View Full Version : Anyone ever have a "whatever I can find at home tonight" dinner?

04-26-24, 19:29
Something in the freezer, fridge, or pantry. Piece it together. Have had a can of tuna or leftover taco meat with mac-n-cheese or Hamburger Helper many times.

Wife is working tonight so I invoked the question in the OP......what can I find?
Found some Oscar Meyer Angus dogs in the freezer. A can of hot dog chili (and a Ramen as a side) in the cupboard. Two leftover brioche buns from last weekend. Viola! Supper!

Gotta ask, do most of you eat leftovers? I was raised that you don't waste food (the old "starving kid in Africa" spiel Mom would give). Wife and I freeze leftover meat or veggies of any decent amount, comes in handy later on. Had a small Omaha Steaks prime rib roast the other night, it was 3.5lbs. We ate what we could without being gluttons, so that left a good deal to freeze. Was thinking of maybe taking some out this weekend and cutting it relatively thin (while it is half-frozen so it is easier to cut) to make prime rib Phillies or Italian beef sandwiches.

04-26-24, 20:31
I always have, at the bare minimum, a few cans of beans and some type of link sausage in the fridge or freezer. Add some spices and some cheese and it qualifies as comfort food.

04-26-24, 20:57
I get three meals out of a pizza. In fact when I do get take out or sit down food, I order it with leftovers in mind.

04-26-24, 21:07
I get three meals out of a pizza. In fact when I do get take out or sit down food, I order it with leftovers in mind.

Oh Yeah.....similar to Pizza, I get a chicken Shwarma plate with Rice from a local establishment and it can nearly feed me for a week. I can get several lunches and dinners out of it.

04-26-24, 23:00
The last hurrah is when I’m down to one frozen burger. I fry it up and add to a large can of baked beans. Much better if you have a couple of bacon strips to add.

04-26-24, 23:36
Some chips and microwave velveeta cheese with some salsa.

04-26-24, 23:52
Seriously, breakfast for dinner isnt just for Dad’s when mom is sick- before home delivery. Stack of pancakes. Couple of scrambled eggs, maybe. French toast. Breakfast for dinner.

04-27-24, 00:34
Seriously, breakfast for dinner isnt just for Dad’s when mom is sick- before home delivery. Stack of pancakes. Couple of scrambled eggs, maybe. French toast. Breakfast for dinner. I'm a huge fan. The kids loved it when I made waffles, sausage and eggs for dinner. Now the kids are out of the house, I just do it when the wife is away. I don't eat breakfast, but I often make eggs and sausage for lunch if there's no leftovers from the night before.

Cooking for two has escaped us after raising three kids, we always make too much. Our leftovers are lunch for the next day. We started saving an astounding amount of money this way. Both in not wasting food, and in not buying lunch. It doesn't always work out, but it does probably 75% of the time.

04-27-24, 03:14
Seriously, breakfast for dinner isnt just for Dad’s when mom is sick- before home delivery. Stack of pancakes. Couple of scrambled eggs, maybe. French toast. Breakfast for dinner.

LOL. This is always late nite dinner and I go way overboard.

Bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, hash browns, possibly ham. Of course the best thing about a nice bone in ham is cooking slices at night with hash browns and cheese.

04-27-24, 04:47
B-fast has never appealed to me, only eat it when I am doing something different. It used to be if I ate before 11 am I'd get an upset stomach, so that trained me to skip it entirely.

I'm good with 2 cups of Joe in the morning, no more, no less.

04-27-24, 05:23
We call it "fend night". Basically whatever you can find in the fridge or freezer. Then there is "big breakfast night". That's is usually a planned meal.

04-27-24, 09:25
As a pretty recent bachelor/widower, that’s EVERY night.
I always find something microwave, heat up, you know.
Haven’t gone to bed hungry yet.

04-27-24, 09:52
I'm a big leftover & eggs guy...when it starts getting skinny in the fridge, it's a surprise scramble for the evening.

Food has gotten idiotic expensive.

04-27-24, 11:22
I'm a huge fan. The kids loved it when I made waffles, sausage and eggs for dinner. Now the kids are out of the house, I just do it when the wife is away. I don't eat breakfast, but I often make eggs and sausage for lunch if there's no leftovers from the night before.

Cooking for two has escaped us after raising three kids, we always make too much. Our leftovers are lunch for the next day. We started saving an astounding amount of money this way. Both in not wasting food, and in not buying lunch. It doesn't always work out, but it does probably 75% of the time.

I'm a big leftover & eggs guy...when it starts getting skinny in the fridge, it's a surprise scramble for the evening.

Food has gotten idiotic expensive.

With my son gone, the portions have gotten odd. A salmon filet used to be not enough, now it would be two meals. I definitely do the leftovers for lunch, and that helps. When a lunch easily gets to $20, fast, it is a money saver.

