View Full Version : Jack is Back!!!!!!!

01-12-09, 19:58
Jack Bauer Rules!!!!!!!!!

01-12-09, 20:02
Yes he does...hour 3 was pretty kickass...

It's going to suck going back to 1 hour/week, but it sure as hell beats the drought we've had for the last 20 months or so.

01-12-09, 20:19
I'm pissed, I didn't know it was starting last night and I missed the first 2 hours. My DVR didn't back me up by snagging it, either. I'm recording tonight and I guess I'll have to try and catch the first 2 online to get caught up.

01-12-09, 21:28
Yeah the body count is already on the rise!

01-12-09, 21:30
Fact: CONUS has not been attacked since Jack Bauer went on the air...... coincidence?

Jack Bauer took a math test and put down "Violence" as the answer to all the questions, and recieved a 100. Jack Bauer solves all his problems with violence.


Savior 6
01-12-09, 22:33
Yes he does...hour 3 was pretty kickass...

It's going to suck going back to 1 hour/week, but it sure as hell beats the drought we've had for the last 20 months or so.

Hour 3? I thought last night were the first two episodes. Are you including the movie they had released in Nov/Dec?

01-12-09, 22:37
Jack's Bad A$$ but...

MmmmMmmMm ;)

Renee Walker

01-12-09, 22:53
If Janeane Garofalo survives the season, I'll never watch another episode.

01-13-09, 02:56
Maybe Chloe will take out Garofalo's character!!!!!!!!!:D

01-13-09, 03:59
FJack Bauer took a math test and put down "Violence" as the answer to all the questions, and recieved a 100. Jack Bauer solves all his problems with violence.


:p I love that!

01-13-09, 06:39
Hour 3? I thought last night were the first two episodes. Are you including the movie they had released in Nov/Dec?

Season 7 premiered on Sunday night (2 hours, 0800-1000 in the 24 world)
Monday night was another 2 hours (1000-1200 in the 24 world)

I was talking about the first hour on Monday night (1000-1100), which would be the third hour of the season.

01-13-09, 06:47
If Janeane Garofalo survives the season, I'll never watch another episode.

I hope she's taken out with a meat cleaver...

01-13-09, 06:50
good so far, but could see the plot developments coming from a mile away which previously wasn't so easy.

Im staying tuned though...better than any other crap on tv.

I dont even know why we pay for cable (other than for my daughter - nickelodeon and noggin etc) because my wife and I barely watch TV at all - scifi, military or discovery is all I watch.

30 cal slut
01-13-09, 07:03
i can't stand watching the show an episode at a time. i stay away from the tube and wait for the full season to come out on dvd.

then i spend the whole weekend catching up on all 24 hours. i'm usually catatonic by sunday night. :D

01-13-09, 07:47
i can't stand watching the show an episode at a time. i stay away from the tube and wait for the full season to come out on dvd.

then i spend the whole weekend catching up on all 24 hours. i'm usually catatonic by sunday night. :D

We watched all 6 seasons last fall/winter so this will be the first season I'm stuck watching in pieces...but I can't resist, I don't want to wait!

01-13-09, 09:39
I don't know how you guys can watch this tripe. I tried watching this show a few times, and it was just too friggin silly.

I can understand TOS members watching this while they color in the markings on their Olympic Arms lowers, but C'MON guys. :mad:

01-13-09, 09:57
Yes, a little too silly to watch on a full time basis for me. I do watch bits and pieces though, and enjoy Jack Bauer glowering at various terrorists.

I watched the first few minutes of this season, and was wondering what the firearm the kidnappers fired in the air was? Looked like a drum magazine fed shotgun of some sort?

01-13-09, 10:04
I don't know how you guys can watch this tripe. I tried watching this show a few times, and it was just too friggin silly.

I can understand TOS members watching this while they color in the markings on their Olympic Arms lowers, but C'MON guys. :mad:

I completely agree. Never understood the hype for 24. The concept is kind of cool, but the restraints of network McTV broadcasting doesn't cut it IMO.

People go friggin' nutty for this show....is it because everything else on network TV just sucks that much more? Neat guns? What's the allure? :confused:

01-13-09, 10:52
The concept is kind of cool, but...

Exactly. It could have been great.... but I think it's dumbed down for the masses.

Here's the episode that I tried to watch year(s) back...

Bauer was trying to stall some Muslim terrorist at a gas station for whatever reason. So rather than giving him a flat tire or something simple while he was inside the store... HE ROBS the joint and takes everyone hostidge including the Muzzy. TOO stupid for me.

El Mac
01-13-09, 11:27
I don't know how you guys can watch this tripe. I tried watching this show a few times, and it was just too friggin silly.

