View Full Version : Professor Tells Students to Start Violent Revolution in US

04-30-24, 15:47
So he seems like a real winner:

From Columbia web site: "Dr. Mohamed Abdou is a North African-Egyptian Muslim anarchist interdisciplinary activist-scholar of Indigenous, Black, critical race, and Islamic studies, as well as gender, sexuality, abolition, and decolonization..." Who calls themselves an anarchist and still gets hired by a major university? I went to an Ivy League school, and had I heard such a thing, I'd have pitched a bitch about it to the department head.

Source: https://www.mei.columbia.edu/scholars-and-fellows/mohamed-abdou

Oh, but it gets better:


04-30-24, 18:32
I'm down with that. I'll rampage his home given he's part of the bourgeois class, then shoot him in the head in front of his family.

04-30-24, 18:40
Bring it on goat ****er.

04-30-24, 19:12
Import sh*thole people from sh*thole countries, get sh*thole results. It’s not getting any better with 10 million or so here now.

04-30-24, 19:13
....North African-Egyptian Muslim anarchist interdisciplinary activist-scholar of Indigenous, Black, critical race, and Islamic studies, as well as gender, sexuality, abolition, and decolonization....

That's all I needed to read.

04-30-24, 19:17
Import sh*thole people from sh*thole countries, get sh*thole results. It’s not getting any better with 10 million or so here now.

That’s the plan, too many to get rid of. I guess…

04-30-24, 19:17
I'm down with that. I'll rampage his home given he's part of the bourgeois class, then shoot him in the head in front of his family.

Damn dude, you're usually more reserved, this asshole must've gone somewhere you weren't prepared to go! That observation aside, I agree 110%!!! :sarcastic:

As far as the video's message? By all means there Mr. Muzzie, bring it on. Oh wait, is Muzzie offensive? GOOD

04-30-24, 19:21
Damn dude, you're usually more reserved, this asshole must've triggered you! That observation aside, I agree 110%!!! :sarcastic:

Yeah, no shit. Chuckman is a voice of reason around here but I wholeheartedly support his assessment and statement. 👍

04-30-24, 19:29
Take look at the percentage of foreign students at Columbia... it isn't America being educated.

I think a lot of folks would be surprised at what is going on at some of these universities, what DHS is doing and foreign student aid.


Center For Immigrations Studies
April 25, 2024


Columbia University. According to the latest DHS data available, in 2022 there were 20,347 foreign students enrolled at Columbia University. The university’s website has the latest data for 2023, and puts the number at 20,321 foreign students. Columbia also lists the population by country of origin; almost half of the foreign students come from China, with 9,961 enrolled students, while Indian students account for 2,357 of the population, and Canadian students come in third with 751 enrolled foreign students.

A data table on the Columbia website notes that the university has enrolled a total of 36,649 students. Accordingly, this means approximately 55 percent of students at Columbia University were foreign students as of 2022.

MUCH MUCH more here: https://cis.org/Feere/Schools-Highest-Foreign-Student-Populations#:~:text=Columbia%20University.&text=A%20data%20table%20on%20the,foreign%20students%20as%20of%202022.

Directly from Columbia's website:

"Columbia University, continuing its tradition as a preeminent world center of learning, hosts more than 23,000 international students, faculty, researchers and visiting scholars from 162 countries plus family members who accompany them."


04-30-24, 19:58
These race hustlers better be careful, someday their bluff just might be called.

Coal Dragger
04-30-24, 23:18
That dude would look great hanging from some piano wire, or a rope.

Just sayin’.

04-30-24, 23:53
You wonder how terrorist hate groups like Hamas are able to protest on our college campuses. This is why.

05-01-24, 05:57
You wonder how terrorist hate groups like Hamas are able to protest on our college campuses. This is why.

Pretty much every major communist revolution was started by a college professor or somebody radicalized by a professor.

05-01-24, 06:39
In my earlier life, it was sometimes said, "At least we've managed to keep it over there."

