View Full Version : "He's The One Behind Everything" - Victor Davis Hanson

02-29-24, 17:04
We all know FJB is not running the show, so who is? Victor Davis Hanson goes into his belief, one I have long shared, that it is Obama. Many of Zero’s people are back in the White House, sure makes it look like his third term. Hopefully one day the truth and proof will come out.


02-29-24, 17:21
So VDH finally caught up to Gateway Pundit and The Conservative Treehouse. Susan Rice is a large Barry turd.

02-29-24, 17:24
The image of Barry juicing up the “Crowd” (120 people) at some obscure, parking lot Biden rally, pre election- was all I needed to be assured he was campaigning for his Third Term.
Pretty common knowledge he thought Xiden to be the moron he is.
Too much passion in his crowd rousing to have been just for Xiden.
Also the obvious fact that his (Barry’s) “Good Work” wasn’t finished. Yet.

02-29-24, 20:51
My old man was saying for years Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett and were still helping run the country. I thought he was a little paranoid at the time but you know what they say about conspiracy theories.

I’m sure you know enough about Rice but you don’t hear much about Jarrett and her being CEO of the Obama Foundation. Take a look at the high profile donors and millions the foundation is raking in. Then tell me if the foundation and MBK Challenge isn’t a factory for making young, beholden liberals who they hope will also fundamentally transform the country.

03-01-24, 06:55
But who, or really what, is behind Obama. I’m not a ‘Birther’ in that I think that is too simplistic. His SS number has no explanation. His time overseas. The Americans had better establishing documents and back story.

03-01-24, 08:20
Joe is having his strings pulled by Obama? Shocking, just utterly surprising. Surprised no one else has thought of that the last few years. /s

Seriously, that's pretty common knowledge. As FromMyColdDeadHand said, the who/what that is behind Obama is the more interesting question.

03-01-24, 08:56
My old man was saying for years Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett and were still helping run the country. I thought he was a little paranoid at the time but you know what they say about conspiracy theories.

I’m sure you know enough about Rice but you don’t hear much about Jarrett and her being CEO of the Obama Foundation. Take a look at the high profile donors and millions the foundation is raking in. Then tell me if the foundation and MBK Challenge isn’t a factory for making young, beholden liberals who they hope will also fundamentally transform the country.
Hey, remember the Clinton Foundation and the 100’s of millions of $ they were raking in before she lost to Don? Then it magically closed down? Yeah, neither does the FBI or DOJ.

03-01-24, 14:19
Well Duh !

03-01-24, 14:26
Obamas people are running the white house and this is groundbreaking news?

News flash, the same unelected buricrats have been running the govérnment for 30 years!

03-01-24, 14:52
News flash, the same unelected buricrats have been running the govérnment for 30 years!

^^^This. I think Vivek and JD Vance both have pointed out that its really the bureaucrats in DC that are controlling DC, other than that it's the money that these bureaucrats are making working for Soros and these hedge-fund managers that are offering them nice salaries as a board member as they retire that probably have the most sway. And honestly these large scale financiers (Koch or Soros) don't really care whether a Democrat or Republican is in place (like Nikki), just so long as they get in line with the status quo.

03-01-24, 15:22
^^^This. I think Vivek and JD Vance both have pointed out that its really the bureaucrats in DC that are controlling DC, other than that it's the money that these bureaucrats are making working for Soros and these hedge-fund managers that are offering them nice salaries as a board member as they retire that probably have the most sway. And honestly these large scale financiers (Koch or Soros) don't really care whether a Democrat or Republican is in place (like Nikki), just so long as they get in line with the status quo.

Which is exactly why 30% needs to be sliced right off the top inside the beltway, perhaps even more than 30%. :mad:

03-01-24, 15:27
But who, or really what, is behind Obama.

That's the big question. A random bruised turd from Kenya magically takes the White House with zero qualifications at all?

03-01-24, 15:32
Which is exactly why 30% needs to be sliced right off the top inside the beltway, perhaps even more than 30%. :mad:

30% go??? I’m thinking 30% stay and there is a very good chance nobody notices any difference.

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03-01-24, 15:34
Elections are of little consequence and probably haven't been for quite some time.

The reason Trump is so reviled, is his rejection of the "Expert" class in DC. They "run the show" as experts and the administration goes along.

The government has grown far too large to be effectively managed. So much money, nobody even knows where it is all going, even at the cabinet level.

I had roughly $150M budget at work. I can tell you, it is a full time job to even spend that amount of money in 12 months, let alone track and manage it. The budget under spend issue was so large, there used to be clearinghouse meetings to see who could take people's (not mine) excess budget and spend the money before the end of the year. I used to sign up for that until I figured out it wasn't fair to my people to put them on an end of year sprint to spend money, receive invoices and / or track what needed to be accrued.

I am competent, imagine a bunch of incompetents, which is what we have in DC, trying to spend Billions.

They are funding our demise, purposefully and/or through ignorance.

We need to reduce the size of Government, the deficit and tax revenue to a manageable level.

This doesn't even touch the surface of the corruption this amount of money, with zero management, brings into play.

03-01-24, 15:36
That's the big question. A random bruised turd from Kenya magically takes the White House with zero qualifications at all?

His qualifications were the same as many before him. EASY TO CONTROL aka a useful political idiot. Don’t for one second think others before him were significantly different. Career politicians are corrupt asshats as a whole. It’s just recently that they are too stupid or brazen to hide their corruption.

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03-02-24, 08:42
30% go??? I’m thinking 30% stay and there is a very good chance nobody notices any difference.

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I'm thinking more like a reverse Roman decimation... only KEEP one out of every ten.