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01-09-09, 13:23

01-09-09, 14:34
Here is my theory why impartial journalism has gone in the toilet.

When the news networks started broadcasting 24 hours a day, they had all this time to fill that they werent used to filling. So what do they do to fill the time? They start to bring in this analyst and that analyst and jaw about every issue known to man and it just has become an opinon shouting, cluster you know what. Way back when they reported the news in their small amount of time and let YOU decide. These news networks are also contributing to the downfall of american minds. Nobody takes the time to think about what they are hearing anymore. Since Americans have become busier in recent years, they have also become dumber because they dont take the time to research topics themselves, consider both sides and take an informed stance. They come home from work, turn on their favorite news network and listen to people say their opinions and they say" yea i agree with that! thats my stance." Its rediculous.

01-09-09, 14:50
because everybody has an opinion zippy, very few people are truely unbiased in the media.... these reporters have an opinion, and their news networks have an opinion, and as a result of being on tv and reporting the news on a national level, your opinion can be herd by the masses, and you can say whatever you want because you on tv so you must know what your talking about right? and as previously stated, people dont think for them selves anymore. everybody has to be told what to do. ALL of the obama reporters ive spoken to were very misinformed, because of the media. lets all just take everything for face value because the media would never lie to us :rolleyes:

01-09-09, 16:08
Facts do not equal ratings, and news is big business.

01-09-09, 16:40
The "news" hasn't been the "news" since the news division(s) were made part of the "entertainment" division(s) when some dim bulb(s) decided that the "news" division(s) needed to make a profit. :rolleyes:

01-09-09, 19:54
Human nature hasn't changed since a certain gal offered an apple to her fella.

The fact that they use the TV instead of the golden calf would hardly surprise Moses.


01-09-09, 22:13
i hardly listen to what the news has to say when it comes to many topics... i form my own opinions. the only things i watch the news for is to see major events, 9/11, obama get elected, the next civil war erupt etc...

01-11-09, 16:56
there are a few of us in the media that report in a truly unbiased way. In 20+ years as being a news photographer, I never let my politics or personal feelings interfere with my work until this past year when I asked my photo editor to keep me off of the national election coverage due to my own personal feelings. A lot of my co-workers and peers didn't understand my desire not to cover the "historic" election, but I knew for the first time that I couldn't stay neutral so I didn't cover any of the presidential candidates during their many appearances in south central PA.
There are still some good reporters and photogs in the business that haven't sold their soul to the sensationalism that is driving the current media.