It would appear they are about to succeed in bringing it over here......

05-01-24, 07:09
There was a time not that long ago when the FBI would have escorted that cocksucker onto a plane and sent his ass back to his shithole country. 1st amendment doesn’t apply to that asshole and besides…..it’s sedition! WTF

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-01-24, 07:35
Pretty much every major communist revolution was started by a college professor or somebody radicalized by a professor.

I was going to mention the Young Turks, and Lenin was in college when he started the "Social-Democrats" that became the Bolsheviks. Fidel Castro followed the teachings of Eduardo Chibas who was a college administrator turned politician.

05-01-24, 07:48
There was a time not that long ago when the FBI would have escorted that cocksucker onto a plane and sent his ass back to his shithole country. 1st amendment doesn’t apply to that asshole and besides…..it’s sedition! WTF

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They are too busy investigating real domestic terrorists, you know the Catholics, parents at school board meetings objecting to their children being groomed and grandmothers praying outside abortion clinics.

05-01-24, 08:13
Dude looks like Satan.

05-01-24, 08:37
So he seems like a real winner:

From Columbia web site: "Dr. Mohamed Abdou is a North African-Egyptian Muslim anarchist interdisciplinary activist-scholar of Indigenous, Black, critical race, and Islamic studies, as well as gender, sexuality, abolition, and decolonization..." Who calls themselves an anarchist and still gets hired by a major university? I went to an Ivy League school, and had I heard such a thing, I'd have pitched a bitch about it to the department head.

Source: https://www.mei.columbia.edu/scholars-and-fellows/mohamed-abdou

Oh, but it gets better:


Why is he not dead yet and are they taking volunteers to kill more terrorists?

05-01-24, 08:46
Pretty much every major communist revolution was started by a college professor or somebody radicalized by a professor.

And the first people they kill when they take power are college professors and intellectuals knowing it removes their replacement who will have new ideas for revolution.

05-01-24, 08:52
And the first people they kill when they take power are college professors and intellectuals knowing it removes their replacement who will have new ideas for revolution.

Well that and the "Journalists" who facilitated their rise to power.

05-01-24, 08:54
More buffoonery intended to keep people mad at one another.

05-01-24, 08:57
And the first people they kill when they take power are college professors and intellectuals knowing it removes their replacement who will have new ideas for revolution.

They just don't want free thinkers, they want yes men.

05-01-24, 09:54
What are the odds these folks all end up at the Democratic National Convention?
I will pop corn for that one.

05-01-24, 12:20
Take look at the percentage of foreign students at Columbia... it isn't America being educated.

I think a lot of folks would be surprised at what is going on at some of these universities, what DHS is doing and foreign student aid.


Center For Immigrations Studies
April 25, 2024


Columbia University. According to the latest DHS data available, in 2022 there were 20,347 foreign students enrolled at Columbia University. The university’s website has the latest data for 2023, and puts the number at 20,321 foreign students. Columbia also lists the population by country of origin; almost half of the foreign students come from China, with 9,961 enrolled students, while Indian students account for 2,357 of the population, and Canadian students come in third with 751 enrolled foreign students.

A data table on the Columbia website notes that the university has enrolled a total of 36,649 students. Accordingly, this means approximately 55 percent of students at Columbia University were foreign students as of 2022.

MUCH MUCH more here: https://cis.org/Feere/Schools-Highest-Foreign-Student-Populations#:~:text=Columbia%20University.&text=A%20data%20table%20on%20the,foreign%20students%20as%20of%202022.

Directly from Columbia's website:

"Columbia University, continuing its tradition as a preeminent world center of learning, hosts more than 23,000 international students, faculty, researchers and visiting scholars from 162 countries plus family members who accompany them."


And it's being funded by our tax dollars why? :mad:

05-01-24, 13:24
What are the odds these folks all end up at the Democratic National Convention?
I will pop corn for that one.

