View Full Version : It Begins - Boston Volunteer Migrant Housing

02-14-24, 23:19
First Boston suburbanites house migrants in their homes, Dem urges 'everybody should be opening their doors'

Massachusetts residents – a woman and a husband and wife – recently spoke on camera with local outlets about their experiences welcoming migrant families into their homes in the Boston suburb of Brookline, encouraging others to join in opening their doors, part of what one Democratic official deemed should be a "shared responsibility."...............

"It's a delight, and it's really fun having them. What I realized is there's so much prejudice against refugees, mostly because people don't know them," Hillenbrand said, telling the outlet she feels like she has her own personal chef because Joseph loves cooking and dreams of opening a restaurant.

"They are hardworking, they want to learn, they want to be successful, and I feel great helping. And I get to understand the refugee crisis from the inside," Hillenbrand said, encouraging others to do as she did and volunteer during Brookline Town Hall meetings to take in more migrants themselves in coming weeks............

"Dedham, Wellesley, Brookline – cities and towns that have so much more resources than the city of Boston. People who actually have more financial support," Mejia told WBTS. "We need to do everything in our power to make sure that we are setting them up for success, or whatever success looks like. I think everybody should be opening their doors because this is a shared responsibility.".................

When she called the state saying that she and her husband were willing to take in migrants, Stokes said it took less than an hour for the migrants to be dropped off at their door. She and her husband are encouraging other residents to take part in the pilot program. "I’ve got to get sheets on the bed, how many people are coming?" she told the outlet, seated on a couch next to her husband. "Where are they from? What ages? We really knew nothing."

Her office is planning to roll out a new pilot program drawing $8 million from the state budget to help 400 migrant families find longer-term housing outside the state shelter system. Resettlement agencies are looking for apartments in eastern Massachusetts for the program................

The state’s emergency shelter in Roxbury, Mass., meanwhile, reached capacity in just a week. An office building in Boston’s Seaport is eyed as a possible next site to house migrants, but Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn expressed concern about the lack of running water and showers there.............

Read the whole goodthink article here, and get excited to volunteer [for now]:

Government > Creates problem
> Is instantly overwhelmed by problem
> "You guys, this is a shared responsibility..."

Now...re- read that part about the state shelter reaching capacity in a week, and the migrants showing up at the "pilot-for-now" program volunteers house in an hour with zero info.
This has already FAR outrun being solved with a vote, a 'deal' or 'reforms'.
Even if the entire border was shut down right now, the bell has already tolled. The systemic-level damage is already done.

Think about this too -
The local imbalances this endless migration is causing has been making news - not the 'fringe extremists' you can easily handwave away mind you, mainstream party-line news - for months now, ballooning in scale the whole time.
The system overload is clear for all to see.
And the response of the current regime when faced with even the slightest balking by states or individuals is.... to fight tooth and nail to keep the border wide open. Which means, things have not even reached the desired endstate yet. Whatever the (obvious) goal of a wide-open border is, has not been accomplished yet...and we're already at the point of 'volunteering' people's homes.
Meanwhile the Retardicans think they can wheel and deal their way out of it like it's business as usual. What a joke.

02-14-24, 23:36
They deserve what they get.

02-15-24, 05:14
Don't worry, all those corporate offices that are at reduced tenant capacity due to reduced staff or work from home policies,or just shut down will have new tenants soon...paid for by the taxpayer

02-15-24, 05:55
Don't worry, all those corporate offices that are at reduced tenant capacity due to reduced staff or work from home policies,or just shut down will have new tenants soon...paid for by the taxpayer

This. Wins for all the usual losers….

02-15-24, 06:16
"Shared responsibility" eh? GTFO with that garbage.

02-15-24, 07:28
So some Boston woman has a live in chef she isn't paying? That's progress? I swear I remember the US having a war over people housing and feeding immigrants but not paying them for their labor.


02-15-24, 11:30
So some Boston woman has a live in chef she isn't paying?

Lol! Democrats back to their old tricks again, eh?

02-15-24, 15:16
So some Boston woman has a live in chef she isn't paying? That's progress? I swear I remember the US having a war over people housing and feeding immigrants but not paying them for their labor.


I thought the same thing- bragging about free labor? Next she will have them mowing the grass, doing laundry and washing dishes.

02-15-24, 16:39
There's a reason you don't keep the help in the main house. Squatters rights anyone? After a month they can't be evicted. No thanks.

02-15-24, 17:02
So some Boston woman has a live in chef she isn't paying? That's progress? I swear I remember the US having a war over people housing and feeding immigrants but not paying them for their labor.


Working for no/shorted pay was part of this one the open border gang got upset about.


