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03-22-24, 09:38
This will end up going sideways on the Guard, someone will shoot.


Failed Policy or a Planned?

03-22-24, 09:56
Both. They're being used as pawns to spark a violent response from Texas. The usual playbook.

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03-22-24, 10:05
Very good coverage.

03-22-24, 13:04
Shoot them. It'll stop REAL quick. Please spare me any morality lectures, I'm sick of this shit. They are invading vermin, treat them as such. You drop a few and the others will di di mau right back across the line, you won't have to do it a lot. Word will also spread that bum-rushing the border ain't gonna cut it.

Hell, even bayonets on those M4's would be useful, might not even have to shoot.

03-22-24, 13:13
This will end up going sideways on the Guard, someone will shoot.


Failed Policy or a Planned?

That’s what the Democrats are hoping for. :(

03-22-24, 13:25
A friend who was a Marine a million years ago claimed to have been deployed in the Philippines to control riots with no bullets for their 16's. The Guard may have M4's, but do they have bullets?

03-22-24, 14:59
Yes. Shoot them.
And FUKK the Democrats.

03-22-24, 15:26
A friend who was a Marine a million years ago claimed to have been deployed in the Philippines to control riots with no bullets for their 16's......
Wouldn't be the only time that happened.
After the bluff is called, shooting may become inevitable.

Apparently the TNG needs to be issuing bayonets too.

03-22-24, 15:51
A friend who was a Marine a million years ago claimed to have been deployed in the Philippines to control riots with no bullets for their 16's. The Guard may have M4's, but do they have bullets?

Not just the Marines, the Army does the same thing.
If you don't want me to shoot anyone, then don't give me ammunition, but if you don't want to give me ammunition, then let me leave my M4 in the arms room.
I will bring my own Lousiville Slugger.

03-22-24, 15:59
Actually, I assume this was fomented by the cartel operatives at the border. Do a night time visit on some mid level cartel people.

If you can’t shoot people literally assaulting US service people and breaching a border, when can you shoot them.

03-22-24, 16:05
Actually, I assume this was fomented by the cartel operatives at the border. Do a night time visit on some mid level cartel people.

If you can’t shoot people literally assaulting US service people and breaching a border, when can you shoot them.

Isn’t it obvious? They can only shoot when the Democrats say it’s ok.

03-22-24, 16:05
Shoot them. It'll stop REAL quick. Please spare me any morality lectures, I'm sick of this shit. They are invading vermin, treat them as such. You drop a few and the others will di di mau right back across the line, you won't have to do it a lot. Word will also spread that bum-rushing the border ain't gonna cut it.

Hell, even bayonets on those M4's would be useful, might not even have to shoot.

A shoot on sight order would end the invasion in less than an hour. We'd go from millions every year to zero in minutes. And all those convoys would be doing a 180.

100 people dead at the border would save countless thousands inside the US. It sucks, but there's no question it's the lesser of the two evils.

03-22-24, 16:06
Actually, I assume this was fomented by the cartel operatives at the border. Do a night time visit on some mid level cartel people.

If you can’t shoot people literally assaulting US service people and breaching a border, when can you shoot them.When they're unarmed climbing through a window in the Capitol.

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03-22-24, 16:43
A friend who was a Marine a million years ago claimed to have been deployed in the Philippines to control riots with no bullets for their 16's. The Guard may have M4's, but do they have bullets?

Ya'll got some buttstrokes?

03-22-24, 16:44
A shoot on sight order would end the invasion in less than an hour. We'd go from millions every year to zero in minutes. And all those convoys would be doing a 180.

100 people dead at the border would save countless thousands inside the US. It sucks, but there's no question it's the lesser of the two evils.

I support this message, and would like to see our borders protected with M-60 machinegun fire.

03-22-24, 17:50
I support this message, and would like to see our borders protected with M-60 machinegun fire.

