View Full Version : Iran launches drone attack on Israel

04-13-24, 15:37

On like a prawn that yawns at dawn or is Iran a paper tiger in all this?

04-13-24, 16:56
Iran's Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Ashtiani issued a stark warning to any country that allows Israel to utilize its airspace or territory for attacking Iran, saying they will face a “decisive response” from Iran.

“Any country that opens its airspace or soil to Israel to attack Iran will receive our decisive response,” state news IRNA reported, quoting Ashtiani.

To bad that Israel has F-35s....

Jordan: "We seeeee, Nuffffing...".

If iron dome can stop low small rockets, I assume that they can stop this? Or is Iran trying to get the Isreali airforce to expend a lot of sidewinder and Amraam missiles, and then try to saturate the defenses?

I assume that this is mainly for domestic Iranian consumption to be seen as doing something in response to the IRGC decapitation?

04-13-24, 17:03
How can that be? Just yesterday Biden told Iran "Don't". Message lost in translation? :rolleyes:

04-13-24, 17:10
To bad that Israel has F-35s....

Jordan: "We seeeee, Nuffffing...".

If iron dome can stop low small rockets, I assume that they can stop this? Or is Iran trying to get the Isreali airforce to expend a lot of sidewinder and Amraam missiles, and then try to saturate the defenses?

I assume that this is mainly for domestic Iranian consumption to be seen as doing something in response to the IRGC decapitation?

Hopefully CRAM can get the small stuff... but if they launched hundreds of drones and cruise misses it might overwhelm the Israeli air defenses.... but I am sure the US has assets to shoot down some of this stuff as well and get Intel on the launch sites...

04-13-24, 17:16
Apparently Iran has also seized a ship.

04-13-24, 17:29
Weak men make hard times. Wonder what the butcher’s bill will be when all is said and done.

04-13-24, 17:46
“Do not come, do not come” - VPOTUS

04-13-24, 18:05
How can that be? Just yesterday Biden told Iran "Don't". Message lost in translation? :rolleyes:

"Don't" or I shall say "Don't" again.


04-13-24, 18:23
Drones across the desert? Ah, to be in a slick F16 and gun down those dumb birds....

I wonder whose airspace Iran is using to get the drones there? Iraq and Syria?

And IRan says that their attack is over. Really, no crap.

04-13-24, 19:31
I just checked my bingo card. I've got "Dome of the Rock destroyed". Looking forward to that.

04-13-24, 19:32
I’m betting nothing burger. Bunch of pussies.

04-13-24, 19:58
It looks like Iran put out a message that said "we good", hoping against an Israeli counter strike. Iran has basically telegraphed its intentions for days, so.it sounds very choreographed and not very secret, in an attempt to allow Israel to have maximum preparation and so they wouldn't feel like they have to retaliate.

04-13-24, 20:08
Remember when we whacked Soleimani a little over 4 years ago outside BIAP? There was a missile attack on U.S. forces in Iraq; a few TBI's but no fatalities. Then they were done. I would say we got the better of that deal.

I despise Iran big-time, but perhaps at high levels things are "telegraphed" beforehand so as to avoid an incident that would compel your adversary to ramp-up the response. Israel whacks that Iranian POS and Iran sends some shit their way since they basically had to for international as well as internal reasons. So far the cost to Israel has been negligible. A blow is struck by Israel, Iran swings back with a grazing punch, and both yell "Yeah, well fvck you, try that shit again" and then walk away. Win-win for the world.

Chuckman......I was typing my response out as you were posting yours. Spot on and apparently in total agreement!

04-13-24, 20:14
Iran probably knows that most of these drones won't get through to their targets. But they have to be seen as doing something to avenge the bombing of their embassy.

04-13-24, 21:11
Remember when we whacked Soleimani a little over 4 years ago outside BIAP? There was a missile attack on U.S. forces in Iraq; a few TBI's but no fatalities. Then they were done. I would say we got the better of that deal.

I despise Iran big-time, but perhaps at high levels things are "telegraphed" beforehand so as to avoid an incident that would compel your adversary to ramp-up the response. Israel whacks that Iranian POS and Iran sends some shit their way since they basically had to for international as well as internal reasons. So far the cost to Israel has been negligible. A blow is struck by Israel, Iran swings back with a grazing punch, and both yell "Yeah, well fvck you, try that shit again" and then walk away. Win-win for the world.

Chuckman......I was typing my response out as you were posting yours. Spot on and apparently in total agreement!