02-15-24, 18:13
May the daughters of many a democrat swell with the bounty of their guest step brothers.

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

02-15-24, 18:42
I'm sure it will all work out just hunky-dory. :rolleyes:

And guaran-freaking-teed you WON'T hear about it when it doesn't work out quite so swimmingly.

02-15-24, 18:56
"Shared responsibility"....go phuck yourself. How many illegal aliens are being welcomed into the homes of the democratic politicians who are calling for this bullchit? My guess, ZERO !

02-15-24, 19:12
I'm sure it will all work out just hunky-dory. :rolleyes:

And guaran-freaking-teed you WON'T hear about it when it doesn't work out quite so swimmingly.

This, like most liberal policies, is self a correcting error. It’s always just a matter of how much pain and damage is inflicted before the correction. We are also seeing it with the self-righteous “sanctuary cities” that are crying uncle from the burden of being one.

02-15-24, 20:01
This, like most liberal policies, is self a correcting error. It’s always just a matter of how much pain and damage is inflicted before the correction. We are also seeing it with the self-righteous “sanctuary cities” that are crying uncle from the burden of being one.

Becoming a Sanctuary City was never supposed to turn out like this. They wanted to spank Trump's Border policies and look how it turned out for them.
I have no sympathies for them, I actually hope the violence escalates in New York specifically in order to make a point with the Democrats.
Biden could shut this down with a phone call, instead Sanctuary Cities now have to suck it up, when will it end?
Someone called them on their virtue signalling.

02-15-24, 21:10
Anyone who supports this should automatically get 5 live in guests.

Politicians need to start leading by example.

02-20-24, 09:22
Anyone who supports this should automatically get 5 live in guests.

Politicians need to start leading by example.

This x100000

Now what’s the over under on Upcoming headlines reading things like slave labor, brothel, sex slave….

What could possibly go wrong???

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-20-24, 09:59
So some Boston woman has a live in chef she isn't paying? That's progress? I swear I remember the US having a war over people housing and feeding immigrants but not paying them for their labor.


And they always forgotten, and offered ignored third amendment to the constitution.


02-21-24, 08:52
“FUKK right OFF” immediately comes to mind.

02-21-24, 16:06
In a Socialist Country, they would come to your home, do a formula and move you out and the "Illeagle Migrant" in.
If you are old they well farm you off to an old folks home.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of these guys floats the idea.

02-21-24, 17:01
Anyone who supports this should automatically get 5 live in guests.

Politicians need to start leading by example.

ONLY 5? You're getting soft... a dozen, hot-racking.

02-21-24, 19:01
And they always forgotten, and offered ignored third amendment to the constitution.

Unfortunately the 3rd Amendment only applies to quartering troops, not illegal Third World scum.

I doubt it ever evolves (devolves?) to forcing someone to house these wretches, especially in a state like mine. I can, however, see an attempt made to link it to certain things like SS or VA payments, student loans, owing the IRS money, etc. Still doubt it will fly even then but who knows?

02-21-24, 19:03
Anyone who supports this should automatically get 5 live in guests.

Politicians need to start leading by example.

I mean if I get to pick them... Wife would be pissed tho.


02-21-24, 19:27
Other than that one couple who took in those Haitian servants, any one aware of any other individuals allowing illegal aliens into their homes?

02-21-24, 19:59
Other than that one couple who took in those Haitian servants, any one aware of any other individuals allowing illegal aliens into their homes?

Me thinks that was just a publicity stunt to get the ignorant masses to think it’s a great idea. You know, I don’t even like relatives staying with me nevermind a family of 3rd world illegal immigrants.

3 AE
02-21-24, 21:56
Me thinks that was just a publicity stunt to get the ignorant masses to think it’s a great idea. You know, I don’t even like relatives staying with me nevermind a family of 3rd world illegal immigrants.

LMAO!!! When we had relatives fly out to visit I always demanded to see their tickets to confirm they had a return flight and pencil in their departure date on a calendar. :laugh:

02-21-24, 23:25
LMAO!!! When we had relatives fly out to visit I always demanded to see their tickets to confirm they had a return flight and pencil in their departure date on a calendar. :laugh:

I'd take my chances with some random 3rd world vagrants before some of my family. :stop:

02-22-24, 00:45
I mean if I get to pick them... Wife would be pissed tho.


Nope those with the fewest skills and greatest need get priority placement.

02-22-24, 18:51
Nope those with the fewest skills and greatest need get priority placement.

Not to mention all the hot ones are already being whored out by the cartels.

02-23-24, 12:34
I consider America my home. They're already in my home. My tax dollars pay to put a roof over their head, feed, school and provide medical.... Hell, they ought to qualify as a dependent for tax purposes. :rolleyes: