View Full Version : E tank coming to modern conflicts?

03-26-24, 09:47
We knew it was just a matter of time, but what happens when the juice runs out in the field? An ICE engine can be refueled, is the juice worth the squeeze on how quiet this thing is? We know slaved drone air assets are not if, but when, land based platforms not far behind.


03-26-24, 10:16
Packing a 30 mm Cannon doesn't make you a "Tank".
I'm curious, but not very hopeful this is viable.

03-26-24, 11:13
Anyone who advocates for this, should be in the first ones sent into battle in them.

03-26-24, 11:18
Anyone who advocates for this, should be in the first ones sent into battle in them.

They're drones, no one is in them. That's the point. Like any system, dependent on how/where/when they are employed, will be pro/con.

03-26-24, 11:25
They're drones, no one is in them. That's the point. Like any system, dependent on how/where/when they are employed, will be pro/con.

Ahh, disregard then! :)

03-26-24, 13:31
I'm not sure on how the plan on recharging the batteries in combat, but that might make a nice carrier for Arty for Light units.
Small tanks can swarm larger, slower, manned Tanks and armored vehicles; (WWII) but they have to bring more to the game than 30 mm and they really have to come up with a charging system that can mover forward as needed.
We fought WWII with outdated technology when it came to Tanks and we took a lot of unneeded casualties. So, I think we might be on to something here, but you're going to have to convince me we can recharge 2 k's back from the front.and quickly.

03-26-24, 13:42
The "tank" in the video looks like yet another $$$$$ boondoggle so the MIC can keep sucking the taxpayer's blood.

Recent wars, Ukraine most of all, have shown that tanks are vulnerable, as is just about everything and everyone else. A more practical near-future weapon system would be some sort of small, fast and cheap ground vehicle that maybe has a LMG and a 10kg suicide explosive charge, so the LMG can be used for most purposes and the suicide option used for destroying manned enemy tanks or vehicles, etc. Don't think refined and fancy stealth 8th gen whatever - think a COTS ATV with a computer brain and a small simple weapon system. Then build them by the thousands, treat them as expendable and look at what it does to the battlefield and current tactics.

03-26-24, 13:48
The "tank" in the video looks like yet another $$$$$ boondoggle so the MIC can keep sucking the taxpayer's blood.

Recent wars, Ukraine most of all, have shown that tanks are vulnerable, as is just about everything and everyone else. A more practical near-future weapon system would be some sort of small, fast and cheap ground vehicle that maybe has a LMG and a 10kg suicide explosive charge, so the LMG can be used for most purposes and the suicide option used for destroying manned enemy tanks or vehicles, etc. Don't think refined and fancy stealth 8th gen whatever - think a COTS ATV with a computer brain and a small simple weapon system. Then build them by the thousands, treat them as expendable and look at what it does to the battlefield and current tactics.

*Chenowth Racing LSV has entered the chat*
Just swap in an electric powertrain, add the computer, a remote or computer controlled 7.62 and the boomstuff.