View Full Version : Brady urges immediate action against guns - much of it not requiring Congress to act

01-12-09, 15:16
Brady is asking BHO to take a number of restrictive actions infringing on our rights under the 2nd.

They believe that many of the actions suggested in their document (see link) can be taken WITHOUT congressional approval. I listed their statements below.

Link to Brady's wish list for the administration:


Member GutShotJohn seems to be under the impression that BHO is completely powerless to do ANYTHING to infringe on our rights without Congress passing a bill for him to sign. I wish I shared his optimism. Frankly, he appears to be clueless about the power of the executive - even though Brady knows better (as does anyone who can read). Even if many of the actions urged could be questioned in a court and later halted - what is to stop the new administration from following each suggestion? D.C. got away with banning handguns for over 30 years.

At any rate, read the whole sad, filthy thing at the link above. And consider the following quotes from the above report:

-These last-minute regulations allowing loaded, concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges should be rescinded. We should reinstate the rules in place since the Reagan Administration that bar the carrying of loaded, concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges.

-ATF should promulgate regulations requiring gun dealers to take mandatory steps to secure their inventory to prevent theft. This action can be taken without additional statutory authority.

-ATF should promulgate regulations that, as a condition of gun manufacturers and dealer licensing, require licensees to conduct background checks on their employees. This action can be taken without additional statutory authority.

-ATF should refuse to allow dealers whose licenses have been revoked from transferring firearms from the store’s inventory to their personal collection. This action can be taken without additional statutory authority.

-ATF should require dealers to report details to manufacturers about all guns sold. This action can be taken without additional statutory authority.

-The NVDRS should be fully funded. In addition, restrictions on funding for CDC’s research into the causes of gun violence and the effectiveness of various laws and policies should be eliminated.

And finally, here is their "hail Mary" wish - which might seem "reasonable" - ONLY if it came with a nation-wide CCW for regular citizens similar to the rights under S. 218 given to retired police officers (gee - think they are willing to "compromise" here? Training in exchange for nationwide CCW? No, of course not).

Congress should enact legislation to require that handgun owners be trained in safe storage and handling of firearms, and require recordkeeping applicable to all handgun transfers to aid law enforcement in solving gun crimes.

01-12-09, 15:25

El Mac
01-12-09, 15:32
Unfortunately, the Brady Scum have many friends within the incoming administration and they WILL BE heard.

01-12-09, 15:34
FWIW, conventional wisdom inside the Beltway right now is that BHO is going to have a hard enough time getting his major goals (i.e., fix the economy) accomplished. He's already bumped up against his own party in Congress on the Burris issue and the economic recovery plan. Hell, he's partnering with Bush on the automaker bailout! The whole thing is surreal.

Why do you think the Brady Bunch is talking about things they want BHO to do that wouldn't require Congressional approval? The number of socially conservative Dems who got elected two months ago has caused a palpable shift in focus for the party and therefore Congress as a whole.

While it's possible BHO could impose some of those things by EO, the question you need to ask is why would he? I think he's going to be miserably bad for our country but it's not like he ran on a platform that put banning guns as his main focus. The man wants to be President for eight years. Pissing off gun owners isn't going to help him achieve that; leaving them the hell alone (as demonstrated in this past election) will.

01-12-09, 15:57
Notice that the Brady document is almost a month old and:

The incoming Administration has said nothing about gun control for weeks.

The Brady document has not been answered.
The Brady Bunch is losing and they know it.

El Mac
01-12-09, 16:07
FWIW, conventional wisdom inside the Beltway right now...

A non-sequitor. There is no wisdom inside the beltway.

Hell, he's partnering with Bush on the automaker bailout! The whole thing is surreal.

No it isn't. The Retardicans have given in to the socialist siren song. Nothing strange about BHO partnering with Bush...its the same agenda.

While it's possible BHO could impose some of those things by EO, the question you need to ask is why would he?

Because he is a Statist. He can't help himself. Its the nature of the Beast.

01-12-09, 16:17
Notice that the Brady document is almost a month old and:

The incoming Administration has said nothing about gun control for weeks.

The Brady document has not been answered.
The Brady Bunch is losing and they know it.

I haven't heard the incoming administration say anything about gun control...ever.

I have received replies from both of my senators and both of them told me that a) there is too much important work to do than to worry about gun legislation and b) they are very pro-gun and will fight to protect the 2nd Amendment.

The bottom line is Congress and the incoming President has some major work ahead of them and they don't have the time to worry about guns. It's going to be years before they come up for air.