It's 240's now, you're dating yourself! :sarcastic:

Seriously though, it may not be necessary all the time but shooting those scum bastards when they get out of control like the OP's clip shows is definitely in order. I am also for basically making the border a DMZ-style setup.

I don't care about these scum, I don't give a damn about their kids either. There is a proper way to come here, do it the right way and "Welcome to America". Do this crap and you deserve to be shot or at least bludgeoned (maybe bayonetted) to within an inch of your life......then dragged back across the border to let Mexico provide your medical care. I also reject the premise that "we" are "inviting" them here; I didn't invite Third World derelicts and their families. We aren't getting doctors, lawyers (not that we need anymore of those), RN's, engineers, etc. We are getting low-life, low IQ, unskilled, needy-ass with hands out, teat-suckling leeches. God knows we have enough of our own homegrown sponges, certainly don't need to import any others.

Screw ALL of them. Do it the right way or GTFO of my country.

03-22-24, 17:56
An A10 bbrrtttt run would have made things interesting...

03-22-24, 18:23
I have a feeling that the Democrats are hoping the Guard ends up opening fire and killing someone, that's all the smoke they need for about two months worth of BS leading up to an election.

03-22-24, 18:31
I support this message, and would like to see our borders protected with M-60 machinegun fire.

Why waste ammo? Claymores. Lots of Claymores, set up to form killboxes, with staggered timing so each "box" has its mines go off over an interval of several minutes.

03-22-24, 18:34
But who's gonna build houses and cut the grass while true Americans are earning a living posting selfies on the Internet?

03-22-24, 19:00
My understanding was these guys were turned away the first time and told "No, you can't Come to America." Now everyone of them is in America to stay.

03-22-24, 20:48
Until a regime change happens in the USA, nobody is shooting these invaders without being put up as a pariah and persona non grata by the MSM. All it takes is for one shooter to be made an example of by giving them 40-50 years in the “pound in the ass” prison.

03-22-24, 22:07
Until a regime change happens in the USA, nobody is shooting these invaders without being put up as a pariah and persona non grata by the MSM. All it takes is for one shooter to be made an example of by giving them 40-50 years in the “pound in the ass” prison.

Or ONE PERSON to find them not guilty on a jury. Yeah, it's only a hung-jury at that point but, hey, it's a start! We're talking about a jury in Texas, not D.C.

Just one person......:rolleyes: I'd write the Pope to have that person brought into sainthood!

03-22-24, 23:58
Or ONE PERSON to find them not guilty on a jury. Yeah, it's only a hung-jury at that point but, hey, it's a start! We're talking about a jury in Texas, not D.C.

Just one person......:rolleyes: I'd write the Pope to have that person brought into sainthood!

With all of the rabid leftist media attention the case will get? What if a US citizen went down to the border and set up a long distance firing position and picked off 10-15-20 or more invaders? Like I said pariah or persona non grata until those bars slam shut on the jail cell.

03-23-24, 02:14
Well... it's really over now.
30 seconds to prove that all this "sending the guard to the border" is just more useless hoopla.
Might as well send them home now, their value in continuing to be there has run its course.

03-23-24, 05:46
With all of the rabid leftist media attention the case will get? What if a US citizen went down to the border and set up a long distance firing position and picked off 10-15-20 or more invaders? Like I said pariah or persona non grata until those bars slam shut on the jail cell.Be a good job for somebody with a recent terminal diagnosis. You want to wither away on chemo, or go out doing something?

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

03-23-24, 06:57
The NG is just an obstacle. They will never be authorized to shoot unarmed illegal aliens and probably don't even have any ammo.

It's just another ineffective government expense.

There is no authority without a willingness to back up your position.

03-23-24, 08:37
This will end up going sideways on the Guard, someone will shoot.
Failed Policy or a Planned?

Good. Shooting them is exactly what needs to happen. We've finally identified this as an invasion, and we need to treat it like one. Shoot them, and shoot the idiots helping them. I've been involved in riot control before (in Haiti) and just trying to stand there and push back the mob only works for so long. Force needs to be used.

03-23-24, 08:42
Good. Shooting them is exactly what needs to happen. We've finally identified this as an invasion, and we need to treat it like one. Shoot them, and shoot the idiots helping them. I've been involved in riot control before (in Haiti) and just trying to stand there and push back the mob only works for so long. Force needs to be used.

I'm not sure what the message is when you show up with a gun and no bullets, but it's definatly not deterrance.
This is going to roll on as long as these guys are in charge. So Biden will leave Office with a shitty economy and a couple of million illeagles at Large?
Cleaning up this mess will be a project.

03-23-24, 09:05
With all of the rabid leftist media attention the case will get? What if a US citizen went down to the border and set up a long distance firing position and picked off 10-15-20 or more invaders? Like I said pariah or persona non grata until those bars slam shut on the jail cell.

Jury. One person. In Texas.

Besides, you are referring to a different situation than what the OP is about; the TNG firing on those vermin as they are being bum-rushed is just a wee bit different than someone setting up a long-range "sport-shooting" position.

03-23-24, 09:26
Jury. One person. In Texas.

Besides, you are referring to a different situation than what the OP is about; the TNG firing on those vermin as they are being bum-rushed is just a wee bit different than someone setting up a long-range "sport-shooting" position.

I can see this being a rally point for every thing and every one on the left side of the fence.
One shooting (and I guarentee it will be a kid) and it's riot in the streets time again. It's faces on placards and the liquor store is on fire time again.
This is a tripwire.

03-23-24, 09:38
I can see this being a rally point for every thing and every one on the left side of the fence.
One shooting (and I guarentee it will be a kid) and it's riot in the streets time again. It's faces on placards and the liquor store is on fire time again.
This is a tripwire.

Oh well, bring it on. We need to stop living in fear of what "they" might do. Fvck 'em.

Illegals getting smoked isn't going to provoke the inner cities. They don't like the invaders because they're getting "stuff" our homegrown leeches feel entitled to. A little welfare jealousy.

03-23-24, 09:42
I can see this being a rally point for every thing and every one on the left side of the fence.
One shooting (and I guarentee it will be a kid) and it's riot in the streets time again. It's faces on placards and the liquor store is on fire time again.
This is a tripwire.

I'm surprised that someone either on the left side or one of our intel organizations hasn't already got a "Lee Harvey Oswald" style event already planned. A lot of folks are already expecting some kind of black swan event in the next few months. Nothing surprises me anymore.

03-23-24, 09:42
This rancher rejected a plea deal defending his property / life & may tell us what sort of precedent we are in for.


03-23-24, 09:53
When I see something like that, my first concern is that one of the National Guard guys is going to get injured, but when I see a human wave like that, my concern shifts to an actual hostage situation, where one of the National Guard guys gets grabbed by the cartel and dragged back across the border. we have definitely learned from Hamas that taking prisoners is a new tactic.

03-23-24, 10:47
The NG were sent to the border by the same government that has participated in facilitating the invasion.

03-23-24, 11:01
Every single person that comes across the border is being counted towards the census in a blue district. This is what it is all about.

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03-23-24, 11:14
The NG were sent to the border by the same government that has participated in facilitating the invasion.

The Texas NG was sent by the governor, not FJB.

03-23-24, 11:22
This rancher rejected a plea deal defending his property / life & may tell us what sort of precedent we are in for.


Good for him!

Like I said earlier: all it takes is ONE person on that jury to stymie a conviction. These aren't gonna be D.C. libtard-stacked juries. Sure, you'll get a few but that's about it in these locales.

Curious to see once some of these trials [no doubt coming to a courtroom near you] for daring to harm our beloved illegals start getting hung juries or found not-guilty what the Powers-that-be will do about it then? First thing is the usual Federal BS "civil rights" violations charges, which smell a lot like double jeopardy to me but apparently aren't.

