View Full Version : Just wanted to Share, White, Rural Rage.

03-10-24, 09:42
It's a real Book.
From the review:
In White Rural Rage, Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman explore why rural Whites have failed to reap the benefits from their outsize political power and why, as a result, they are the most likely group to abandon democratic norms and traditions. Their rage—stoked daily by Republican politicians and the conservative media—now poses an existential threat to the United States.

Schaller and Waldman show how vulnerable U.S. democracy has become to rural Whites who, despite legitimate grievances, are increasingly inclined to hold racist and xenophobic beliefs, to believe in conspiracy theories, to accept violence as a legitimate course of political action, and to exhibit antidemocratic tendencies. Rural White Americans’ attitude might best be described as “I love my country, but not our country,” Schaller and Waldman argue. This phenomenon is the patriot paradox of rural America: The citizens who take such pride in their patriotism are also the least likely to defend core American principles. And by stoking rural Whites’ anger rather than addressing the hard problems they face, conservative politicians and talking heads create a feedback loop of resentments that are undermining American democracy.

I think this is a little more than "Off", I find it to be an outright lie.

03-10-24, 10:58
Does rural = white?. I can think of at least one large, very rural county that is majority black. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/orangeburgcountysouthcarolina/PST045222
The neighboring county is also very large, larger than Rhode Island, and though it contains all or part of 4 cities (including one of the largest in the state) and several small towns, it is still mostly rural in land area. Its demographics are proportionate with the rest of the state.

“Our“ vs “my” might sometimes be a distinction, and shows up in homegrown terrorism manifestos globally. I’m not convinced that supports any narrative, though, and is basically weak, non-randomized retrospective evidence. In other words, basically an anecdote that could simply be a manner of dialect.

03-10-24, 11:00
Why buy the book when the audio version is on MSNBC 24/7.

03-10-24, 11:46
Why buy the book when the audio version is on MSNBC 24/7.

That's what I thought? Is this the material that MSNBC is using for their "Christian Nationalist" narrative? Interestingly, the opposite of Christian Nationalist, is International Atheist.

How many cities have these people shut down and burned?

03-10-24, 20:01
Utter horse$#!+.

03-10-24, 22:52
The call me deplorable, white christian clinging to my bible and firearms, racist, bigot, homophobe, threat to democracy, domestic terrorist and when i speak up they claim i have white rural rage? Well guess, what i am pissed off!

03-10-24, 23:04
There’s no need to whip yourselves into a frenzy over a book that none of you will read.

03-10-24, 23:15
I'm gonna read that as soon as I finish reading "Inner City Black Violence" by Some Other F'ing Racist.

I strongly recommend "Scandinavian Racial Indifference" to anyone interested in these subject.

03-10-24, 23:21
There’s no need to whip yourselves into a frenzy over a book that none of you will read.

Thats what happens when you suffer from WRR!

03-11-24, 09:15
They're building a case for suppressing rural and white citizens. Pretty standard stuff these days. We've been seeing this kind of stuff for a while. If anything is new, it's likely the leadership of the Left trying to direct the rioters/looters/arsonists away from the cities and to the rural areas where whitey is. Even then, we've seen that for at least four years now.

03-11-24, 09:25
It’s plane divisiveness propaganda. The more desperate the political climate (high inflation, crappy jobs, increasing economic divide…) the more division needs to be sewn to keep fingers pointing at anything but the real culprits of disaster. It’s been like this since the invention of government.

IMO what is different today, at least in the USA, is that the general population is just so freaking stupid that they are easy to manipulate. These types of BS are more impactful on imbeciles, of which we seem to have no short supply.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-11-24, 10:32
There’s no need to whip yourselves into a frenzy over a book that none of you will read.

Sometimes I just reply to things online so that the AI has some kind of pushback to digest and put into the NN. Sure, they can try to ‘fix’ it, but it is really hard to ‘unlearn’ things from these models.

It is kind of interesting that in the movie 2001 a space, Odyssey, that HAL goes wonky because they tried to jack with his AI programming.

03-11-24, 10:44
They're building a case for suppressing rural and white citizens. Pretty standard stuff these days. We've been seeing this kind of stuff for a while. If anything is new, it's likely the leadership of the Left trying to direct the rioters/looters/arsonists away from the cities and to the rural areas where whitey is. Even then, we've seen that for at least four years now.

^^THIS. If we're mad, it's our fault, and if we get in the way, also our fault.

03-11-24, 12:39
I was going to start a thread on it, but the DOJ is gearing up for 1000 new indictments for J6…. When they do these heavy handed MIL style raids on people, they are begging for a reaction. I think that is all part of their plan. All it takes is one of those 1000 to say F No, and they are lining us all up for train rides. Plus, with SCOTUS probably taking an AWB/MAG case this summer, they’ll use any kind of resistance, even if they use a bow and arrow, to justify disarming us.

03-11-24, 14:28
There’s no need to whip yourselves into a frenzy over a book that none of you will read.
Let us have our fun.

Rural White Americans’ attitude might best be described as “I love my country, but not your country,” Schaller and Waldman argue
Fixed it for them.

The citizens who take such pride in their patriotism are also the least likely to defend core American principles
Per previous fix above, it depends on whose definition of "core values" we're defending.
Theirs are not it. Simple as that.
This a perfect example of the "we can/must always do more" leftist mindset. They've got most of the major cities, but they just can't stand there are people outside that sphere of influence who don't agree with them, so they have to be made to agree.
"How dare they not hold OUR core values".
It has nothing to do with "the country", when they say "our" they mean literally "theirs". But using "our" is one of the many ways the left mindf***s people into passive agreement without thinking about what they're agreeing with.
It's the mental version of the "I made this, this is mine now" meme.

Coal Dragger
03-11-24, 20:12
There’s no need to whip yourselves into a frenzy over a book that none of you will read.

First I would have to know how to read. Being a white rural yokel I’m too dumb.