I’m getting my hopes up for this.

05-01-24, 13:25
And it's being funded by our tax dollars why? :mad:

The same reason our tax dollars are funding the invasion of our country. Our government hates us…

05-01-24, 13:35
I, for one, am sick of all this empty yellow talk. Bring it, before I'm too old to be a problem.

05-01-24, 14:09
I, for one, am sick of all this empty yellow talk. Bring it, before I'm too old to be a problem.

Came here to say pretty much exactly this.

Hurry up and bring it already, before I'm too old to give a fck.

05-01-24, 14:17
What are the odds these folks all end up at the Democratic National Convention?
I will pop corn for that one.

Chicago needs another good burn. Unfortunately, it will probably not happen.

05-01-24, 15:01
Please do. These college clowns are just cosplaying/LARPing terrorist revolutionaries. Give them the actual experience.

05-01-24, 18:20
Please, please, please !

05-01-24, 18:53
All these little commie Hamas want to be, rich kids need to be rounded up and disappeared. This didn't happen with the hippies which we know were funded and directed by members of the KGB. So they grew up to be Senators, Congressmen and the like.

So if we just let the current generation of commie Hamas @$$ hats grow up the country will not survive.

Round them all up all the Professors and students and take them to Egypt and turn them over Mukhabarat. For every one you let lose we will slash $50,000,000 from USA aid.

Problem solved

05-01-24, 22:01
All these little commie Hamas want to be, rich kids need to be rounded up and disappeared. This didn't happen with the hippies which we know were funded and directed by members of the KGB. So they grew up to be Senators, Congressmen and the like.

So if we just let the current generation of commie Hamas @$$ hats grow up the country will not survive.

Round them all up all the Professors and students and take them to Egypt and turn them over Mukhabarat. For every one you let lose we will slash $50,000,000 from USA aid.

Problem solved


05-01-24, 23:17
All these little commie Hamas want to be, rich kids need to be rounded up and disappeared. This didn't happen with the hippies which we know were funded and directed by members of the KGB. So they grew up to be Senators, Congressmen and the like.

So if we just let the current generation of commie Hamas @$$ hats grow up the country will not survive.

Round them all up all the Professors and students and take them to Egypt and turn them over Mukhabarat. For every one you let lose we will slash $50,000,000 from USA aid.

Problem solved

I think if they love communism, they should get communism. I figure with the dollar value of their organs alone China would pay $10k a head.

They want to fly a Hamas flag, send them to Hamas, especially the females. Let them experience TRUE Islam.

05-02-24, 08:15
It's interesting that it was UCLA campus where some had enough of the pro Hamas useful idiots. Of course it's being pushed the calm peaceful Hamas supporters were minding their own biz when evil pro Israel storm troopers arrived to create violence.


05-02-24, 13:00
One becomes very weary of all this talk of revolution, USA bad-communist chithole good, enough already, just act on your hatred ��......the repercussions of your actions will be quite surprising when/if acted upon. In certain states /neighborhoods, antifa, pro-hamas skum, blm, can wreak havoc in Chicago, Baltimore, Boston Seattle, NYC, Atlanta, and assorted other left wing enclaves. However, parts of Arizona, Texas, Tenn, KY, Georgia, definitely Florida (even Broward county) and assorted others, the populace will not tolerate it, and respond accordingly to mobs interfering with their daily activities.

05-02-24, 15:23
On the upside...

NY police shut down that Columbia university nonsense.


USF got a taste of tear gas.


And a UNC frat defended the flag from Palifags which resulted in a gofundme page that has raised $290,000.


05-02-24, 18:52
Import sh*thole people from sh*thole countries, get sh*thole results. It’s not getting any better with 10 million or so here now.

I don't think Gipe got in via outsourcing.


05-03-24, 03:38
Doesn't the Professor have an address and a phone number?

