View Full Version : Food for thought

01-10-09, 15:00
My wife and I were sitting around one night talking about Obama and an interesting discussion happened. My wife and I both worked for Naval Intelligence. In order get into this field you have to go through a lot of background checks where they talk to your neighbors, friends, school teachers, pastor of your church, relatives and just about anyone else they can find (looking for illegal activity such as drug use, drinking, etc). They look at where you have lived and traveled too, and where your relatives/parents have lived and traveled. They look at your bank records and those of your parents. You go through two polygraphs (espionage and lifestyle). Every 5yrs you get re-investigated all over again and go through the same process.

So what's the point?? The point is that Obama would have NEVER EVER passed this background check. There are SO MANY red flags in this mans background (Father/relatives, drug use, associations with terrorists, etc) that the Military would NEVER have let him wash dishes let alone be Commander and Chief. :rolleyes:


Jay Cunningham
01-10-09, 15:02

01-10-09, 15:03



01-10-09, 15:07

01-10-09, 15:07
The point is that Obama would have NEVER EVER passed this background check
Same goes for W. - drinking and drugs.

01-10-09, 15:09

Bad Voodoo
01-10-09, 15:09
It begs the question. Are there no "technical" Constitutional requirements to become POTUS, or is this guy really being force-fed to us through media and government manipulation? I find it difficult to believe that clearances are such a big deal all the way up to and including participation in Senate-select committees, but clearances be damned at the POTUS/cabinet level of government.

01-10-09, 15:11
Excellent point, Grant. Changes nothing, but an excellent point! Of course that is what I expect the Obama presidency to be about..."Change"s (nothing).

Ya I know, but is just interesting when you think about it.


01-10-09, 15:13
Same goes for W. - drinking and drugs.

There are waivers from some things and it depends when you came in (needs of the military vs what you did).

Generally, you COULD get a waiver for mild marijuana use. So GWB might have made it in.


01-10-09, 15:13
He wouldn't be hired at my department. That's a fact.

01-10-09, 15:14

01-10-09, 15:18
I agree. I needed one to be an Armorer. Didn't these checks have some weird acronym name like ETNAC? I don't think half the Politicians out there would pass a background check. I think they should also pass a drug test. I had to take random test while in the Marines. Your suppose to be tested according to fed law if you have a CDL/commercial drivers license. DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO.

01-10-09, 15:18
There are waivers from some things and it depends when you came in (needs of the military vs what you did). Generally, you COULD get a waiver for mild marijuana use. So GWB might have made it in.
And might not have if the numerous rumors of white powder went under the heavy scrutiny of a background check. Just sayin.

01-10-09, 15:21
It begs the question. Are there no "technical" Constitutional requirements to become POTUS, or is this guy really being force-fed to us through media and government manipulation? I find it difficult to believe that clearances are such a big deal all the way up to and including participation in Senate-select committees, but clearances be damned at the POTUS/cabinet level of government.

Good question. It really appears that you could have done just about anything and be elected President. The rest of us "common folk" have to live squeaky clean lives in order to get in.

To add insult to injury, the clearance level that my wife and I had was TS/SCI/SSBI and read into various other things along with mission specific SPECAT stuff. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._security_clearance_terms);

So I would assume that the President of the United States of America is read into MUCH, MUCH higher things than we were. :rolleyes:


01-10-09, 15:22
He wouldn't be hired at my department. That's a fact.



01-10-09, 15:23
And might not have if the numerous rumors of white powder went under the heavy scrutiny of a background check. Just sayin.

There was nothing ever verified and could be just rumor (hard to say).


01-10-09, 15:23
We said the same thing when Clinton first took office. Our discussion was how we as military intelligence officers, were held to a higher standard than our elected officials. How they can get a clearance because of the election process. It taints and makes a mockery of security classifications where otherwise, they couldn't get one to be a day care provider or a crossing guard.

01-10-09, 15:24
Good question. It really appears that you could have done just about anything and be elected President.
Bingo! All ya gotta be a a natural born citizen and have good spin. Aw, jeez, I probably hit a hot button with the first one.

ETA: Not quite that simple - Article II of the Constitution sets the principal qualifications to be eligible for election as President. A presidential candidate must:

-be a natural born citizen of the United States;
-be at least thirty-five years old;
-have been a permanent resident in the United States for at least fourteen years.

01-10-09, 15:24
I agree. I needed one to be an Armorer. Didn't these checks have some weird acronym name like ETNAC? I don't think half the Politicians out there would pass a background check. I think they should also pass a drug test. I had to take random test while in the Marines. Your suppose to be tested according to fed law if you have a CDL/commercial drivers license. DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO.