Logically I'm in agreement. But as this is one of those few times we aren't standing on Israel's dick in order to maintain some multinational coalition, they really ought to take the opportunity to scratch Iran off their "to do" list, certainly all the Sunni muslim countries aren't gonna come running to their aid or start hating Israel any more than they already do.

Perhaps I'm biased, I've been sick of Iran's shit since 1979.

04-14-24, 10:04
Was any of this launched directly from Iran, or just from poxy positions? The assymetry of Israel getting rocketed and attacked all the time, and nothing ever happening in IRan has to stop. When Iran starts to have buildings explode on the regular, that is when there might be a shift. If I were Israel , I'd tell teh EUand US that they had better back Israel, or else Iran would be removed from the global oil business for a generation.

04-14-24, 10:40
Was any of this launched directly from Iran, or just from poxy positions? The assymetry of Israel getting rocketed and attacked all the time, and nothing ever happening in IRan has to stop. When Iran starts to have buildings explode on the regular, that is when there might be a shift. If I were Israel , I'd tell teh EUand US that they had better back Israel, or else Iran would be removed from the global oil business for a generation.

All of it was launched by Iran, from Iran.

04-14-24, 10:56
Was any of this launched directly from Iran, or just from poxy positions? The assymetry of Israel getting rocketed and attacked all the time, and nothing ever happening in IRan has to stop. When Iran starts to have buildings explode on the regular, that is when there might be a shift. If I were Israel , I'd tell teh EUand US that they had better back Israel, or else Iran would be removed from the global oil business for a generation.

Not that I am exactly in the know, but I am hearing Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen cited as origin points. As far as BDA, I am hearing light damage. Haven't heard anything about military casualties but have heard of some civilian injuries arising from intercepts. As I said though, I am not privy to any inside scoop.

Not sure if Israel is gonna go at this hot and heavy. For one thing they have a job to finish in Gaza. Hezbollah is also acting sporty and Israel is having to put some effort into Lebanon and Syria to keep those proxies ducking. I would expect an increase in targeting against those proxies, especially source points involved in the Iranian strike.

Couple things to keep in mind.

The IDF is not particularly tooled up for force projection on a grand scale. I am sure they have more capacity than is openly discussed, but I don't expect they have the capacity for a prolonged campaign against Iran proper.

Israel has plenty of enemies a lot closer to home. My personal opinion is that they are better served for now by staying focused on that.

The current US administration and the EU are desperate to kiss up to Iran. They don't want this souring the milk. As alluded to by others, this Iranian strike smells a little like a coordinated stage play. Could be that everyone, including Israel, was in on the act as a face saving measure for Iran.

04-14-24, 13:25
The current US administration and the EU are desperate to kiss up to Iran. They don't want this souring the milk. As alluded to by others, this Iranian strike smells a little like a coordinated stage play. Could be that everyone, including Israel, was in on the act as a face saving measure for Iran.

And I'm okay with that if it avoids a major war. Not saying Iran doesn't have one coming for decades of asshat behavior, but pretty sure Israel was behind whacking those IRGC shitheads at the consulate in Syria. Trump ordered the hit on Soleimani and Iran had a way to "save face".

Hell, a "way out" has been an option for many many years......although most people don't know it, JFK agreed to remove Jupiter missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Rooskies removing theirs from Cuba. The world thought Kruschev blinked (and maybe he did to a degree), but we offered something up too. That was also a good thing as it averted WWIII. Most of us would have never been born if that had happened.

Honestly, if Israel throws another punch it will be on the down-low. Some Iranian shithead might be mysteriously whacked in Iran (*cough* Mossad *cough*) while others will die in Syria and Lebanon over time.

04-14-24, 15:10
I don't buy that Israel was in on it in a way that they were colluding. What would have happened if they missed one or two of the missiles/drones? What country would allow that?

04-14-24, 15:47
Seems like a military exercise to test Isreals Iron Dome defenses.

04-14-24, 15:59
I promise Israel was not in on it.

The down side for any person in leadership that would try and engineer an attack on Israel, would be huge, most likely deadly for the person

04-14-24, 17:31
US taxpayer has been subsidizing Iron Dome for over a decade. The notion that Israel is obliging pre-arragned attacks on themselves to defend with Iorn Dome.... enough. Time for America to ween the planet from suckling on the nipple of the US taxpayer.

04-14-24, 18:39
As I have stated here many times ending USA aid to Israel is good for the USA and Israel.

I would hate to see the USA enter into isolationism, I don't think that would be good for the USA or the world. USA pissed Niger off and now we see Russian troops in Niger, that isn't how it should be done.

