View Full Version : My rights amid the protest

04-29-24, 18:07
Live in a small college town. A decade or so ago, a baker's half dozen dressed in black reaper costumes, faces masked, to protest something. I unwittingly encountered them on the sidewalk. They kept stepping in front of me to stop me. I finally told them I was old and their dress/behavior had me in fear for my life and I would kill them in defense of my life. They let me pass. Maybe I got lucky in several ways, that time.....
So, if I was walking and became entangled in a bigger protest, or was in my car and became surrounded by protesters, what would my legally defensible actions be to e&e the encounter?

04-29-24, 19:54
To the best of my knowledge, there is no duty or requirement for a person to warn or advise another that he is in fear for his life.

04-29-24, 19:59
To the best of my knowledge, there is no duty or requirement for a person to warn or advise another that he is in fear for his life.

I’m not an attorney but the OP did do a good job of deescalating the conflict.

04-29-24, 20:02
The rule is the same as it's always been. Immediate egress and fight for your life, sort out the legal stuff later. Lawyer up immediately regardless of circumstance.

04-29-24, 20:12
I am under the impression that you can't run over the mob blocking the road? I am in a castle doctrine state, but I'd assume banging on the hood as opposed to a window would not count as forcibly trying to gain access to a vehicle I was legally occupying. As said above, get your ass to safety and worry about legalities later, but.....

04-29-24, 21:20
It’s all replaceable bodywork on a car until someone breaks a window, then it’s on like donkey Kong. I’m going to smile and wave and not try to agitate them, but I’m not gonna get pulled out of my car. Unfortunately, with so many of us living under sorrows, DAs, what the law and what is right won’t matter.

That YouTube website, Washington gun law, or something like that, I thought did some thing about this. Maybe the armed attorneys YouTube channel also did it?

I can’t imagine being Jewish, or having a relative being held hostage by the Hamas- holes, and then their minions here surround your car. Not saying it any kind of retribution kind of sense, but just from a psychological breakpoint.

04-30-24, 07:06
If I were anywhere near protestors I would carry bear spray

04-30-24, 07:39
It depends on your location. That Army Sergeant in Austin had a rioter point an AK at him so he fired in self defense and killed him. The Soros DA took a dozen or so tries before he got him indicted and now that Sgt. is sitting in prison.

04-30-24, 08:23
It depends on your location. That Army Sergeant in Austin had a rioter point an AK at him so he fired in self defense and killed him. The Soros DA took a dozen or so tries before he got him indicted and now that Sgt. is sitting in prison.

That SGT also posted stupid stuff on Facebook which they dug up and used against him. Shouldn't have had any impact on his guilt or innocence though. I'd think an appeal has got to be underway (?).

I will say this on an open internet forum: the possible legal consequences will not affect my actions in a riot situation whatsoever. I am NOT being pulled out of my vehicle by a crowd of heathens and getting a possibly deadly beat-down. It ain't happening. I'll deal with the legal crap later but I'll be alive and healthy.

04-30-24, 09:10
Forgot about the pepper spray, though I've heard it can amount to assualt with a weapon if used prematurely..... Guess I'll get me some wasp spray. Sometimes people ask me what gun to get for SD. If they don't look like they'll train in, I usually tell them to get 4 cans of wasp spray. 1 ea for the night stand, the back of the toilet, the kitchen counter, and the coffee table..... Really!

04-30-24, 09:26
I draw the line at violence.
Slap my truck as you go by, flip me the bird, yell at me until you're blue in the face.
But don't play "Violence" with me. You can't touch me, you can't break my windows, you can't take my things, like wallet, keys etc.
I draw the line at violence, because if you get between me and the exit and threaten my safety, it's on.

04-30-24, 09:49
Yeah, you won't win me over by yelling at me, tearing up my stuff or threatening me. Provide me with good information, and I'll change a life long held opinion. These protesters may achieve short term goals, but in reality they hypocritically perpetuate the hate they so dislike.
5 cans of bug spray.... gotta have one for the door pocket to lessen the chance of losing everything I have worked for just cause some asshole pissed me off....Of course, maybe upgrade from 6+1 in . 380.....

04-30-24, 10:29
Forgot about the pepper spray, though I've heard it can amount to assualt with a weapon if used prematurely..... Guess I'll get me some wasp spray. Sometimes people ask me what gun to get for SD. If they don't look like they'll train in, I usually tell them to get 4 cans of wasp spray. 1 ea for the night stand, the back of the toilet, the kitchen counter, and the coffee table..... Really!But... why? Wasp spray is only mildly irritating, since it was not designed for self-defense and the irritation is merely a side effect, but because it can still cause long term harm to a person due to the insecticide within, folks have still been charged with assault by the use of wasp spray (it is also quite literally a Federal offense to use it in a manner outside of its design as an insecticide, though the odds of you being charged Federally is extremely unlikely). It's literally a lose-lose, you're using a less effective deterrent that carry at least the same legal consequences, if not more profound ones.

04-30-24, 10:41
I am under the impression that you can't run over the mob blocking the road? I am in a castle doctrine state, but I'd assume banging on the hood as opposed to a window would not count as forcibly trying to gain access to a vehicle I was legally occupying. As said above, get your ass to safety and worry about legalities later, but.....