03-23-24, 11:40
Why waste ammo? Claymores. Lots of Claymores, set up to form killboxes, with staggered timing so each "box" has its mines go off over an interval of several minutes.

Gotcha covered. These would be great for remote locations, and in cases like this, let the front wave of invaders show the effects to those in the rear. People will rethink rushing the fence.


03-23-24, 12:03
Be a good job for somebody with a recent terminal diagnosis. You want to wither away on chemo, or go out doing something?

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Yes indeed. What’s left to lose?

03-23-24, 12:05
The NG is just an obstacle. They will never be authorized to shoot unarmed illegal aliens and probably don't even have any ammo.

It's just another ineffective government expense.

There is no authority without a willingness to back up your position.

I hope everybody realizes that IF all these invaders were voting Republican, that border would be laced with real mines and have .50 cal emplacements every 100 yards….oh, and it would be sealed off eventually with a 50’ high wall reinforced concrete.

03-23-24, 12:08
I'm not sure what the message is when you show up with a gun and no bullets, but it's definatly not deterrance.
This is going to roll on as long as these guys are in charge. So Biden will leave Office with a shitty economy and a couple of million illeagles at Large?
Cleaning up this mess will be a project.

IF Trump wins the WH, “they” will sabotage all of his attempts at turning the ship around. The real crash comes once Trump is in the WH. IMO, China will launch a surprise attack on Taiwan with overwhelming force.

03-23-24, 12:09
But who's gonna build houses and cut the grass while true Americans are earning a living posting selfies on the Internet?

Well, there's tens of millions already here. I'm in Houston and I can tell ya there's already plenty of hoopty trucks with hoopty trailers with a full load of lawn cutting crews. Probably at least part of the reason why Houston is also one of the most obese cities in the country.

03-23-24, 12:13
The Texas NG was sent by the governor, not FJB.

And he's been ineffectual except for transporting the invaders all over the country further facilitating the invasion. Otherwise Texas would be a choke point.

03-23-24, 15:30
And he's been ineffectual except for transporting the invaders all over the country further facilitating the invasion. Otherwise Texas would be a choke point.

Well I kind of see it as a finger in the eye of all the Demtard strongholds that are sooooo loving and caring for the illegals----until they end up in THEIR city, then it's a different story.

Besides, what was Texas supposed to do, "take one for the team" and keep all the illegal scum there?

03-23-24, 16:11
Well I kind of see it as a finger in the eye of all the Demtard strongholds that are sooooo loving and caring for the illegals----until they end up in THEIR city, then it's a different story.

Besides, what was Texas supposed to do, "take one for the team" and keep all the illegal scum there?

At this point the r's and the d's are 2 cheeks of the same arse.

03-23-24, 18:14
At this point the r's and the d's are 2 cheeks of the same arse.

I can't disagree with that, but IMHO it was a good idea to spread the misery around if this unfettered invasion was allowed to continue. You're not going to be able to piously sit back and preach to the others about what *should* be done without getting a taste of it yourselves. Then the tune changes of course. It HAD to happen.

Nobody wants these vermin but a lot of liberals sure as hell have an idea how they should be treated as cherished additions to our country, until this trainwreck ends up on their doorstep. Then add in our own homegrown welfare sponges who are now pissed that free cheese will be going to our "newcomers" (kicks my BP up a few notches just typing that politically correct buzzword). I will, of course, welcome the hatred from the latter group as an enemy of my enemy is my friend.

03-24-24, 08:15
Things are reaching a boiling point regardless of what happens. Rather than be scared of possible counter actions by the Left, we need to start making decisions and taking actions. If invaders are shot, the cities will riot? OK, and we'll meet them with the force they should have been met with in 2020. They're using illegals ship to liberal cities to plus their numbers in the census? Then TX should start deporting them themselves. I don't care how; throw them over the border fence for all I care. Relying on the system to sort things out is a losing proposition.