If the USA ended aid to Egypt, the place would go under. The question is would the American people support a policy that the end result was a lot of people starving to death?

04-14-24, 18:55
To be more clear, I do not necessarily think Israel was "in on it" as far as allowing an attack to take place. I think they were well-prepared (and helped by U.S., British, and Jordanian forces intercepting outside Israel's borders) and that Iranian attack was pretty much ineffective. I do think, however, that since it was ineffective and Israelis were not killed that Israel will be content to leave things be, as it appears that Iran is also. Of course, like I said earlier, Iranian folks who need killing will still die on the down-low without it being an overt attack by Israel.

04-14-24, 19:03
Gantz who was the second worse Chief of Staff and on the middle left politically has said publicly Israel needs to hit Iran. We know that others in the government are also saying we must hit Iran. If Biden wasn't such a walking depends ad and in bed with the Marxist and the Muslims he would not try and stop Israel from hitting back and would even make it a joint mission. Hit the air defense using stealth and cruise missiles. Then when Iran had no air defense take out nuclear related locations,IRG, power plants and the oil refinery. Then air drop across the country to the people a whole lot of supplies so they can over throw the government.

04-14-24, 19:08
As I have stated here many times ending USA aid to Israel is good for the USA and Israel.

I would hate to see the USA enter into isolationism, I don't think that would be good for the USA or the world. USA pissed Niger off and now we see Russian troops in Niger, that isn't how it should be done.

If the USA ended aid to Egypt, the place would go under. The question is would the American people support a policy that the end result was a lot of people starving to death?

I wouldn't want to see that either. I think there is a fine line to walk between remaining a superpower yet not jumping headlong into any conflict that pops up. We are not the world's policemen, but there are indeed times when a smackdown is in order. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is a good way to look at it.

While I'm not the biggest Trump fan, he did command respect (while being despised) by most of the world; they thought he was nuts and would drop the hammer. That dinner with Xi where he excused himself, okayed the strike on that Russian airfield in Syria, then went back and had dessert was classic! No doubt Xi's people whispered in his ear what had just happened and he thought "Oh, Yankee dog is dinky-dau!" [yes, I know that's a Vietnamese phrase]

04-14-24, 19:13
At some point in the near future Israel and the US government or both will have to make the decision or it will be made for them, about taking out all or as much of Iran's nuclear capability as possible. Better now than later, before we might have to call their bluff on their willingness to use their more advanced nuclear capability. Their leaders have been shouting death to America and death to Israel for a long time now. I think it's past time for playing games with these American hating SOB's and it's time to drop the big hammer down on their ass, give them an attitude adjustment and put the fear of God in their soul. MAGA in November !!!

04-14-24, 19:18
If Israel doesn't hit back with a fist meet balls 'you guys knock this crap out' as illustrated above, I'm afraid the swamp will have their way with this escalation & enjoy another profitable crisis.

04-14-24, 19:43
As I have stated here many times ending USA aid to Israel is good for the USA and Israel.

I would hate to see the USA enter into isolationism, I don't think that would be good for the USA or the world. USA pissed Niger off and now we see Russian troops in Niger, that isn't how it should be done.

If the USA ended aid to Egypt, the place would go under. The question is would the American people support a policy that the end result was a lot of people starving to death?

Isolatiinism? America has its fingers in everythng. Every damn country is looking like America.

04-14-24, 22:19
Isolatiinism? America has its fingers in everythng. Every damn country is looking like America.

Except for:

The entire middle east.
Eastern Europe
Much of Western Europe
Most of Asia
South America

But yeah, other than those everything is a giant McDonalds and GAP store.

04-14-24, 22:33
We should also remember it was just a month ago Biden granted Iran BILLIONS in sanction relief.


So constantly saying "We stand with Israel" while funding their enemies.

04-15-24, 00:13
In the Tom Clancy version of all this the “moderates” in Iran realized that they lost control of their Hamas-holes and the houthis actually believe all of the BS, but the Iranians know that this is all kabuki theater. So the moderates in Iran, give up some of the most Strident and dangerous IRGC leaders for Israel to take out and ran plays Patty cake back. Biden gets to seem like he has control and is the elder statesman. We got to show off to the Russians and chineses that are navy aegis systems can be used against theater ballistic weapons. Wins all around. Like I said, at least in the Tom Clancy version.

04-15-24, 04:03

Iranian soccer star speaks against the regime openly and against the attack on Israel.

04-15-24, 08:15
When Trump cut funding to Hamas he was accused of the standard bs... isolationism, racism, starving Palestinians... blah blah blah... and that he was undercutting ME peace efforts. Biden immediately restarted the flow of US tax dollars. How'd that work out?

