View Full Version : I Guess 1st Amendment Only Applies to the Woke

04-30-24, 15:19

It just gets worse and worse. Five female students bared from competing in their track events because they peacefully protested the inclusion of biological men in their sport. Where are the feminists? Where are the women on this? They should be screaming for all these misogynistic assholes to be sued. Yet they aren’t. And these poor girls are left to fend for themselves. The effects on women’s sports will be unsurvivable.

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Coal Dragger
04-30-24, 16:43
This is what they wanted.

College educated women are the #1 most consistent Democrat voting block aside from black people.

I am happy to see them get to deal with their woke choices, I hope they continue getting it good and hard. They haven’t had time for the lesson to sink in yet.

04-30-24, 17:48
Wow. I don’t understand how they could suspend the girls? Under what kind of argument? I guess maybe they could have just dropped the ball outside of the ring? I don’t know the rules of that game. They didn’t impede or delay the match- frankly it was faster because they didn’t throw it.

Get an injunction and then just do it again…

04-30-24, 19:09
This is what they wanted.

College educated women are the #1 most consistent Democrat voting block aside from black people.

I am happy to see them get to deal with their woke choices, I hope they continue getting it good and hard. They haven’t had time for the lesson to sink in yet.

This is where I am at on it. What was that old Toyota commercial? You asked for it, you got it. Anyways, it just proves that men are better at everything, even at being a woman ;).

04-30-24, 19:10
BUT if they were blocking areas of campus, occupying areas of campus, and getting violent in a cause the Left supports and encourages, well.....

04-30-24, 19:14
BUT if they were blocking areas of campus, occupying areas of campus, and getting violent in a cause the Left supports and encourages, well.....

….then they are heroes of democracy.

04-30-24, 19:34
….then they are heroes of democracy.

Yep. In "reality world", the one we all live in and not some commie fantasy, they are trouble-making rabble and scum who need to be beaten, imprisoned, or shot (maybe even in that order!). They are villains, not heroes. How they see themselves and how the real world exposes them are two vastly different things.

04-30-24, 21:05
These female students should be supporting Palestinian and Iranian trans types. Oh wait the last one was just thrown off a building.

Never mind

04-30-24, 22:11
This is what they wanted.

College educated women are the #1 most consistent Democrat voting block aside from black people.

I am happy to see them get to deal with their woke choices, I hope they continue getting it good and hard. They haven’t had time for the lesson to sink in yet.

This is where I am at on it. What was that old Toyota commercial? You asked for it, you got it. Anyways, it just proves that men are better at everything, even at being a woman ;).

BUT if they were blocking areas of campus, occupying areas of campus, and getting violent in a cause the Left supports and encourages, well.....

Yep. In "reality world", the one we all live in and not some commie fantasy, they are trouble-making rabble and scum who need to be beaten, imprisoned, or shot (maybe even in that order!). They are villains, not heroes. How they see themselves and how the real world exposes them are two vastly different things.

These female students should be supporting Palestinian and Iranian trans types. Oh wait the last one was just thrown off a building.

Never mind

Unless my reading comprehension is off, these girls were suspended because they protested the Fourth Circuits blocking of WV "Save Women's Sports Act". In other words they COMPLETELY support restricting participation in women's sports to those that are biologically women.

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WBOY) — The five students who forfeited a shot-put competition on April 18 in protest following the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling to block West Virginia’s Save Women’s Sports Act have been barred from competing in the event in their next track and field meet.

Coal Dragger
04-30-24, 22:57
Yeah I get that these particular female student athletes are totally the victims here. That is unfortunate, but it’s not as if they stood to make a living in professional sports later. If anything they’re learning to never vote Democrat, a far more valuable lesson than they got playing sports.

This is what their college educated female cohorts, mothers, etc have been pushing for for decades. Now they’re reaping the consequences. Until they all get good and mad it should continue, the lesson hasn’t been learned by the whole group and unfortunately in this case group punishment is the only way it sinks in. When there are zero competitive female athletes who win at a high level maybe it will sink in.

Next up I want to see some NBA player decide he’s a woman now and go shit wreck the WNBA. That would actually probably increase viewership by 500%.

04-30-24, 23:54
Where are the feminists? Where are the women on this?

Too busy protest Israel at Hamas rallies.

04-30-24, 23:55
This is what they wanted.

Largely agree, but not ALL of them wanted it but now ALL of them have to deal with it.

05-01-24, 12:32
The woke always forget their own lesson. There's always a group higher on the grievance ranking scale than they are. Always. :)

05-01-24, 14:43
This is what they wanted.

College educated women are the #1 most consistent Democrat voting block aside from black people.

I am happy to see them get to deal with their woke choices, I hope they continue getting it good and hard. They haven’t had time for the lesson to sink in yet.

I completely agree. They can suck on their tolerance that allowed this to happen. I go as far as to root for the tranny nut cases! Men are better at everything... even at being women!! :cool:

05-05-24, 12:32
Man who set records in women’s track events would have placed last if still competing as a man. You go girl!