03-24-24, 08:18
Things are reaching a boiling point regardless of what happens. Rather than be scared of possible counter actions by the Left, we need to start making decisions and taking actions. If invaders are shot, the cities will riot? OK, and we'll meet them with the force they should have been met with in 2020. They're using illegals ship to liberal cities to plus their numbers in the census? Then TX should start deporting them themselves. I don't care how; throw them over the border fence for all I care. Relying on the system to sort things out is a losing proposition.

The system is why this is happening in the first place.

They're probably registering these folks to vote...

03-24-24, 08:48
They don't need to vote, they just need to be counted. It's a deliberate strategy, and we're watching it happen.

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03-24-24, 09:46
They don't need to vote, they just need to be counted. It's a deliberate strategy, and we're watching it happen.

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Yup. All the D's in the counting room need is a registered name. "We don't have a ballot from this person, go fill one out QUICK."

03-24-24, 09:49
They're counted towards the census for the purpose of congressional districts. It's not really any more complicated than that, and it's currently legal.

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03-24-24, 09:53
Things are reaching a boiling point regardless of what happens. Rather than be scared of possible counter actions by the Left, we need to start making decisions and taking actions. If invaders are shot, the cities will riot? OK, and we'll meet them with the force they should have been met with in 2020. They're using illegals ship to liberal cities to plus their numbers in the census? Then TX should start deporting them themselves. I don't care how; throw them over the border fence for all I care. Relying on the system to sort things out is a losing proposition.

Better idea than fences or walls: Make the Rio Grande a giant, free-range alligator farm. Just imagine how big and fat some of those ornery beasts could get to make lots of gator nuggets and purses... I'd expect a whole bunch of folks would reconsider if they knew their ticket out of Mexico was right into King Chomp's gut.

03-24-24, 09:55
They're counted towards the census for the purpose of congressional districts. It's not really any more complicated than that, and it's currently legal.

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Something we need to fix... this is just the Dems getting their end run where they wanted to count slaves as population to increase their legislative power.

03-24-24, 09:57
Just like term limits, it grows their power while reducing ours grows their power while reducing ours, and we will never be allowed to vote it out. The water is almost boiling.

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03-24-24, 10:51
It always amazes me that troops don’t have live ammo, and very very very very loose ROE.

This is America the last time I checked.

03-24-24, 10:54
Still America, but the leadership of our country has been taken over by communists and faggots.

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03-24-24, 10:59
Maybe the ****ing commanders on the ground need to grow a ****ing set and start repelling the boarders!!!!!!!!

Still America, but the leadership of our country has been taken over by communists and faggots.

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03-24-24, 11:08
Loyal careerists? Never gonna happen. They have their marching orders, and will fall on their sword.

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03-24-24, 11:28
**** them! They’re not Americans, nor do they uphold and defend our Constitution.

Loyal careerists? Never gonna happen. They have their marching orders, and will fall on their sword.

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03-24-24, 11:29
You just described half the military, police, and almost every single member of the government.

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03-24-24, 11:31
Loyal careerists? Never gonna happen. They have their marching orders, and will fall on their sword.

If you send Men who are armed, but have no bullets up to settle a riot, this is what you get.
They would have been better off leaving the guns at the Arms Room and rewriting the ROE and issuing axe handles.

I can understand that you don't want these people shot, nor do you want to close the Border, but here's the rub, these People could walk up another couple of miles an enter legally.
Or they have and were turned away, (which was mentioned in one of those posted videos.) and now are refusing "No" as an answer.
Either way, we've totally lost control.

But when you walk up there with a gun and no bullets for it, you become a Clown.

03-24-24, 11:56
I know, and you just made me sad.

You just described half the military, police, and almost every single member of the government.

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03-24-24, 17:47
This is one hundred percent a good shoot whenever it happens. It’s not a matter of “if”.

The other option is fix bayonets. Try to break through a barrier of Marines by rushing them while they have pig stickers mounted.