Dare to suggest that US tax dollars would be better used than to carry freeloaders and America-haters around the globe... fund foreign government pensions.... whatever... ISOLATIONIST! Yeah ok, and sprinkle a little racism and xenophobia on top. sigh...

In related news:

April 14

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday he will try to advance wartime aid for Israel this week as he attempts the difficult task of winning House approval for a national security package that also includes funding for Ukraine and allies in Asia.

--- Oh goodie :rolleyes:

04-15-24, 11:46
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday he will try to advance wartime aid for Israel this week as he attempts the difficult task of winning House approval for a national security package that also includes funding for Ukraine and allies in Asia.

Ol' Mikey was also the tie-breaking vote to renew the FISA bullshit. :rolleyes:

04-15-24, 11:57
Ol' Mikey was also the tie-breaking vote to renew the FISA bullshit. :rolleyes:

The genius move by Gaetz and crew to oust McCarthy sure has returned great dividends! :rolleyes:

Under Mulligan Mike's leadership House republicans will be lucky to hold a majority till the election. Hakeem Jeffries is measuring for drapes. sigh...

04-15-24, 12:42
Except for:

The entire middle east.
Eastern Europe
Much of Western Europe
Most of Asia
South America

But yeah, other than those everything is a giant McDonalds and GAP store.

ll give you Russia since its illegal for Americans to do buisness there but every other region or country you mentioned has a large Walmart/mcdonalds presence.

04-15-24, 13:51
ll give you Russia since its illegal for Americans to do buisness there but every other region or country you mentioned has a large Walmart/mcdonalds presence.

Yes and I'm sure the Muslims that eat there enjoy it, but that is the only similarity between those countries and ours. There will be no McRib in Saudi.

04-15-24, 15:00
OK I'll ask the important questions. Do we think the Biden State Dept. coordinated Iran's aerial attack on Israel with their Guardian Counsel? Or was it the Biden Pentagon coordinating with the IRGC? Did we use JADC2 to orchestrate the "battle" and ensure this outcome? Overall, how successful do you think this Biden Admin diplomatic ruse will be? Did he buy himself the necessary political room to get himself out of the mess he's made with his feckless foreign policy? How many years till we know the full truth, a handful or 25+? :confused:

04-15-24, 15:46
I was told by someone that has contact on the intelligence committees in both the House and Senate that Biden gave a green light to Iran to attack Israel.

I have no idea if it is true, but if it is true. I hope it comes out so Biden loses even Jewish support than he already has.

04-15-24, 16:27
OK I'll ask the important questions. Do we think the Biden State Dept. coordinated Iran's aerial attack on Israel with their Guardian Counsel? Or was it the Biden Pentagon coordinating with the IRGC? Did we use JADC2 to orchestrate the "battle" and ensure this outcome? Overall, how successful do you think this Biden Admin diplomatic ruse will be? Did he buy himself the necessary political room to get himself out of the mess he's made with his feckless foreign policy? How many years till we know the full truth, a handful or 25+? :confused:

Here is what we do know.

Hours before Iran launched their attack against Israel, Biden publicly announced: President Joe Biden on Friday said he expected Iran to attack Israel “sooner rather than later".

Hours after Iran attacked Israel, the Biden admin publicly announced: In the aftermath of the unprecedented airstrikes by Iran against Israel, President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in a reprisal strike on Iran, according to a senior administration official.

How much more obvious can a green light be? Seems like blatant in-your-face to me.

04-15-24, 16:31
Yoni, I read where there was coordination with all parties involved, including the time.

I would imagine Iran has a target list, just like everyone else, but Iran delayed attacks and the logical thinking was to get as many civilians out of harms way as possible.

300+ projectiles lobbed into the night sky at Israel is disproportionate for the surgical strike Israel dropped last week, in my opinion.

Iran and Israel going back and forth, tit for tat, just seems to convenient to me, too staged, just seems off.

04-15-24, 16:38
Sounds like Iran getting rid of some late date code stuff that Russia wouldn't even buy....

Dangerous times. One gets through and hits an old folks home or a condo, and Israel has to do something consequential.

I'd still ike to take out that Iranian destroyer that is spotting for the Houthis....

04-15-24, 17:17
Where's Airwolf when you need it?

04-16-24, 00:04
Where's Airwolf when you need it?


Loved that show. I wanted to fly copters for the Army so bad, but for some reason the recruiter was fixated on getting me to sign up to fix them...

I still use that theme song as an Amp Up song.