ENTNAC is Entrance National Agency Check.

This is one of the entry level background checks I believe. The nasty ones are the SBI/SSBI's as they are personal.


01-10-09, 15:25
There was nothing ever verified and could be just rumor (hard to say).
That is what the background checks are for! :D

01-10-09, 15:33
Funny story. While in Japan, my Father passed away and I received his life insurance payout into my checking account. About a week after this payment was made, I was paid a visit from NCIS. They wanted to know how an E-2 got that much money. I advised them that I had lost my Father and it was insurance money. The agent about died and crawled under the desk.

During this same time, I would receive ALL my personal mail opened! When I asked the base postmaster WTF, they advised that they received it this way from the US and that it was being opened before it ever left the country.

So much for personal privacy eh.....


01-10-09, 15:35
ENTNAC is Entrance National Agency Check.

This is one of the entry level background checks I believe. The nasty ones are the SBI/SSBI's as they are personal.

C4Thanks, I new it was something like that.

01-10-09, 15:47
Thanks, I new it was something like that.

You are welcome.


Don Robison
01-10-09, 16:04
He wouldn't be hired at my department. That's a fact.

I wouldn't hire him to scoop dog sh*t from my kennel area.

01-10-09, 16:29
And George Soros is pulling his strings. IMO everytime I see him in that split second before I hit 'Last Channel Viewed' its really all that makes sense to me, but they will blame 'W' for selling him the POTUS. maybe 'scapegoat' is better term.
If all who did not vote him in would just claim 'zero' dependants on 2009 W2's I wonder what kind stimulis he would be able to provide to non tax payers?

01-10-09, 18:03
Funny story. While in Japan, my Father passed away and I received his life insurance payout into my checking account. About a week after this payment was made, I was paid a visit from NCIS. They wanted to know how an E-2 got that much money. I advised them that I had lost my Father and it was insurance money. The agent about died and crawled under the desk.

During this same time, I would receive ALL my personal mail opened! When I asked the base postmaster WTF, they advised that they received it this way from the US and that it was being opened before it ever left the country.

So much for personal privacy eh.....


That's interesting - it seems that the clearances that intel and comm folks are about as high as it gets...

Here's a question - who would Obama sell the secrets to? Who is he calling late at night or inviting into the White House?

Another question - Congresscritters - Senate and House - do they have to pass any sort of background check? Those guys and gals seem to be the source of a lot of leaks...


30 cal slut
01-10-09, 18:06
but but but he's gonna pay for my gas and mortgage.


01-10-09, 18:27
Here's a question - who would Obama sell the secrets to? Who is he calling late at night or inviting into the White House?

hes a plant, man- he's a high level al qaeda officer on a suicide bombing mission to kill the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES

he can't carry out his mission till 1/20/09

01-10-09, 18:54
I am still not convinced that he was a "natural born citizen":rolleyes: I am pretty sure that his father was a Kenyan citizen. Note the word parents (plural)

The special term "Natural Born Citizen" is used in particular as a requirement for eligibility to serve as President or Vice President of the United States. Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution contains the clause:
“ No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. ”
Additionally, the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that: "[N]o person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." The grandfather provision of the Natural Born Citizen Clause thus covered the only exceptions to the natural born requirement for the first several presidents and vice-presidents, who were citizens at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, but had been born as British citizens before the American Revolution.
It is generally agreed [1] that these constitutional provisions mean anyone born on American soil to parents who are U.S. citizens is a “natural born citizen” eligible to someday become president or vice-president, whereas anyone whose citizenship is acquired after birth as a result of naturalization "process or procedure" is not a "natural born citizen" and is therefore ineligible for those two positions.[2] In between these extremes lie gray areas, some controversy, and various settled precedents.[3]

01-10-09, 19:17
I imagine that while technically there are limited requirements to be President, there are, in practice, very stringent requirements.

By that I mean that a candidate is subject to extensive scrutiny and likely detailed investigation during the election process. I imagine that any thing that even seemed improper would be revealed by a competitor's investigation and quickly pounced upon.

There is no public scrutiny by members of the Military, so the background checks are different. On a related note, who is to say that candidates aren't vetted by an intel agency, and we just never hear about it?

Bad Voodoo
01-10-09, 19:51
I imagine that any thing that even seemed improper would be revealed by a competitor's investigation and quickly pounced upon.

Isn't that exactly what happened? Can you imagine the absolute ruckus the media would have created had a conservative candidate had the kind of improprieties and relationships in their background that Obama was found to have had? I'm not on one side of the fence or the other as far as ideology goes, but I think this is proof positive that your traditional background investigations and clearances aren't exactly taken seriously at Barack's level.

