View Full Version : SHOT, what are you going for?

01-13-09, 12:05
I have a list of about 160+ vendors I want to at least pass by. Most of these I'll wind up walking up to, glancing at, and running away as there will be nothing new to see. Some of these I have very specific items I'm looking for.

I also have a list of more global things I'm looking for. When I say "global", I mean that there are concepts I'm looking to cross-reference vendor to vendor, or types of items I'm looking to educate myself on. Examples.

1) 1.x-4/5 power optics
I'm curious to see what's new and who has what, and I'm also looking to see if there are any new breakthroughs. I'm especially interested in weight, battery life, and available reticules. Weight and battery life are two things I'm hoping get greatly improved.

2) Body Armor.
For a whole lot of reasons, this is a subject I'm looking to educate myself on. I want to see soft armor, plates, carriers, etc.

3) Med kits.
Both individual and squad/range size. Like armor, I have a lot of interest in this for a lot of the same reasons.

4) AR makers specs
I'll be trying to stop by all the booths, get as many pictures as I can, in an effort to keep the Chart current and up to date. We'll see who lets me strip the guns at the show and who doesn't.

5) Steel targets
Our club and training nights have some pretty specific needs and wants, and I want to look around at the various makers and see who is offering what, who is willing to do custom work, etc. Specifically, I'm looking for some creativity in terms of mounting/hanging solutions.

How about you? Any global things you're looking for? Industry trends you expect to see that you're curious about?

01-13-09, 12:48
I am going because I was dumb enough to start my own business 5 years ago and make it work. So my lovely bride (AKA the brains of the operation) has decided to merge our love of firearms with the ability to operate a small business. So we are primarly going to learn with the goal of opening up our own shop / range. Its a long shot, but we want to find out anyways. So we will be attending many of the seminars on it. OTOH I will be checking out much of what Rob is looking for.

01-13-09, 12:50
Mine will be a short trip and I'm going to be with a friend (who is the one getting me in and giving me miles to fly down on) so I have to pick some highlights and go for the jugular, so to speak. I have a feeling that all the best laid plans will fall the wayside as soon as I get bogged down looking at something cool that I didn't expect...

I hope to get a closer look at all the various wunder-carbines we've been dicussing on forums for the past few years. There's a lot of stuff that I will likely never see otherwise, unless I hit the jackpot before it finally hits the market (IF it ever hits the market).

I too will be looking at 1-4x optics -- I primarily am interested in checking out the new Accupoint. I really like mine but wouldn't mind a few improvements so I hope to look at new one closely. Of course there might be other new options in this market. I'm pretty sold on the concept for my purposes.

Gear -- my gear needs are pretty minimal but I think it's one area where seeing the stuff in person can really change your opinion. Getting to fondle a couple items might save me one or two iterations of the "buy - sell at loss - buy something slightly better" cycle.

And it may sound cheesy, but I'd really like to get to meet some of the folks off here. Put some faces with names and shake a few hands. I don't want to waste anybody's time as I know everyone will be busy but I'd like to say "howdy". If anybody out there is interested, shoot me a PM and we'll try to catch up sometime Saturday.

Beyond that...I'll try and keep my eyes open/mouth shut, see some new stuff, learn a few things, and have a good time :)

01-13-09, 18:14
Do some business, see a few things, meet some people. One more day :)

01-13-09, 20:29
I am going for the BABES! :eek:

Thought I would go and piss off a few manufacturers by telling them their products suck. Then I will wait in line at the G-Lock booth for someone famous to sign my T-shirt.

After that, I will be trolling the booths for free beer and snacks.

At night I intend to watch Paul from Bravo Company drink fruity drinks with umbrellas in them. :eek:

The funny thing is that a lot of people will read this post and think I am kidding. ;)


01-13-09, 20:39
I came very close to saying "chicks and beer" but Grant beat me to it. Except I would have been kidding.

I don't drink.

What am I going for? Five days. Odds are I'll need seven but it's not that long. Such is life.

01-13-09, 22:23
I'm not really looking for anything in particular, just go ogle anything that rates it. and suck up what schwag I can. I've got some vacation days to burn, and this seemed as good a way to burn them as anything else.

I may pull some optics-specific info in regard to some things coming up at work, but I'll share that info with the worker bees and NOT the leads. Here's why.

Unnamed IPT Lead: While you're there, you can take a look at XXX and YYY, and feed us some info.

