an unnamed pentagon official.

02-14-24, 13:33
I have been reading this, too. Very weird.

What is alarming, to me, is that they rarely--rarely--ask for mass intel to be declassified so they could disseminate it faster and act on it sooner.

02-14-24, 13:33
Wow. And my first two thoughts are:

1. How much money is this going to cost me?
2. What freedoms am I fixin’ to lose?

02-14-24, 13:46
Wow. And my first two thoughts are:

1. How much money is this going to cost me?
2. What freedoms am I fixin’ to lose?

After reading a bit about it, I asked rhetorically, "so, we're in a new space race to get exotic WMDs into space? Sounds expensive."

02-14-24, 14:02
I’m sure Biden has everything under control.

Supposedly related to Russia. Imagine that… just a day after sending Ukraine war funding bill to the House


House Speaker Mike Johnson said Wednesday afternoon that there was no cause for alarm.

“We just want to assure everyone steady hands are at the wheel,” Johnson said. “We’re working on it and there’s no need for alarm.”

Rep. Jim Himes, the top Democrat on the House committee, said the intelligence is not “a cause for panic.”

02-14-24, 14:06
Time for the next election year pandemic or perhaps even "Deep Impact." Anyone know if Bruce Willis is still alive?

02-14-24, 15:34

Two sources familiar with deliberations on Capitol Hill said the intelligence has to do with the Russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space.

02-14-24, 15:56
My first thought was how much is this going to cost me. Well, my kid and his kid are d their kid if we want to be realistic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-14-24, 16:53
UFOs got nukes.

I knew it.

02-14-24, 16:56

Two sources familiar with deliberations on Capitol Hill said the intelligence has to do with the Russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space.

Gee which President was it who wanted to create a space based missile defense system?

Imagine if we spent money on that rather than two wars with Iraq.

02-14-24, 17:45
Gee which President was it who wanted to create a space based missile defense system?

Imagine if we spent money on that rather than two wars with Iraq.

Imagine if we'd seen things through in '45-'50 when a nuclear exchange was still "winnable."

02-14-24, 18:20
It's looking like this was a stunt to pressure votes on a current defense spending bill.

Two sources familiar with deliberations on Capitol Hill said the intelligence has to do with the Russians wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space.

Any country that can launch satellites can do that. I think the USSR had an operational ICBM with that ability in the 1980's.

02-14-24, 18:22
Imagine if we'd seen things through in '45-'50 when a nuclear exchange was still "winnable."

Yeah, but it's easy to forget about the general public's war fatigue and need for "peace." You can say the same thing about the 1991 Gulf War and its unsatisfactory conclusion.

Letting China and North Korea go insane commie was probably a bigger mistake than not trying to crush the USSR in 1945. Invading Russia is hard, and they had plenty of fighting spirit left in 1945. The US forces in Europe were at risk of defending a USSR invasion to take over western Europe.

02-14-24, 18:27
UFOs got nukes.

I knew it.

Uh oh, does this mean Ann Margaret’s not coming?

02-14-24, 18:38
It's looking like this was a stunt to pressure votes on a current defense spending bill.

Shocking...house says the $$$$ for ukraine isn't gonna happen & then all the sudden Russia has space nukes. Gotta keep the $$$$ flowing.

02-14-24, 18:46
Russia Russia Russia!!!

02-14-24, 19:18
Imagine if we'd seen things through in '45-'50 when a nuclear exchange was still "winnable."

Imagine if we more fully vetted the physicists and Klaus Fuchs and the Rosenberg network never provided Stalin with the "bomb."

Also we spent a lot of lives retaking the pacific and a lot of money building the bomb, I don't think anyone (except Patton) wanted to spend any more time fighting trying to rescue Eastern Europe (many of which joined sides with the Germans) from Russia. Poland would have been expensive.

02-14-24, 20:30
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, HPSCI, Chairman Mike Turner is quite predictable in his methods to support the Intelligence Community. {Background Here}
Today, Chairman Mike Turner shocked the DC system by proclaiming Russians from Outer Space were coming to destroy us. This “deadly Russians” narrative, as sold by Mike Turner, supports: (1) Ukraine funding, (2) FISA reauthorization and the (3) “seven ways to Sunday” Deep State.

Now, right before the latest Dangerous Russians from Outer Space narrative was triggered, guess where Mike Turner was?


02-14-24, 21:10
Shocking...house says the $$$$ for ukraine isn't gonna happen & then all the sudden Russia has space nukes. Gotta keep the $$$$ flowing.

Bingo, I wonder if it was 51 intel experts?

02-14-24, 21:25
All of you are thinking too small. The threat isn't Russia...it's aliens.

02-14-24, 21:32

So what do they want to distract us from this time?

02-15-24, 06:56

So what do they want to distract us from this time?

The fact that our senile incontinent pedophile with his finger on the button's dementia is rapidly destabilizing and making him ever more likely to push it?

02-15-24, 07:02
They launched an anti-satellite satellite. Offensive weapons.

02-15-24, 07:08
They launched an anti-satellite satellite. Offensive weapons.

