View Full Version : FBI: Chinese Hackers Preparing to Launch Massive Attack on U.S. Infrastructure

04-18-24, 19:41
CIA operation in the offing?

FBI Director Chris Wray revealed today China is developing the capability to cause significant damage to our critical infrastructure at a time of their choosing. The only question is the time to launch a catastrophic blow.

“China is developing the ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing,” Wray said at the 2024 Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats. “Its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic.”

According to Wray, an ongoing Chinese hacking campaign known as Volt Typhoon has successfully infiltrated several American companies in telecommunications, energy, water, and other critical sectors. 23 pipeline operators are being targeted.

04-18-24, 19:47
Sounds like an October surprise to me.

04-18-24, 19:49
Sounds like an October surprise to me.

Imagine that.

04-18-24, 19:52
Good think we have a potato in charge (and a compromised one at that) and honest people like Wray and his merry band of agents who have the best interests of the American people in mind.

04-18-24, 20:01
The Chinese own Joe, convince me I'm wrong !

04-18-24, 20:03

04-18-24, 20:19
The Shawn Ryan Show has a former USAF General on talking about some of things he sees that might be coming...infrastructure was mentioned. The scary thing is the amount of weapons and ammo China is stockpiling or has.

04-18-24, 20:48
Yeah sure...we hear this all the time and maybe true BUT....china makes ~$570 BILLION from USA annually. About 70% of their economy from USA. Their kicking our ass economically and doubt they have to resort to such tactics.

china isn't set up all that well, certainly not enough to kill the golden goose.

I can't figure the any angle where china would come out ahead and in fact be set back dramatically if USA cuts ties with them..

I don't doubt they are scheming something like this but again find it difficult to imagine them doing more than using it like a fear tactic.

I buy the Brandon October Surprise angle and would see the dems be more likely to pull something like this if they feel they are losing their grip..

04-18-24, 21:22
Yeah sure...we hear this all the time and maybe true BUT....china makes ~$570 BILLION from USA annually. About 70% of their economy from USA. Their kicking our ass economically and doubt they have to resort to such tactics.

china isn't set up all that well, certainly not enough to kill the golden goose.

I can't figure the any angle where china would come out ahead and in fact be set back dramatically if USA cuts ties with them..

I don't doubt they are scheming something like this but again find it difficult to imagine them doing more than using it like a fear tactic.

I buy the Brandon October Surprise angle and would see the dems be more likely to pull something like this if they feel they are losing their grip..

Oh abso-fvcking-lutely they would. But it won't be an "October Surprise", it'll be literally right before the election so there's no time to fix the outages. Of course that will take front and center and a week or two later they'll announce that "Despite the adversity the vote continued on through the disaster! These heroic election workers! Oh, BTW, Biden won again this time with 100 million votes! It's amazing!"

04-18-24, 21:24
For YEARS the Chinese have had an entire section of their military devoted to cyber warfare. If you aren't on point for this shit every single day, might as well not even have a DoD.

PLA Unit 61398 is one of the ones we know about.

04-18-24, 22:05
If the Chinese government launched a large scale cyber attack on basic services it would probably be timed with a secondary event like an invasion of Taiwan. Otherwise, if there were no secondary event China would deny responsibility and blame criminal hackers. America is sooooo dependent on China… America would eagerly embrace China’s denial.

Coal Dragger
04-18-24, 23:17
It baffles me that we allow critical infrastructure in this country to have computer systems controlling operations where those computers are online at all. No “air gap” whatsoever. Gotta improve productivity by automation as much as possible.

Security measures consist of lame ass Authenticator Apps, and making employees change passwords all the time. The only thing this accomplishes is ass pain for employees and job security for various IT desks.

04-19-24, 07:19
It baffles me that we allow critical infrastructure in this country to have computer systems controlling operations where those computers are online at all. No “air gap” whatsoever. Gotta improve productivity by automation as much as possible.

Security measures consist of lame ass Authenticator Apps, and making employees change passwords all the time. The only thing this accomplishes is ass pain for employees and job security for various IT desks.

Forcing changes to passwords and not mandating, the use of randomly generated ones, just helps to train the AI to learn what the possible passwords will be.

If you take Covid as a model for their use of weaponization of things, we are facing some kind of apocalyptic breakdown of our infrastructure, instead, they would just screw with it enough to piss everybody off, and allow us to play politics with it, rather than face the external threat.