05-03-24, 09:51
Not all proffs at the schools are total idiots. That guy "gets" it. Note that what we are seeing is an alliance between the far left and Islamists. I think exposing them for what they are via these riots and such is a good thing long term. That will just drive more moderate people away from them and exposes what we are really dealing with there. Also saw another vid that says less than 50% of those arrested at the NYC schools were students at the school, which should surprise no one. Those "protesting" are the definition of the useful idiot and too dumb to see it:


05-03-24, 10:03
And it's being funded by our tax dollars why? :mad:

Good question...

Heck, we're paying for Biden to fly hundreds of thousands directly into American from their home country under some bs "Parole program", including over 160,000 into Florida during 8 months last year. Why? Curiously, I hadn't heard DeSantis make an issue of this last year or ever.

Miami, Florida: 91,821
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida: 60,461
Orlando, Florida: 6,043
Tampa, Florida: 3,237

The above is just through Aug 2023. Wonder how many more hundreds of thousands since?


05-03-24, 13:42
Just want to put this out there, this guy is claiming the Professors are in League with the Protestors and they are actively coordinating plans.


This guy claims he has e-mail proof of this and wants someone to pay for it.

05-03-24, 13:46
Just want to put this out there, this guy is claiming the Professors are in League with the Protestors and they are actively coordinating plans.


This guy claims he has e-mail proof of this and wants someone to pay for it.

I saw that one. They should be fired obviously but the reality is the schools are likley siding with them regardless other than a few profs who didn't drink the Koolaid.

05-03-24, 21:26
Yeah, no shit. Chuckman is a voice of reason around here but I wholeheartedly support his assessment and statement. 👍

Chuckman is under some stress right now. His GiveADamn is broken.


05-04-24, 08:02
That's gonna really piss you off:

Washington Free Beacon senior investigative reporter Joe Simonson joins 'Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street' to describe how The People’s Forum allegedly encouraged anti-Israel activists to re-create the violent protests of 'the summer of 2020.'


05-05-24, 11:25
What go's around ...

05-05-24, 11:51
Newt Gingrich did a Podcast the other day about college protests in the past. Pretty much the same bs, outside agitators, professors involved, school administrators not taking action... on and on... but there was more violence with bombings and attacks on police. Strong leadership from Governor Reagan was key in dealing with it.

Worthy 30min listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-692-governor-reagan-on-college-protests/id1452065072?i=1000654494915

05-06-24, 13:16
"Anti-Israel protesters on college campuses are reportedly getting funding from several big-name Democrat donors that have backed President Biden's re-election efforts, according to a report.

Democratic donors such as George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., who sits on the board of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Susan and Nick Pritzker, who own the Hyatt Hotel corporation, have funded pro-Palestinian efforts to protest the Israel-Hamas war, Politico reported.

Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow are the main organizations behind the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University as well as other campuses, according to the outlet. They are backed by the Tides Foundation, which receives a substantial amount of funding from Soros, and was supported in the past by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and distributes money to left-wing causes."

More here: https://www.foxnews.com/media/politico-mocked-surprised-funding-anti-israel-protests

05-06-24, 19:17
"Anti-Israel protesters on college campuses are reportedly getting funding from several big-name Democrat donors that have backed President Biden's re-election efforts, according to a report.

Democratic donors such as George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., who sits on the board of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Susan and Nick Pritzker, who own the Hyatt Hotel corporation, have funded pro-Palestinian efforts to protest the Israel-Hamas war, Politico reported.

Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow are the main organizations behind the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University as well as other campuses, according to the outlet. They are backed by the Tides Foundation, which receives a substantial amount of funding from Soros, and was supported in the past by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and distributes money to left-wing causes."

More here: https://www.foxnews.com/media/politico-mocked-surprised-funding-anti-israel-protests

Wow, never saw that coming. Should I make my Scooby Doo surprised face?

05-06-24, 20:44
Perhaps this should nullify these folks from ever having a nickle of my tax dollars ever paying for their student loans?