We could launch a counter weapon but the admin would either need to contract with SpaceX (MAGA Musk), borrow Bezos' dick rocket, or ask the Russians...

If they find a way to get him in space, I know of an unemployed West Point grad ex-SF guy that likes to shoot at random vehicles.


02-15-24, 08:02
We could launch a counter weapon but the admin would either need to contract with SpaceX (MAGA Musk), borrow Bezos' dick rocket, or ask the Russians...

If they find a way to get him in space, I know of an unemployed West Point grad ex-SF guy that likes to shoot at random vehicles.

Shades of "For All Mankind", which was quite good even if you have to look past periodic LGBT rights stuff.

But the speculative alternate history I thought was well done and I enjoyed the plot. Russia made it to the moon first, which stirred the US (Nixon) into a big push including arms on the moon. Which had a ripple impact on many other things, most importantly that we didn't lift our foot off the space race gas pedal.

Back to reality, 35 years ago we demonstrated the capability to kill LEO satellites with missiles from f-15s. I can't imagine we didn't retain that. Not sure about higher satellite orbit so.

02-15-24, 08:11
Another scam to make sending Billions of dollars to Ukraine a bit more palatable.

02-15-24, 08:43
I would love one over-arching thread entitled: "current headlines and news that we want to devolve into conspiracy-riddled, tinfoil-wearing, bias-affirming circular and strawman arguments."

02-15-24, 08:47
I would love one over-arching thread entitled: "current headlines and news that we want to devolve into conspiracy-riddled, tinfoil-wearing, bias-affirming circular and strawman arguments."

An appropriate reaction to the reality that nothing we are shown is objective truth.

02-15-24, 08:53
An appropriate reaction to the reality that nothing we are shown is objective truth.

It reeks of confirmation bias of people who want to come to a conclusion and make the story fit their narrative. You don't know the facts anymore than I do, so instead of talking objectively about the topic with critical thinking the default goes to "conspiracy-riddled, tinfoil-wearing, bias-affirming circular and strawman arguments."

02-15-24, 09:09
It reeks of confirmation bias of people who want to come to a conclusion and make the story fit their narrative. You don't know the facts anymore than I do, so instead of talking objectively about the topic with critical thinking the default goes to "conspiracy-riddled, tinfoil-wearing, bias-affirming circular and strawman arguments."

That’s not really surprising though, is it?
When you can’t ascertain any fact independently on a given subject, and the only information sources are openly biased and enthusiastically willing to lie in order to form their own narrative, the only reasonable reaction is either disinterest or theory crafting.
Personally, I’m disinterested until there is some proof of claims. I expect, given our government’s history, that this is another bomber gap.

02-15-24, 09:24
That’s not really surprising though, is it?
When you can’t ascertain any fact independently on a given subject, and the only information sources are openly biased and enthusiastically willing to lie in order to form their own narrative, the only reasonable reaction is either disinterest or theory crafting.
Personally, I’m disinterested until there is some proof of claims. I expect, given our government’s history, that this is another bomber gap.

Unfortunately it is not surprising. People do not want to critically think anymore. Knee-jerking is the default, formed conclusions based on confirmation bias. My sources are more truer than your resources. It's all binary, 100% or 100% wrong. Some people cannot talk about a topic on its own merits, discuss possibilities or probabilities, why something is a good idea or bad idea, why something could or could not be. It becomes an echo chamber. People say the same thing over and over and over on almost every thread.

This forum used to not be like this. Critical thinking has become so goddam rare it's now a super power, and it makes me sad.

02-15-24, 09:33
Gee which President was it who wanted to create a space based missile defense system?

As I understand, the tech at the time was more science fiction than science reality, but I would imagine that now it could be come more of a reality.

Any country that can launch satellites can do that. I think the USSR had an operational ICBM with that ability in the 1980's.

Dozens of countries can launch things into orbit, I think the big issue here is the 1967 Outer Space Treaty about weaponizing space.

02-15-24, 09:36
Another scam to make sending Billions of dollars to Ukraine a bit more palatable.

Actually this one is about Patriot Act renewal, they are claiming this intel is impossible without the Patriot act......Given the state of the Judicial system, I no longer trust warrants to protect my rights. The Patriot Act is a HARD NO.

02-15-24, 09:56
It reeks of confirmation bias of people who want to come to a conclusion and make the story fit their narrative. You don't know the facts anymore than I do, so instead of talking objectively about the topic with critical thinking the default goes to "conspiracy-riddled, tinfoil-wearing, bias-affirming circular and strawman arguments."What you described is taking place simultaneously in half a dozen or more threads right now on this forum.

The craziest being that "we should isolate Europe, let them fight it out to the death, then go occupy it."

Back on topic, my particular confirmation bias makes me think the theory about justifying the patriot act might be most likely. :)

02-15-24, 10:04
What you described is taking place simultaneously in half a dozen or more threads right now on this forum.

The craziest being that "we should isolate Europe, let them fight it out to the death, then go occupy it."