Not for nothing, but after all the BLM BS my state specifically passed a law whereby "protesters" physically blocking motorists and effectively taking them hostage, are fair game. It covers both criminal AND civil actions. :)


04-30-24, 10:43
Duly noted. Have been mesmerized by the range, volume, ease of directing into eyes, relative cheap cost, and fantasized blinding to allow time for more consequential action..... And as a once certified pesticide applicator, I should have known of off label use!

So, what would I be charged with if I got stuck on or managed not to get my truck stuck on top of the bodies of those I believed were violent protesters threatening my life?

04-30-24, 10:58
I just try to avoid at all cost, during 2020, they shut down my main way home, blocking the highway. I know the backroads well enough to go around, but it was about another 45 minutes to my commute. I guess I would go by the rule of thumb as mentioned above, get out of the situation as much as possible, use violence only after you are threatened. I don't see it going well for anyone either way.

04-30-24, 11:24
I am under the impression that you can't run over the mob blocking the road? I am in a castle doctrine state, but I'd assume banging on the hood as opposed to a window would not count as forcibly trying to gain access to a vehicle I was legally occupying. As said above, get your ass to safety and worry about legalities later, but.....

This is state dependent. Oklahoma there is a law that protects drivers if they are i fear of their lives or their livestock. This is the result of an incident in Tulsa a few years ago. Protestors blocked I44 and then tried to open up a stock trailer with a couple hundred thousand dollars of horses in the back. They did not prosecute this guy and changed the law right after that to protect drivers in fear of their lives. Now there are no protests on the highways hear. See how that works. Run over a few and they get the point.

04-30-24, 11:47
Not for nothing, but after all the BLM BS my state specifically passed a law whereby "protesters" physically blocking motorists and effectively taking them hostage, are fair game. It covers both criminal AND civil actions. :)


Kind of wonder if the Feds would stick their damn noses into the situation. It's not like they haven't done it before (the 1964 Civil Rights murders in MS, and the Rodney King case) when they don't like the outcome at the state/local level. "Violating civil rights" is their go-to charge for an end-around of results they don't like.

Caveat: before anyone says anything, I am NOT supporting what happened in MS nor the beating of Rodney King, just stating that the Feds will find a way to get involved if they want to.

04-30-24, 13:03
Kind of wonder if the Feds would stick their damn noses into the situation. It's not like they haven't done it before (the 1964 Civil Rights murders in MS, and the Rodney King case) when they don't like the outcome at the state/local level. "Violating civil rights" is their go-to charge for an end-around of results they don't like.

Caveat: before anyone says anything, I am NOT supporting what happened in MS nor the beating of Rodney King, just stating that the Feds will find a way to get involved if they want to.

Assuming my actions would be true and just, I'd be willing to take my chances with an Oklahoma jury. :)

04-30-24, 15:04
Assuming my actions would be true and just, I'd be willing to take my chances with an Oklahoma jury. :)

Definitely. Better than D.C.

04-30-24, 16:53
The "Key" to me is are they touching me or physically blocking to detain me to a location in which is not safe and does not allow me to feel safe.
There can be nothing except nefarious reasons for blocking my exit or physically detaining me to a location.
That is the moment in which you give away all control of your safety, when they begin to control your movements.
That's assault and rubbing elbows with kidnapping.
I'll take my chances.

04-30-24, 20:48
I wonder what would happen if you roll down your window (car being blocked by protestors) and pump your fist, and shout whatever they're shouting with a big smile, and high five a few of them that approach? I'm usually quite the confrontational kind (worries my wife), but I'm wondering whether for my own safety (and my car's), it'd be more prudent to appear to be a supporter, and drive away unscathed.

05-01-24, 10:22
I wonder what would happen if you roll down your window (car being blocked by protestors) and pump your fist, and shout whatever they're shouting with a big smile, and high five a few of them that approach? I'm usually quite the confrontational kind (worries my wife), but I'm wondering whether for my own safety (and my car's), it'd be more prudent to appear to be a supporter, and drive away unscathed.


05-01-24, 12:23
The "Key" to me is are they touching me or physically blocking to detain me to a location in which is not safe and does not allow me to feel safe.
There can be nothing except nefarious reasons for blocking my exit or physically detaining me to a location.
That is the moment in which you give away all control of your safety, when they begin to control your movements.
That's assault and rubbing elbows with kidnapping.
I'll take my chances.

I believe in most jurisdictions it would fall under false imprisonment, if the duration is short. Of course they'd never get charged with anything if a Soros DA presides there.

05-01-24, 13:10
I believe in most jurisdictions it would fall under false imprisonment, if the duration is short. Of course they'd never get charged with anything if a Soros DA presides there.

Well, that's my red line, that's when I draw and shoot.
I don't care if they are charged with a damned thing at that point, they weighed the options and decided assaulting me or detaining me from free movement was worth risking their life for.
Bad Gamble.

05-01-24, 14:42
These Hamas-holes WANT to be shot. They are professional victims. Their whole ideology is based on them being the victims, being the weak. They use that as proof as to the validity of their position.

Might makes wrong in their eyes. They have taken the cheering for the underdog to new places.