03-24-24, 18:08
Crew-served weapons with interlocking fields of fire. If it was my call, the entire border minus official border crossing points would be a free fire zone, shoot everything that moves until it no longer moves.

03-24-24, 18:41
Still America, but the leadership of our country has been taken over by communists and faggots.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Outright treason, it is. Nothing new, just more brazen now.

03-24-24, 18:44
Good for him!

Like I said earlier: all it takes is ONE person on that jury to stymie a conviction. These aren't gonna be D.C. libtard-stacked juries. Sure, you'll get a few but that's about it in these locales.

Curious to see once some of these trials [no doubt coming to a courtroom near you] for daring to harm our beloved illegals start getting hung juries or found not-guilty what the Powers-that-be will do about it then? First thing is the usual Federal BS "civil rights" violations charges, which smell a lot like double jeopardy to me but apparently aren't.If they move the trial to a liberal area, it will not end well.

The capital of Texas is a liberal cess pool, the edge of Dallas wasn't great, Houston is a waste of oxygen area, etc, etc.

03-24-24, 21:14
If they move the trial to a liberal area, it will not end well.

The capital of Texas is a liberal cess pool, the edge of Dallas wasn't great, Houston is a waste of oxygen area, etc, etc.

I'm not a lawyer, but couldn't the defense lay a good ground for appeal if a jury was moved to a more liberal area? Also, couldn't the defense toss one or two jury candidates "for cause" (or whatever they call it, basically a freebie)? It only takes ONE.....

03-24-24, 21:32
I'm not a lawyer, but couldn't the defense lay a good ground for appeal if a jury was moved to a more liberal area? Also, couldn't the defense toss one or two jury candidates "for cause" (or whatever they call it, basically a freebie)? It only takes ONE.....I also am not a lawyer but have seen that stuff happen here in Michigan, so figure similar could happen there. Usually federal courts are in big cities, most of the time those are liberal, so that's one way they can do it.

I'm all for what your saying but think whoever does it will be toast.

03-25-24, 15:30
I also am not a lawyer but have seen that stuff happen here in Michigan, so figure similar could happen there. Usually federal courts are in big cities, most of the time those are liberal, so that's one way they can do it.

I'm all for what your saying but think whoever does it will be toast.

I *think* that if a state-level criminal charge is tried in a particular county (like where the crime occurred), then the jury is pulled from that county. While Federal courts are indeed in cities, I would think that the jury would be drawn from that Federal "district", which of course would encompass much more than that liberal city alone (like podunk areas also).

From a little online research it appears that change of venue requests are not usually done by the prosecution, mostly by the defendant.

Since the Federal government wants to use the DoJ as a weapon, I am fully onboard with jury "escapades" like nullification or one person hanging it. Sad it has to come to this but we have to fight back however we can.

03-25-24, 15:40
I *think* that if a state-level criminal charge is tried in a particular county (like where the crime occurred), then the jury is pulled from that county. While Federal courts are indeed in cities, I would think that the jury would be drawn from that Federal "district", which of course would encompass much more than that liberal city alone (like podunk areas also).

From a little online research it appears that change of venue requests are not usually done by the prosecution, mostly by the defendant.

Since the Federal government wants to use the DoJ as a weapon, I am fully onboard with jury "escapades" like nullification or one person hanging it. Sad it has to come to this but we have to fight back however we can.

I stand corrected.

Let's hope this is what works to correct the stupidity we are seeing.

04-02-24, 10:09
A Texas Judge let them all go.

04-02-24, 10:16
What happened to all the non lethal stuff? Some water cannons, sound generators, or those 60Ghz skin roasters would send them packing.

04-02-24, 10:25
Do you get it yet? Do you see what the objectives are? Do you see who is valued, and who isn't? Do you still think we're going to vote our way out of this?

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04-02-24, 17:52
Do you get it yet? Do you see what the objectives are? Do you see who is valued, and who isn't? Do you still think we're going to vote our way out of this?

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

The people that get it aren't surprised; those that are surprised probably will never get it.