View Full Version : Demorats are losing

03-29-24, 16:59
People are fed up with all the BS. Yesterday Trump was welcomed by the family of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller and today they refused to let Governor Hochul into the wake.

Benny Johnson

WATCH: Video of New York Governor Kathy Hochul being denied entry into the wake for slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller.


03-29-24, 17:02
Imagine the nerve of that left wing NOPE trying to show up for this funeral?

03-29-24, 17:38
Optics, she wants to act like she cares. FJB, on the other hand, didn’t even try to act like he cares and attended a fundraiser in NYC instead. I guess in November we will see how fed up the people of NYC really are.

03-29-24, 17:59
Optics, she wants to act like she cares. FJB, on the other hand, didn’t even try to act like he cares and attended a fundraiser in NYC instead. I guess in November we will see how fed up the people of NYC really are.

You know when I see stories like this. it makes me wonder "Who are these Politicans trying to appeal to?"
The average working class guy would understand the delay of a fundraiser for a funeral, to most people that's a non issue. Especially for a Cop. Think about this for a minute, who would have advised Biden that skipping the funeral for a fundraiser is a good idea?
Most People might even have a little Pride that their POTUS attended a Cop's funeral. So why not go?

Just ask yourself why not and you'll find the key to the whole problem.

03-29-24, 18:31
Are they losing, or are they just focusing on Steal 2.0?

03-29-24, 19:07
Are they losing, or are they just focusing on Steal 2.0?

As FJB would say, "BINGO!"

They don't GAF. For starters, NYC and all the other libtard enclaves will vote "D" come Hell or high water. Second, and more importantly, they are planning on Steal 2.0 so why would they even bat an eye?

03-29-24, 19:58
Also and if you have not been paying attention, Rino's in the House continue to retire. They will leave the Dems with a majority before the next election gets here.

03-29-24, 20:07
And whore Bitches and their F-Boys will vote Dems back in so that they can kill their unborn kids with out any hassle. Letting non-property owners vote, senators be elected in popular vote, and letting birthing people vote all were the downfall of America... ;)

03-29-24, 20:10
I've not seen anything like this since Hubert Humprey and George Wallace squared off against Richard Nixon.
We need to get hot on the integrity of our voting system.

03-29-24, 20:16
We need to play the game and get in power and then use the DOJ to get the voting laws in these states up to snuff. We can't do that from the outside. You need the DOJ and the courts to enforce general laws and specific new laws we pass to get the vote back to secure.

Coal Dragger
03-29-24, 20:18
Was Hochul actually asked to leave by the family or she just had much more important business dealings? She’s a busy lady, only 24 hours in the day to trample people’s rights; can’t be wasting it at a funeral her policies are responsible for.

03-29-24, 20:24
Was Hochul actually asked to leave by the family or she just had much more important business dealings? She’s a busy lady, only 24 hours in the day to trample people’s rights; can’t be wasting it at a funeral her policies are responsible for.

“Get Her Outta Here!” – Radical Leftist New York Governor Kathy Hochul Booted from Wake for Murdered NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller Following Confrontation


03-29-24, 20:41
I almost wish she'd attempted to force entry and been braceleted for Trespass.

03-29-24, 20:42
We need to play the game and get in power and then use the DOJ to get the voting laws in these states up to snuff. We can't do that from the outside. You need the DOJ and the courts to enforce general laws and specific new laws we pass to get the vote back to secure.

Here's the conundrum with that: the Constitution (and the SCOTUS) says that States have the responsibility to run their respective elections. Of course it also states that election law will be set forth by the State legislatures, which of course didn't happen with the 2020 COVID smokescreen, but I digress......