I can understand TOS members watching this while they color in the markings on their Olympic Arms lowers, but C'MON guys. :mad:


01-13-09, 11:36
Yes, a little too silly to watch on a full time basis for me. I do watch bits and pieces though, and enjoy Jack Bauer glowering at various terrorists.

I watched the first few minutes of this season, and was wondering what the firearm the kidnappers fired in the air was? Looked like a drum magazine fed shotgun of some sort?

The one guy had an AA-12 with the drum, the other looked like a SBS 12 - like a tromix or something.

01-13-09, 11:40
One guy had the shotgun, the other guy looked like he had a SIG 550 variant to me.

01-13-09, 11:47
If you missed the season opener on Sunday, you guys need to check out Hulu.com. No registration needed. The only downfall if you want to call it that is you have to watch about 3 - 30 second commercials throughout the show.

This is not an illegal website. It's a network TV sponsored site which allows you to watch network shows you have missed. I watched all four episodes including Redemption. Quality is good, no complaints here.

01-13-09, 12:24
It's just a TV show.... if I wanted a realistic view of counter-terrorism I'd out in public with some road flares and a LCD clock strapped to my chest. No thanks.

It's a TV show where an American good guy does what needs to be done, even (especially?) when it's not the PC answer. It's far fetched much of the time but it has spurts of some decent action (for TV) and it's more compelling than most of the other stuff on TV.

30 cal slut
01-13-09, 12:30
I don't know how you guys can watch this tripe. I tried watching this show a few times, and it was just too friggin silly.

it appeals to some, because it's a classic soap opera. :p

it's all about the story.

the only thing that was friggin silly was season I ... the character of jack bauer's daughter and her dumbass antics just drove me up the wall. i wanted somebody to blows her up real good. (can we say a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g ?)

Blinking Dog
01-13-09, 15:48
I used to watch it until I saw Jack come back to life one too many times.

And for once I'd like to see some realism. Like Jack ducks into the john with his favorite new gun magazine while the clock ticks...for about 10 min. :D

On a side note, anyone notice that The Unit ripped off an old 24 subplot? I'm referring to Bob Brown getting hooked on heroin in the line of duty. That happened to Jack in one of the early seasons...can't remember which.

01-13-09, 17:28
I don't know how you guys can watch this tripe. I tried watching this show a few times, and it was just too friggin silly.

I can understand TOS members watching this while they color in the markings on their Olympic Arms lowers, but C'MON guys. :mad:


The show has alway's pissed me off kinda. Like it's a weekly show to give terrorists ideas and insights on how to pull of successful capers.

One the other hand, the writers of 24 wrote the script for the game "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" and it's absolutely brilliant.

01-13-09, 18:02
If Janeane Garofalo survives the season, I'll never watch another episode.

Janeane Garofalo is the Anti-Chloe.

I like to put my feet up, eat some popcorn, and laugh at all the mistakes in their IT geekery. Everytime someone tells Chloe to "reset a protocol" everyone in the room has to chug a beer.

Every time Jack tells Chloe "I don't have time for this!" everyone has to do a shot of bourbon.

I have a mental image of Mr. Green hurling a remote at the screen, shouting "There's only 15 rounds in that mag, poop-head! How about a reload?!?!"


No one I know watches the show for tactics and techniques. It's just fun to laugh at some of the public jackassery that takes place.

01-13-09, 19:42
I just enjoy watching. It's entertainment. Not everything has to be a documentary. Not to mention that it's as realistic and accurate as some documentaries ...

01-13-09, 20:09
I just enjoy watching. It's entertainment. Not everything has to be a documentary. Not to mention that it's as realistic and accurate as some documentaries ...

Same here.

01-13-09, 20:25
Same here.

Yeah, same here. Its a TV show. I'm quite positive that 24 is extremely unrealistic, but its a fun show to watch. If I want to watch what its really like to stop terrorist acts from happening, I could probably install a mirror in my office. It wouldn't make for good TV.

We watch it and have a great laugh about it around the cooler the next day.

01-13-09, 21:16
My wife is addicted to this show ... maybe I can tell her my next gun is just like one that Jack uses. LOL

01-14-09, 08:32
...the only thing that was friggin silly was season I ... the character of jack bauer's daughter and her dumbass antics just drove me up the wall. i wanted somebody to blows her up real good. (can we say a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g ?)

Never made it past season 2 just because of his daughter. Going to have to try to watch them again on DVD and then I'll have several seasons to watch to catch up.

Jim Colborn
01-14-09, 11:41
Missed Monday night episode. I had it set to tape but power outage.

I guess nobody taped it here huh ?
