View Full Version : Statue Of lenin...

03-16-24, 09:24
In WA. Just when I thought they couldn't possibly get more twisted, more depraved, more psychotic, we learn there's a popular statue of Lenin in Seattle. Dude gets fired from news paper for talking about what a POS was Lenin, makes that vid. Lenin was even worse than Stalin. Much of the vid is his detailing the horrors of Lenin:


03-16-24, 09:33
I watched that last night. Never really did much research on him I think it’s about time I learn more about some of these past world leaders the left holds in high regard. When the gentleman in the interview talked about colleges praising him WTF.

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03-16-24, 10:02
It's in Fremont, which as far as I recall has always been a metastatic asstumor of Marxism even by the standards of the Soviet Socialist Shithole of Washingtonistan.

Please, if anybody out there is a descendant of GW, demand this state remove your ancestor's name and face from our regime and flag... his name does not deserve to be sullied like this.

03-16-24, 10:13
Tim Poole of TimCast IRL has talked about the statue several times, he wants to buy the statue and then stick it in his chicken coop so the chickens can poop on it, and because the chicken coop has it own 24/7 live stream youtube page, chicken city, people will be able to watch it all happen.

03-16-24, 11:05
That's not the only one.


03-16-24, 12:43
Democrats love mass murderers and political purges. Don’t think they wouldn’t do it here if they could get away with it.

03-16-24, 13:47
I'd venture to guess that is one of the contingencies /scenarios being discussed at some covert .gov level

03-16-24, 13:52
Democrats love mass murderers and political purges. Don’t think they wouldn’t do it here if they could get away with it.

Only thing standing in their way is the 2A. They don’t like it when their targets shoot back.

03-16-24, 15:59
Washington state needs to get a handle on voter fraud.

03-16-24, 16:18
Washington state needs to get a handle on voter fraud.

Not gonna happen unless we get an invasion of colonists like what the Left oes in reverse. 29% of the state's population is in King County and that 29% ALWAYS has very high turnout whether the voter returns a ballot--or for that matter is alive or even human--or not.

03-16-24, 16:37
Not gonna happen unless we get an invasion of colonists like what the Left oes in reverse. 29% of the state's population is in King County and that 29% ALWAYS has very high turnout whether the voter returns a ballot--or for that matter is alive or even human--or not.

You probably know the history of the state and how it was solidly red before the stolen govenors race years ago he then implemented the mail in votes and has been blue ever since. So im not going to get into that. But everyone gets a ballot mailed to their house, where do the 1000s of homeless ballots go? I use to revieve my ballots and ballots from every person who lived in my house before me. Its a huge scam

Also have you seen the interviews with the new head of the RNC Lara Trump? She made the comment if you cheat by filling out more than one ballot we will prosecute you. Pretty awesome ideas that woman has.

03-16-24, 18:11
I thought it was open season on statues of former heinous people from history?

03-16-24, 19:25
FYI it’s a privately owned statue for what that’s worth. Not publicly funded in any way.

03-16-24, 21:50
Lenin was even worse than Stalin.

Lenin was a murderous POS but he didn't come close to the scale of mass murder that Stalin achieved, even Hitler didn't match those numbers.

Vladimir Lenin massacred more than 1 million people for political or religious reasons, murdered up to 700,000 in the genocide of the Cossacks, more than 15,000 peasants in the Tambov rebellion, over 3,000 sailors and civilians in the Kronstadt rebellion, thousands of workers who dared to strike or could not work, almost 2 million who died in the Gulag concentration camps and upwards of 8 million from famine and disease.

03-17-24, 01:35
Nothing surprises me anymore in the PRW.

03-17-24, 01:52
FYI it’s a privately owned statue for what that’s worth. Not publicly funded in any way.

So capitalistic dollars erected it... That's kind of funny.

03-17-24, 06:13
So capitalistic dollars erected it... That's kind of funny.

Hey, if it wasn’t for double standards then the Left wouldn’t have any standards at all.

03-17-24, 07:36
Should have been left where it was reportedly found... scrapyard in Slovakia with a homeless man living inside it.

03-17-24, 09:14
You probably know the history of the state and how it was solidly red before the stolen govenors race years ago he then implemented the mail in votes and has been blue ever since. So im not going to get into that. But everyone gets a ballot mailed to their house, where do the 1000s of homeless ballots go? I use to revieve my ballots and ballots from every person who lived in my house before me. Its a huge scam

Also have you seen the interviews with the new head of the RNC Lara Trump? She made the comment if you cheat by filling out more than one ballot we will prosecute you. Pretty awesome ideas that woman has.

For clarity on my quoted post, by "not even human" I mean there are a lot of people in Seattle who've registered their DOGS to vote. IF we get control of DOJ for Federal prosecution that could be a gamechanger, but state and county election authorities will still resist tooth and nail ever step of the way.

My characterization having had to live here since 1980 is "more purplish until Queen Christine successfully scored a Steal, then they used her tactics as a model for every other election until they could get Cheat By Mail." There was enough division of power that even the loonies like Mike Lousy were kept somewhat in check, but that didn't mean "solidly conservative" and if he were still in the Senate today Slade Gorton's tongue would be so far up Mitch McConnell's ass they'd be swapping spit.

03-18-24, 23:25
I’ll never forget the WTO Riots of ‘99 when they bought pizza for the rioters and we (LE) had to fend for ourselves. I sent guys out to look for food and when one pair didn’t return it was a good sign. One hotel downtown fed us for free, even had linen tablecloths (even though this would have been an ethics violation any other time). Some said they were only feeding us because they wanted our protection. I’m not that cynical, we were paid to protect downtown Seattle and I will never forget their kindness.

03-19-24, 00:29
Should have been left where it was reportedly found... scrapyard in Slovakia with a homeless man living inside it.

Probably the only person who was ever helped, even if indirectly, by Lenin.

03-19-24, 07:48
I’ll never forget the WTO Riots of ‘99 when they bought pizza for the rioters and we (LE) had to fend for ourselves. I sent guys out to look for food and when one pair didn’t return it was a good sign. One hotel downtown fed us for free, even had linen tablecloths (even though this would have been an ethics violation any other time). Some said they were only feeding us because they wanted our protection. I’m not that cynical, we were paid to protect downtown Seattle and I will never forget their kindness.

IMO those who provided material support including food to the rioters should've been charged as accessories. I'm not LE, but when I was in college 20 years ago some friends in blue who were there mentioned having strong suspicions that there was a certain "core cadre" that did this crap professionally, traveling the country from opportunity to opportunity to foment chaos and unrest. And if we look at the timings between that and 2020, it's about the right spacing for handing the torch off to the next generation...

03-19-24, 07:50
So capitalistic dollars erected it... That's kind of funny.

There's a reason we call Leftists who made piles in Big Tech "Dot-Communists." Maria Cantvotewell made her fortune at Real Networks before the dot-com bubble burst, for one example.