04-19-24, 08:57
Oh abso-fvcking-lutely they would. But it won't be an "October Surprise", it'll be literally right before the election so there's no time to fix the outages. Of course that will take front and center and a week or two later they'll announce that "Despite the adversity the vote continued on through the disaster! These heroic election workers! Oh, BTW, Biden won again this time with 100 million votes! It's amazing!"

Bingo. Glad someone has been paying attention.

The media will back up the narrative, people will grumble, but in the end folks will go "well, ah shucks. Guess we'll try again in 4 years! That's how you fix the problem."

Definition of insanity.

04-19-24, 10:45
I have never understood our nations policy towards China.

They were a 3rd world nation back in the 70's.

They supplied the North Vietnamese, North Koreans with weapons.

We grant most favored nation status to them. We export our manufacturing base, allow them to counterfeit our goods, hack our computer systems. They import fentanyl and kill our youth. We educate their people on student visas then allow them to comitt industrial espionage when they get jobs at US companies.

We created our own worst enemy.

04-19-24, 10:47

China will never have a better opportunity to invade Taiwan. We have never had a more incompetent , weak president, VP. I am more than a bit worried

04-19-24, 11:03
If you take Covid as a model for their use of weaponization of things, we are facing some kind of apocalyptic breakdown of our infrastructure, instead, they would just screw with it enough to piss everybody off, and allow us to play politics with it, rather than face the external threat.

Bingo, this is our government in a nutshell. Our government will just take it as an opportunity to tighten the screws on the American citizens.

04-19-24, 11:22
Yeah sure...we hear this all the time and maybe true BUT....china makes ~$570 BILLION from USA annually. About 70% of their economy from USA. Their kicking our ass economically and doubt they have to resort to such tactics.

china isn't set up all that well, certainly not enough to kill the golden goose.

I can't figure the any angle where china would come out ahead and in fact be set back dramatically if USA cuts ties with them..

I don't doubt they are scheming something like this but again find it difficult to imagine them doing more than using it like a fear tactic.

I buy the Brandon October Surprise angle and would see the dems be more likely to pull something like this if they feel they are losing their grip..

Seeing how they see their own people's LIVES as expendable wholesale, where do you think mere money comes in on acceptable sacrifices for global dominance?

04-19-24, 11:25
It baffles me that we allow critical infrastructure in this country to have computer systems controlling operations where those computers are online at all. No “air gap” whatsoever. Gotta improve productivity by automation as much as possible.

Security measures consist of lame ass Authenticator Apps, and making employees change passwords all the time. The only thing this accomplishes is ass pain for employees and job security for various IT desks.

This. I mean, I'm a mere historian and I've had clients require that I airgap their data, why can't .gov's and megacorps get it?

04-20-24, 13:27
I’m sure this is nothing more than election interference. Don’t worry everyone….its fine….its all fine………nothing to see here…….

CIA operation in the offing?

04-20-24, 16:55
I have never understood our nations policy towards China.

They were a 3rd world nation back in the 70's.

They supplied the North Vietnamese, North Koreans with weapons.

We grant most favored nation status to them. We export our manufacturing base, allow them to counterfeit our goods, hack our computer systems. They import fentanyl and kill our youth. We educate their people on student visas then allow them to comitt industrial espionage when they get jobs at US companies.

We created our own worst enemy.

The only thing I can offer is they were a 3rd world nation with a nuclear capability. Nixon established relations with China so that we would not be conducting a two front Cold War. Sino-Soviet relations were generally poor but it couldn't be counted upon. But it was Carter who broke a treaty that supported Taiwan and it was Clinton that gave China permanent most-favored-nation trading status.

04-22-24, 01:16
I though the Soviets were the major backers of N Vietnam? China and Vietnam went to war not long after we left, correct? Not saying that China didn't help the NVA, just that the Soviets and Maoists are more natural enemies than allies, largely based on geography and both being collectivist cults.

04-22-24, 04:01
I though the Soviets were the major backers of N Vietnam? China and Vietnam went to war not long after we left, correct? Not saying that China didn't help the NVA, just that the Soviets and Maoists are more natural enemies than allies, largely based on geography and both being collectivist cults.

Soviets had a greater capacity, but the Chinese dumped tons of weapons and gear in North Vietnam. And later invaded Vietnam, but also went to war with Russia a few times. It's complicated.