01-10-09, 21:31

Bottom to top, 3)Obama, 2)Kennedy, 1)Rockefeller. The one with the most money wins.

01-11-09, 01:27
it's a pipe dream i know, but I believe it would be only fair, that our elected officials have the same benefits and requirements, as a service person, with the same time in.

Not only background checks, but the random checks...."here's your cup, pls leave it on the shelf", and I bet the retirement and health care packages for our veterans would improve drastically, if the politicians were were going to be using the same doctors and hospitals; no more 3 hour waits at the VA hospital, using medical equipment that was state-of-the-art in 1950. and imagine all the whining we would hear, if they had to trade their retirement packages, for the same packages that our vets get. damn..........there goes my blood pressure again. need to go and do some more reloading. They stand at the podium and bang their fists, promising to support our troops; put the bdu's on and live in the same clothes for 5 days, eatting cold food from a bag, put a buddy in a bag because some lying s.o.b. made a campaign promise to get our soldiers the gear they deserve, but then side track the money to a pork project.

01-11-09, 05:43
My wife linked me to an article(I'll find it, I hope) that listed the govt. and security jobs Obama would not be able to hold if such a background check applied. Long long list. In fact he wouldn't be allowed to guard the president, much less hold the office.
What scares the shit out of me the most is............... how far down the line of his successors we would have to go, should he leave office, before I could sleep at night.:eek:

Robb Jensen
01-11-09, 06:45
It's sad to say but the election was his background check.

01-11-09, 12:57
That's interesting - it seems that the clearances that intel and comm folks are about as high as it gets...

Here's a question - who would Obama sell the secrets to? Who is he calling late at night or inviting into the White House?

Another question - Congresscritters - Senate and House - do they have to pass any sort of background check? Those guys and gals seem to be the source of a lot of leaks...


Coms type people tend to have the highest clearance along with the highest level of "need to know" as they handle all the message traffic. When we would deploy in our 10-12 man teams, I would have to "filter" what my fellow spooks would be allowed to read. If info was not relevant to the mission at hand, they had no need to know.

Congresscritters will have different clearances depending on which committees they sit on. Some will have very high ones and others most likely have nothing above a Secret clearance.


01-11-09, 13:02
I imagine that while technically there are limited requirements to be President, there are, in practice, very stringent requirements.

By that I mean that a candidate is subject to extensive scrutiny and likely detailed investigation during the election process. I imagine that any thing that even seemed improper would be revealed by a competitor's investigation and quickly pounced upon.

There is no public scrutiny by members of the Military, so the background checks are different. On a related note, who is to say that candidates aren't vetted by an intel agency, and we just never hear about it?

I think there is a BIG difference between the news media knocking on your door and asking sensitive questions and a Federal Agent flashing a badge asking you if you believe that your neighbor is a National Security Risk!

On one of my 5yr re-investigations, the agents came to the street I lived on and talked to ALL my neighbors. One night while taking out the trash, my one neighbor approached me and said; "I don't know what you did, but I thought I would at least tell you that Federal Agents were here asking all kinds of questions about you." I laughed and told him that everything was ok. He just looked at me and walked back into his house (most likely thinking I was big fat liar). :D


01-11-09, 13:04
It's sad to say but the election was his background check.

Yep. If you can get the popular vote of the people (cough Hitler cough) then you could have been an Ax murderer and it wouldn't matter. :rolleyes:


01-11-09, 13:24
Yep. If you can get the popular vote of the people (cough Hitler cough) then you could have been an Ax murderer and it wouldn't matter. :rolleyes:

C4Thats why its important to dumb down the electorate. Lower voting standards. Let illegal's and convicts vote. Encourage the youth to vote (MTV generation), knowing their either well indoctrinated, unworldly or just easily led by frivolous celebrities. Take advantage of the poor, knowing their desperate for Gov't welfare, uneducated or a combination of both. The last thing these Liberal/Socialists wants is for you to be capable of independent thought.

01-11-09, 13:27
Thats why its important to dumb down the electorate. Lower voting standards. Let illegal's and convicts vote. Encourage the youth to vote (MTV generation), knowing their either well indoctrinated, unworldly or just easily led by frivolous celebrities. Take advantage of the poor, knowing their desperate for Gov't welfare, uneducated or a combination of both. The last thing these Liberal/Socialists wants is for you to be capable of independent thought.