I am cool with the de-centralization of certain powers to the States, but what about when a commie-State (or one whose legislature and governor is Democrat for instance :rolleyes:) allows certain things or circumstances like mail-in voting, for instance, that is ripe for fraud? As several States filed a lawsuit over the 2020 election basically saying that while a State can run it's own elections, if it is done in a questionable manner then it disenfranchises the rest of us. They were ruled to not have "standing". :mad:

So, where is the line drawn in the delicate balance between States rights and Federal oversight? I don't think the Founders envisioned corrupt commies running things in closely contested states that will affect the outcome of an election, yet it has morphed into that very situation.

Coal Dragger
03-29-24, 22:46

I read another article that said she was there for 10-15 minutes inside. Talked to the widow. Might have been told off by the widow. Other sources say it was a respectful conversation. Who knows.

03-30-24, 07:57
From Chi town.

• ᗰISᑕᕼIᗴᖴ ™ •
Citizens at a Chicago City Council meeting chant “Go Red, No More Blue, No Matter Who”

03-30-24, 09:24
Are they losing, or are they just focusing on Steal 2.0?

This. I tend to think they'll maneuver the situation so that if the election does happen, there will be little to no doubt who will "win."

03-30-24, 09:32
This. I tend to think they'll maneuver the situation so that if the election does happen, there will be little to no doubt who will "win."

And my darkly cynical side strrongly suspects that if it looks like they can't rig Langley will just dust off the Dealey Plaza card to play again. #CIADelendaEst

03-30-24, 10:03
And my darkly cynical side strrongly suspects that if it looks like they can't rig Langley will just dust off the Dealey Plaza card to play again. #CIADelendaEst

Everytime they fling some poop at him it falls on their feet.
I mean so many conspiracies turned out to be true that, Joe Six Pack doesn't believe anyone and they know the .gov is out to burn down Trump and his supporters.
Joe Six Pack also has figured out the Democrats on both Coasts are trying to alter the cultural values of America to some Socialist Electric Car Driving Utopia, where his culture and values are no longer needed.
Now the question is "How do we get Joe up off his Ass?"

03-30-24, 17:21
Everytime they fling some poop at him it falls on their feet.
I mean so many conspiracies turned out to be true that, Joe Six Pack doesn't believe anyone and they know the .gov is out to burn down Trump and his supporters.
Joe Six Pack also has figured out the Democrats on both Coasts are trying to alter the cultural values of America to some Socialist Electric Car Driving Utopia, where his culture and values are no longer needed.
Now the question is "How do we get Joe up off his Ass?"

I'm not sure even a latter day Boston Massacre would do the job. The jackboots could force entire neighborhoods out of their homes and machine-gun them wholesale in the streets and half the country would cheer.

03-30-24, 21:18
I'm not sure even a latter day Boston Massacre would do the job. The jackboots could force entire neighborhoods out of their homes and machine-gun them wholesale in the streets and half the country would cheer.

Depends on where it happened......:rolleyes:

Just kidding.

03-31-24, 08:26
Depends on where it happened......:rolleyes:

Just kidding.

Seriously, all they have to do is spin up the propaganda machine about "Deplorable domestic terrorists"... look at how many morons still think J6 was an "insurrection."

04-01-24, 07:42
“Never Forget Our Cowards and Weaklings” – Trump SLAMS RINO Mike Gallagher After He Refuses to Leave Congress Until After Deadline to Fill His Seat Expires

Gallagher announced he will leave in mid-April. If Gallagher would have left before April 9th he would have triggered a special election in his district. Because he is leaving after April 9th but still in April, there will be no special election so the seat will remain empty.

This ensures that Republicans will lose another seat of their majority in Congress.

Emerald Robinson believes this is an organized tactic to put Republicans into the minority before the November elections. That way Democrats can nullify a Trump victory by using the 14th Amendment to keep him from office.


04-01-24, 08:35
First and foremost neither party gives a rats ass about the people. They know the odds are very much in their favor, like Vegas. So they just don’t care. From the POV of the party it really makes no matter who is elected. They know they win no matter what.

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04-01-24, 08:48

And yet another reason why I say that Trump's VP pick will be REALLY important this time around.