04-22-24, 07:13
Soviets had a greater capacity, but the Chinese dumped tons of weapons and gear in North Vietnam. And later invaded Vietnam, but also went to war with Russia a few times. It's complicated.

Less so than you'd think... much like the Middle East, alliances in Asia are highly situational. Once you remember that it gets easier. :) "Tomorrow's enemy is tomorrow's problem... if I can get him to help beat up today's enemy that makes him less of a problem to move on tomorrow."

Surprised SEATO lasted as long as it did, frankly...

04-22-24, 09:58
I though the Soviets were the major backers of N Vietnam? China and Vietnam went to war not long after we left, correct? Not saying that China didn't help the NVA, just that the Soviets and Maoists are more natural enemies than allies, largely based on geography and both being collectivist cults.

The Chinese were actively involved in the war. There are numerious examples of troops, be they line infantry, LRRPs, or SF units, finding the bodies of Chinese advisors after an engagement. These were always downplayed by higher brass due to Johnson's phobia of repeating Korea, and Nixon's policies. The Chinese also pushed hundreds of thousands of troops into North Vietnam to serve in rear-echelon roles so the NVA could maximize their manpower in the south. From Wiki:

In response, People's Liberation Army (PLA) forces began flowing into North Vietnam in July 1965 to help defend Hanoi and its major transportation systems. The total number of Chinese troops in North Vietnam between June 1965 and March 1968 amounted to over 320,000.

I will never understand why our leaders during the Cold War never had the balls needed to do anything. We had a series of weak presidents when we needed them to be strong. Truman was half-hearted, Ike was desperately afraid of actually building a force capable of doing something and actively stopped those who tried, JFK was a KGB asset, Johnson was a corrupt scumbag with a China phobia, Nixon was all over the place, and Carter had no more backbone than a chocolate eclair.

04-22-24, 12:49
Sounds like an October surprise to me.

Maybe the fbi should do some fbi shit. If not, why do we pay them?

04-22-24, 13:11
Maybe the fbi should do some fbi shit. If not, why do we pay them?

Problem is, THEY think "doing FBI shit" means "striving for resurrection of Himmler's Gestapo."

04-22-24, 13:45
Warnings about a massive attack on US infrastructure by the degenerate CCP have been going on for the last year or so that I know of, perhaps longer. The point is, if such an attack were to occur, what would would the current asswipe administration say? "ya shouldn't done that ". What would they do? Issue a stern warning to not do it again ever ever ever? If such a heinous event were to transpire it would be, I'd venture to guess, with the xiden administrations blessing, collusion, maybe even encouragement, depending on what the desired end result would be. Also, the chicom scumbags do depend heavily on the US to maintain their economy, so would they really 'bite the hand that feeds them' as the expression goes?

04-22-24, 13:52
Warnings about a massive attack on US infrastructure by the degenerate CCP have been going on for the last year or so that I know of, perhaps longer. The point is, if such an attack were to occur, what would would the current asswipe administration say? "ya shouldn't done that ". What would they do? Issue a stern warning to not do it again ever ever ever? If such a heinous event were to transpire it would be, I'd venture to guess, with the xiden administrations blessing, collusion, maybe even encouragement, depending on what the desired end result would be. Also, the chicom scumbags do depend heavily on the US to maintain their economy, so would they really 'bite the hand that feeds them' as the expression goes?

And I would come back to a point I keep tying to make... with their leaders' willingness to use "drown the enemy in our own people's spilled blood" as a FIRST resort, where do you think economic sacrifices are as acceptable expendability? Right now, they think they can rebuild after the storm more easily than we can after decades of tearing down all our factories, steel mills etc and offshoring it all to them. I've been hearing rumblings about backing off on "One Child," which I've long argued to be a warning sign that if it happens it means they're expecting to take HUGE population losses soon and preparing to breed replacements and fight a war of attrition.

A war of attrition with an "unrestricted breeding" China, stipulating this discussion not going nuclear, would be like WWII with us in Japan's shoes in terms of "who can shovel meat into the grinder longer."

04-22-24, 14:24
It baffles me that we allow critical infrastructure in this country to have computer systems controlling operations where those computers are online at all. No “air gap” whatsoever. Gotta improve productivity by automation as much as possible.

Security measures consist of lame ass Authenticator Apps, and making employees change passwords all the time. The only thing this accomplishes is ass pain for employees and job security for various IT desks.