Oh I agree. Let's say that you didn't have a job and or felt that you couldn't get a good job because the "man was keeping you down." Then I come along and tell you that I am going to take wealthy peoples money and give it to you (even though you do not even pay taxes).

Would you vote for me?


01-11-09, 13:30
Oh I agree. Let's say that you didn't have a job and or felt that you couldn't get a good job because the "man was keeping you down." Then I come along and tell you that I am going to take wealthy peoples money and give it to you (even though you do not even pay taxes).

Would you vote for me?

C4Ya I would, if I was ignorant and felt entitled. Why have a work ethic and honest conscience.

01-11-09, 13:33
Ya I would, if I was ignorant and felt entitled. Why have a work ethic and honest conscience.

You would feel "entitled" and would be pissed that you have such a crappy life (which is always someone elses fault).


01-11-09, 13:45
You would feel "entitled" and would be pissed that you have such a crappy life (which is always someone elses fault).

C4Yup. So I would vote for crooked politicians, who are more interested in using me for my desperate vote, so they can remain in power and continue their goal of social utopia. I'm just a means to an end. Once the politician has enough power, he must become an oppressor in order to secure and protect his gains.

01-11-09, 15:14
Let's say that you didn't have a job and or felt that you couldn't get a good job because the "man was keeping you down." Then I come along and tell you that I am going to take wealthy peoples money and give it to you (even though you do not even pay taxes).

Would you vote for me?

Ya got my vote, G.


01-11-09, 15:25
Ya got my vote, G.


That's me baby! I am all for taking peoples money that does not belong to me and giving it to people that do not pay taxes!


01-11-09, 15:40
Oh I agree. Let's say that you didn't have a job and or felt that you couldn't get a good job because the "man was keeping you down." Then I come along and tell you that I am going to take wealthy peoples money and give it to you (even though you do not even pay taxes).

Would you vote for me?


Can you say Hugo Chavez?

01-12-09, 11:23
So what will the rich man do when his money is gone to the poor?

I wonder if Obama will give HIS MONEY to the poor? (Yah right BABY!)

01-12-09, 19:38
My wife and I were sitting around one night talking about Obama and an interesting discussion happened. My wife and I both worked for Naval Intelligence. In order get into this field you have to go through a lot of background checks where they talk to your neighbors, friends, school teachers, pastor of your church, relatives and just about anyone else they can find (looking for illegal activity such as drug use, drinking, etc). They look at where you have lived and traveled too, and where your relatives/parents have lived and traveled. They look at your bank records and those of your parents. You go through two polygraphs (espionage and lifestyle). Every 5yrs you get re-investigated all over again and go through the same process.

So what's the point?? The point is that Obama would have NEVER EVER passed this background check. There are SO MANY red flags in this mans background (Father/relatives, drug use, associations with terrorists, etc) that the Military would NEVER have let him wash dishes let alone be Commander and Chief. :rolleyes:


It's funny that you have time to post this but you don't have time to pick up the phone and take by meager order.;) Dammit Grant, I want to buy something.:eek:

01-13-09, 08:37
It's funny that you have time to post this but you don't have time to pick up the phone and take by meager order.;) Dammit Grant, I want to buy something.:eek:

When I wrote this thread G&R Tactical was closed for the day (only open till 2EST on Satyrday). ;)


01-13-09, 23:21
Let me digest this... US as LE and military get backround checks to carry are piddly little pop guns but... If you couldn't pass this backroud check but get elected potus you get the keys to nukes??? WTF:confused:

PS. I'm currently paying 2, yes 2 mortgages! Do I qualify for a bail out?? Its really hurting my ammo purchasing ability.

01-13-09, 23:36
When I wrote this thread G&R Tactical was closed for the day (only open till 2EST on Satyrday). ;)


Tongue in cheek, order finally placed, very happy now.:D

Iraq Ninja
01-14-09, 07:24
Let me digest this... US as LE and military get backround checks to carry are piddly little pop guns but... If you couldn't pass this backroud check but get elected potus you get the keys to nukes??? WTF:confused:

Well, the Constitution spells out the requirements. I for one think it is a good thing that a background check is not required. Think of the abuse it could cause if someone in a current administration wanted to black ball an opponent.

The will of the people and the Electoral College is more important in our form of Government, then some Government Agency...

01-16-09, 13:14
Well, the Constitution spells out the requirements. I for one think it is a good thing that a background check is not required. Think of the abuse it could cause if someone in a current administration wanted to black ball an opponent.

The will of the people and the Electoral College is more important in our form of Government, then some Government Agency...

Abuse? Like nominating an income tax violator as Sec of Treasury? Losing faith here fast, and he isn't sworn in yet.