View Full Version : Feel Good Cop Video Of The Day...

02-25-24, 02:19
Just a reminder to all you working folks, some of us running towards you, we're running to help.

For everyone with a "bad cop" story, there are lots of these too, they usually don't make the news.


Worst one I ever did personally, saw one of our local LEOs go over a fence with known "bad actor" and struggle on the ground with him. My buddy and I were over the fence within 10 seconds. He kept telling us "No man, I got him" but we peeled him off and locked his ass down hard.

It was then that we discovered our "bad actor" was saturated in pepper spray. We sucked it up to give our local guy a few seconds to cough his lungs out and then secure "bad actor" but maaan that sucked.

Judo does two things well, it teaches you how to take away a persons foundational support and absolutely secure their shit in a way even they understand they are going to lose badly if they continue...but those tight in threaded arm bars and body weight anchors also do a lovely job of sharing the pepper spray with all involved.

02-25-24, 09:12
Seen a lot of those.

Knowing what I know today, there is no way in hell I would become le if getting sprayed was a training requirement...screw that. There are some things I'm just not gonna do on purpose.

I'm getting old.

02-25-24, 10:37
One of the reasons I won't carry it. Has no discretion on who it gets. With allergies and asthma, it hits me hard. If the person eats a lot of hot seasoned meals or works at our local Sabre pepper spray plant, hires lots of shady temps, they have an immunity to it. Hell even our tasers are dropping from broken safety switches when you turn it on. Just have to fall back on good ole hands on tactics. Baton is so Rodney King.

Did transport for a while and tried to explain to a new guy who was riding probation in transport for being a dumb millenial that you treat people decent even if you don't like them. Never know when that person will be out on the street and may help you cause you bought them a cheese burger on a long transport instead of eating in front of them.

Had to fight a dude at a busy gas station over a child custody exchange gone bad. Dickhead across the pump just leaned on his car and watched while I took the guy on by myself. These traffic hungry guys need to learn it too. Don't go around hounding every person on traffic stops and running their mouths. Never know when that may be the only person there to help you.

02-26-24, 00:27
A buddy and I were walking into our local grocery store for lunch when a state trooper came around the corner in a foot pursuit. My buddy stuck out a size 14 Danner in the perp's path and sent the guy face first into the pavement. He was pretty f'd up, but you shouldn't run from the cops.

I got my own chance a couple years later when a chick shoplifter was being chase out of Sportsman's Warehouse. I was returning a cart after hauling out a Trager Grill. That cart to the shins of the would be thief stopped her cold. It still took three loss prevention dudes to cuff her up.

02-27-24, 07:03
Looks like this may now be subscription(it is for me now), but the first cop that responded to the Sutherland Springs shooting got on the PA system and issued orders to the shooter to disarm, etc. which Stephen Willeford assumed he was the person the orders were aimed at and the cop clarified he wasn't.