Hashbrowns- real hasbrowns, are a skill that I’ve never really mastered, not matter how long I go to WaffleHouse and watch…

04-27-24, 11:39
I don’t waste food, so constantly, yes.

04-27-24, 13:37

04-27-24, 13:59
Hashbrowns- real hasbrowns, are a skill that I’ve never really mastered, not matter how long I go to WaffleHouse and watch…

If you have time…..
Shred, rinse, lay potatoes out on dish towel and cover with a second dish towel to dry them.
Heat your butter up a good bit and run it through a coffee filter to clarify it.

Medium heat in a cast iron skillet put a shot of butter, then spuds. Let it sit there a few minutes and then butter the top and flip.

Want them crispier, make them thinner, want them little more meaty, make them thicker.

I don’t bust mine up in the pan, but if you want to be a rebel, go for it.

04-27-24, 14:43
I can remember eating donuts covered in ketchup once, being young and broke is so much fun. Actually the young part was pretty good, the broke not so much.

04-27-24, 16:01
But my favorite leftovers are 1/3 of a ribeye for breakfast with eggs.

04-27-24, 16:24
Most meals are now like this for me. I’ve been pretty much on carnivore diet for last few months, so eating has been kinda simplified. And honestly, on carnivore I eat way less often…

My go to's are beef, bacon, eggs, pork chops, chicken, ham, and cheese.

So when I cook a 3 pound beef chuck steak, that’s 3-5 meals. I try to freeze 2 meals, set two in fridge. I cook a couple pounds of burger patties and end up with at least 4-5 patties leftover.

Some good sliced deli ham or turkey and swiss or provolone…three slices meat, 3 cheese is a meal.

A couple rotisserie chickens makes at least 3 meals and the carcass makes a big batch of chicken soup for at least 4 freezer servings.

Scrambled eggs and cheese are always an option. I always have boiled eggs ready.

When I cook bacon, i always cook 2 lbs of thick cut and the leftover gets split between freezer and fridge.

Im thinking of roasting a turkey soon, that will really fill the freezer…a pork butt will as well.

And while we often think of meat as expensive, it is a cheap way to eat when you take away all the extra stuff…and buy the sales.

I tried going plant based…it worked for a while but was always hard on my gut and always wanted to cheat. Tried KETO but kinda same…carnivore is so stupid easy.

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04-27-24, 23:23
Most meals are now like this for me. I’ve been pretty much on carnivore diet for last few months, so eating has been kinda simplified. And honestly, on carnivore I eat way less often…

My go to's are beef, bacon, eggs, pork chops, chicken, ham, and cheese.

So when I cook a 3 pound beef chuck steak, that’s 3-5 meals. I try to freeze 2 meals, set two in fridge. I cook a couple pounds of burger patties and end up with at least 4-5 patties leftover.

Some good sliced deli ham or turkey and swiss or provolone…three slices meat, 3 cheese is a meal.

A couple rotisserie chickens makes at least 3 meals and the carcass makes a big batch of chicken soup for at least 4 freezer servings.

Scrambled eggs and cheese are always an option. I always have boiled eggs ready.

When I cook bacon, i always cook 2 lbs of thick cut and the leftover gets split between freezer and fridge.

Im thinking of roasting a turkey soon, that will really fill the freezer…a pork butt will as well.

And while we often think of meat as expensive, it is a cheap way to eat when you take away all the extra stuff…and buy the sales.

I tried going plant based…it worked for a while but was always hard on my gut and always wanted to cheat. Tried KETO but kinda same…carnivore is so stupid easy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

For the wife and I, the cheapest meats we eat are chicken and pork butt. I have about ten different versions of pulled pork that I can do with a pork butt. Our local grocery store cooks up whole chickens for $1.50 more than they sell the whole raw chicken. They do a good job, so it's a no-brainer. We're not on KETO diet, but definitely lower carb to keep my wife's A1C counts numbers low enough to stay off meds.

04-28-24, 09:41
Well, a little leftover steak became some really great burrito's.
Had it twice, now the leftovers including the burrito toppings are todays Chili.
Honestly it's a lot more than I can eat alone, so some of it will likely end up in the freezer.
So, I'm guessing I turned a lot of cheap steak in to at least 8-10 meals before it's over.

I had seven siblings and my Mom's been widowed twice, She can make a meal out of anything.

04-29-24, 15:13
A 6lb. pan of Stouffer's frozen Lasagna is always in my chest freezer for those occasions.

Almost forgot about the purple package of frozen burritos too

04-29-24, 16:50
Good old can of chili is the emergency button. Usually some grilled chicken breast or tenders with something to zing them up. Hot sauce, BBQ sauce, etc.