Back on topic, my particular confirmation bias makes me think the theory about justifying the patriot act might be most likely. :)

I know. It feels as if every thread devolves into this. Not just this forum. I belong to my hometown firearms enthusiast forum, Carolina Firearms Forum. It's bad there, too. I posted a video the other day of the pilot of Air Force 1 on 9/11, about his experiences that day. The very first comment was that he had to have known it was an inside job blah blah blah. What do you do with this? I asked mods to take the thread down.

"Back on topic".... there is correlation between this (and some other events) and the Patriot Act, so I would not be surprised if one was related to the other. But do I feel it's out of realm for the Russians to weaponize space and shred the treaty? Nope.

02-15-24, 10:16
Back on topic, my particular confirmation bias makes me think the theory about justifying the patriot act might be most likely. :)

I tend to agree. At this point, my default first thought whenever I hear anything government related is "How are they going to use this to screw me?"

02-15-24, 10:28
Matt Gaetz Take


02-15-24, 10:58
Actually this one is about Patriot Act renewal, they are claiming this intel is impossible without the Patriot act......Given the state of the Judicial system, I no longer trust warrants to protect my rights. The Patriot Act is a HARD NO.

The way I read it the two were connected, am I wrong?
The "Patriot Act" was a giant theft of freedoms and another way to look for domestic terrorism when it's not there.
They want you to fund a war while they peek up your butt to make sure you agree, otherwise you're a domestic terrorist.

Desperatly grasping at straws to keep Joe in office.

02-15-24, 17:03

If I had the power, I'd designate Mike Turner as a significant threat to the United States. :mad:

I tend to agree. At this point, my default first thought whenever I hear anything government related is "How are they going to use this to screw me?"

When you only have reams of data and examples where the .gov has specifically screwed We the People, any other default position is foolhardy. :jester:

02-15-24, 19:09
"Emerging threat" ....Oh dear! Whatever shall we do ? More bullchit propaganda from the .gov to justify wasting billions of additional taxpayer $$ for the phucking ukraine. Gee, what a coincidence ....

02-15-24, 19:50
"Emerging threat" ....Oh dear! Whatever shall we do ? More bullchit propaganda from the .gov to justify wasting billions of additional taxpayer $$ for the phucking ukraine. Gee, what a coincidence ....

How witty and intellectual, and a great, thoughtful contribution to the thread.

02-15-24, 19:55
How witty and intellectual, and a great, thoughtful contribution to the thread.

The truth should always be a positive contribution. Why do you have such a problem with it in this case?

02-15-24, 20:14
The truth should always be a positive contribution. Why do you have such a problem with it in this case?

It's becoming wearisome that so many people don't want to actually engage and just go "angry man shouting at the sky" routine with snark.

And it's not "truth." It's "Truth as I see it through confirmation bias." It may become truth, facts may support that assertion. But people don't want to do that anymore. It doesn't fit their narrative.

02-15-24, 20:16
Give'm a pass, It's utter frustration...no tinfoil needed.

Ukraine will be getting more $$$$...just watch.

02-15-24, 21:57
It's becoming wearisome that so many people don't want to actually engage and just go "angry man shouting at the sky" routine with snark.

And it's not "truth." It's "Truth as I see it through confirmation bias." It may become truth, facts may support that assertion. But people don't want to do that anymore. It doesn't fit their narrative.

The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Mike Turner is a POS who eats, sleeps and breathes MIC. He’s famous for it. He’s all Patriot Act, FISA and pretty much everything else we stand against. His own party is ready to disown him for this ridiculous stunt that had everything to do with reauthorizing FISA and passing the Ukraine slush fund, and damned little to do with a national security threat so serious that he had to circumvent the Gang of Eight to tell the public.

Sometimes you just need to use some common sense and see the charade for what it is. :rolleyes:


02-16-24, 00:04
It's becoming wearisome that so many people don't want to actually engage and just go "angry man shouting at the sky" routine with snark.

And it's not "truth." It's "Truth as I see it through confirmation bias." It may become truth, facts may support that assertion. But people don't want to do that anymore. It doesn't fit their narrative.

Given what passes for journalism these days, I can't fault someone who might see "truth" as subjective. We are a long way from "who, what, when, where and why." Most of what passes for news these days is "this is what I think / this is how you should think." What was once confined to the editorial page, is now the front page and opinion is presented as fact.

The percentage of the population that even understands concepts like "confirmation bias" is probably a smaller number than the average credit card rate of interest.

02-16-24, 07:32
It's becoming wearisome that so many people don't want to actually engage and just go "angry man shouting at the sky" routine with snark.

And it's not "truth." It's "Truth as I see it through confirmation bias." It may become truth, facts may support that assertion. But people don't want to do that anymore. It doesn't fit their narrative.

Quoted for truth.

As I sad back when Putin first made his play for all of Ukraine, some people are so distrustful of anything official that those officials don't need to come up with a lie; they can just tell the truth, and the "skeptics" will invent a lie for them.

02-16-24, 14:09
How witty and intellectual, and a great, thoughtful contribution to the thread.

Indeed it is ! A bit of sarcasm thrown in with utter disgust of continual .gov misinformation and falsehood !