Warnings about a massive attack on US infrastructure by the degenerate CCP have been going on for the last year or so that I know of, perhaps longer. The point is, if such an attack were to occur, what would would the current asswipe administration say? "ya shouldn't done that ". What would they do? Issue a stern warning to not do it again ever ever ever? If such a heinous event were to transpire it would be, I'd venture to guess, with the xiden administrations blessing, collusion, maybe even encouragement, depending on what the desired end result would be. Also, the chicom scumbags do depend heavily on the US to maintain their economy, so would they really 'bite the hand that feeds them' as the expression goes?





04-22-24, 19:15
Warnings about a massive attack on US infrastructure by the degenerate CCP have been going on for the last year or so that I know of, perhaps longer. The point is, if such an attack were to occur, what would would the current asswipe administration say? "ya shouldn't done that ". What would they do? Issue a stern warning to not do it again ever ever ever? If such a heinous event were to transpire it would be, I'd venture to guess, with the xiden administrations blessing, collusion, maybe even encouragement, depending on what the desired end result would be. Also, the chicom scumbags do depend heavily on the US to maintain their economy, so would they really 'bite the hand that feeds them' as the expression goes?

The Left would see such an act as an opportunity to consolidate power, which is their wet dream.

04-23-24, 09:16
And I would come back to a point I keep tying to make... with their leaders' willingness to use "drown the enemy in our own people's spilled blood" as a FIRST resort, where do you think economic sacrifices are as acceptable expendability? Right now, they think they can rebuild after the storm more easily than we can after decades of tearing down all our factories, steel mills etc and offshoring it all to them. I've been hearing rumblings about backing off on "One Child," which I've long argued to be a warning sign that if it happens it means they're expecting to take HUGE population losses soon and preparing to breed replacements and fight a war of attrition.

A war of attrition with an "unrestricted breeding" China, stipulating this discussion not going nuclear, would be like WWII with us in Japan's shoes in terms of "who can shovel meat into the grinder longer."

Every Chinese combatant has like 8 grandparents (including a spouses) to support. We'll just throw recent immigrants at them (Service assures citizenship! ala Starship Troopers). Massive loses would destabilize their cutlure really fast. I don't think the Chinese quite have the same cohesiveness of the Japanese; still Asian, but a bit more 'what's in it for me'.

The Left would see such an act as an opportunity to consolidate power, which is their wet dream.

If you have people dying from power outages and bodies stacking up, you can't use that. You need the COVID model where you can manage and manipulate. The Chinese won't decimate us, they irritate us. Mass deaths gets you on the road to sunshine in can.

04-23-24, 15:32
And I would come back to a point I keep tying to make... with their leaders' willingness to use "drown the enemy in our own people's spilled blood" as a FIRST resort, where do you think economic sacrifices are as acceptable expendability? Right now, they think they can rebuild after the storm more easily than we can after decades of tearing down all our factories, steel mills etc and offshoring it all to them. I've been hearing rumblings about backing off on "One Child," which I've long argued to be a warning sign that if it happens it means they're expecting to take HUGE population losses soon and preparing to breed replacements and fight a war of attrition.

A war of attrition with an "unrestricted breeding" China, stipulating this discussion not going nuclear, would be like WWII with us in Japan's shoes in terms of "who can shovel meat into the grinder longer."
1/3 of Chinas population will likely die of natural causes in the next 15 years. The "One baby" policy between 1979-2015 will leave a massive hole in the population in the next 20-30 years in China.

There have been talks in Bejing to start "paying" couples to have 2-3 children, but from what I can gather, that has not been instituted.

As far as a cyber attack goes? I know the power generation companies are DEATHLY afraid of it, spend 10's of millions of dollars collectively every year to harden their systems and they still acknowledge their are blind spots that wont be seen until it is to late.

If the Chinese want to do it, we cant stop it.

04-23-24, 23:48
There have been talks in Bejing to start "paying" couples to have 2-3 children, but from what I can gather, that has not been instituted.

Well "couples" is their other problem. That "one baby" policy produced a nation of mostly males. Everyone wanting a boy and the government restrictions resulted in millions of terminated pregnancies.

Now China has 30 million more men than women.

04-24-24, 08:12
Well "couples" is their other problem. That "one baby" policy produced a nation of mostly males. Everyone wanting a boy and the government restrictions resulted in millions of terminated pregnancies.

Now China has 30 million more men than women.

Lots of blue-balled ChiComs with all that testosterone to use up......gee, wonder what use that could possibly be put to? :rolleyes:

04-24-24, 10:47
Lots of blue-balled ChiComs with all that testosterone to use up......gee, wonder what use that could possibly be put to? :rolleyes:

And the rage at knowing they will never be able to have an acceptable "purebred Han" companion to make babies with... THAT is why war is coming an it will be bloody, China has to expend all that incel rage and the lives harboring it against an external threat before they realize the true source of their torment and raze Beijing to the ground.

04-24-24, 12:28
And the rage at knowing they will never be able to have an acceptable "purebred Han" companion to make babies with... THAT is why war is coming an it will be bloody, China has to expend all that incel rage and the lives harboring it against an external threat before they realize the true source of their torment and raze Beijing to the ground.

Not sure if they'd go as far as targeting American civilians, but if they did I'd have ZERO moral qualms about incinerating as much of the Chinese population as possible. Kind of help them along a bit with their quandary. The average mainland Chinese is no friend of ours; they're xenophobic, racially arrogant in their "superiority", and extremely nationalistic.

04-24-24, 13:15
What advice do the Feds have for law abiding, patriotic, gun owners, after warning us that China is about to wage war on America?

04-24-24, 14:22
What advice do the Feds have for law abiding, patriotic, gun owners, after warning us that China is about to wage war on America?

Make sure and vote for Biden because he can use words like "Don't."

04-24-24, 14:35
What advice do the Feds have for law abiding, patriotic, gun owners, after warning us that China is about to wage war on America?

That China is our biggest trading partner and to not forget how important it is to maintain that relationship. Even when they are waging cyber and I donation warfare on us.

04-24-24, 15:25
Wray giving more information about the "operation."

FBI Director Wray Again Warns of Potential Terror Attack in the US, ‘Not That Different’ from Concert Attack in Russia


04-24-24, 15:36
Not sure if they'd go as far as targeting American civilians, but if they did I'd have ZERO moral qualms about incinerating as much of the Chinese population as possible. Kind of help them along a bit with their quandary. The average mainland Chinese is no friend of ours; they're xenophobic, racially arrogant in their "superiority", and extremely nationalistic.
Can't find it now, but I seem to recall few years ago reading a speech by Xi's senior military advisor where he basically said "gratitude for past American aid is a luxury we can't afford, we must seize their land for our own and exterminate all who refuse to leave military and civilian." It was uncannily reminiscent of Hitler's "Lebensraum" rants*, actually... but damned if I can find it now, probably been scrubbed from the internet.
*Unsurprising, the main difference between Maoist Han ethnosupremacism and Nazi "Aryan" ethnosupremacism is the lexicon and the designated "Master Race."

04-24-24, 18:20
Can't find it now, but I seem to recall few years ago reading a speech by Xi's senior military advisor where he basically said "gratitude for past American aid is a luxury we can't afford, we must seize their land for our own and exterminate all who refuse to leave military and civilian." It was uncannily reminiscent of Hitler's "Lebensraum" rants*, actually... but damned if I can find it now, probably been scrubbed from the internet.
*Unsurprising, the main difference between Maoist Han ethnosupremacism and Nazi "Aryan" ethnosupremacism is the lexicon and the designated "Master Race."

Well put and I agree 100%. See my sigline.

Also this, which was posted several years ago here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py7ew8zeIVE

04-24-24, 18:46
Lots of blue-balled ChiComs with all that testosterone to use up......gee, wonder what use that could possibly be put to? :rolleyes:

That's a lot of cannon fodder or meat for the grinder...

04-25-24, 01:49
Oh abso-fvcking-lutely they would. But it won't be an "October Surprise", it'll be literally right before the election so there's no time to fix the outages. Of course that will take front and center and a week or two later they'll announce that "Despite the adversity the vote continued on through the disaster! These heroic election workers! Oh, BTW, Biden won again this time with 100 million votes! It's amazing!"

Exactly, this will go south OCT 31-NOV 2, if its going to go. They know if Orange Man gets in he will not take the CRAP from anybody.

That is why all the thousands of Chinese Military Age Males and tens of thousands of Middle Easterners are coming across the southern border. They will keep us busy here for a while.

It is all by design.