Me: Oh, well hey, since Lockheed refused to pay for my trip in any way, while you're here, you can go f--- yourself.

01-14-09, 04:34
I'm going to advertise the hosting company I work for. Our primary market is 2nd Amendment oriented websites, from enthusiast forums to the major manufacturers, so I'll be making a lot of introductions, attending a few meetings and generally trying to sign more clients.

At the same time, I'll also be trying not to drool all over myself as I finally get to go to SHOT :D. It's like a dream come true ;).

01-14-09, 04:37
Oh and Rob, you gonna be wearing your yellow visor so we'll be able to identify you ;)?

01-14-09, 05:18
Oh and Rob, you gonna be wearing your yellow visor so we'll be able to identify you ;)?

Of course!

and if you see me, we should talk hosting etc. I'm relatively happy with my current company but....

01-14-09, 05:36
I I'll be trying to stop by all the booths, get as many pictures as I can, in an effort to keep the Chart current and up to date.

How'd you end up with a Press Pass? Lucky bastard! I'd love to have a camera with me!

01-14-09, 05:46
How'd you end up with a Press Pass? Lucky bastard! I'd love to have a camera with me!

Faxed in copies of my bylines from articles in SWAT and Combat Tactics, as well as the "about me" page from my site.

I went ahead and bought a regular pass as well in order to make sure I at least get in, but supposedly I'll have a press pass waiting for me when I get there as well.

01-14-09, 07:09
Faxed in copies of my bylines from articles in SWAT and Combat Tactics, as well as the "about me" page from my site.

I went ahead and bought a regular pass as well in order to make sure I at least get in, but supposedly I'll have a press pass waiting for me when I get there as well.

That's fantastic. Tacticalyellowvisor is going to get swamped once you get your SHOT SHOW section full bore.

I'll be at the show, sans camera, so looking forward to the shots you get. Any chance KAC will allow cameras on their tour? I doubt it...but man, that would be awesome. See what you can do!

01-14-09, 07:23
KAC has specifically said no cameras. Even if I thought I could sneak some shots, I wouldn't be able to post them anywhere anyway as then I'd be "busted".

I'm leaving the camera in the car to avoid temptation. :D

01-14-09, 09:16
Not going, but hoping for some new rail offerings. From the postcard we got at the shop DD has some new rails, a BUIS and a VFG coming out.

Keep an eye out for me! :)

01-14-09, 20:10
The wife got back from the seminars today and she had a great time. I of course had to work :mad: Looks like I get to go to the dinner tomorrow night and then wont be able to do squat until Saturday. Oh well I guess some is better than none and besides she's the brains of the operation. Better that she sit through em than me :D Oh anyone interested in any after the show dinners or drinks? We're staying at the Hilton Garden inn (half way between Sand Lake and Bass Pro).

01-14-09, 23:03
So is the SHOT show ever coming back to Vegas? I missed it already the day after it was over last year. :(

01-14-09, 23:07
It will be in Vegas the next five years.

01-14-09, 23:11
I heard they had a contract to be in Orlando for 5 years, not Vegas.

01-14-09, 23:20
Rider79 -- I could be wrong, but everyone at the show today seemed to think it's Vegas 2010 - 2014.

edited to add: 2010 Vegas SHOT Show Floor Plan (http://www.shotshow.org/App/homepage.cfm?appname=100300&moduleID=2698&LinkID=18947)

01-14-09, 23:22
I sure hope so, it was the most fun I've had in 4 days in a long time.

Robb Jensen
01-15-09, 04:41
IIRC SHOT was in Orlando for 2009 because Las Vegas wasn't done building their new convention center.

01-15-09, 04:54
Well, there's not really a new convention center, but they are adding to what they have at the actual Las Vegas Convention Center. There's so much convention space here though, with all the hotels' convention space, you could have 5 SHOT shows here at the same time. I just remember hearing at last year's show about a 5 year contract with Orlando. Can anyone there now find out for sure?

01-15-09, 05:18
IIRC SHOT was in Orlando for 2009 because Las Vegas wasn't done building their new convention center.

You are correct.

01-15-09, 05:22
Any pics yet Rob? I'm so jealous. I wish I was there.

01-15-09, 06:02
Rob, be sure to look up Todd and say hello. You guys should have a M4C meetup.

01-15-09, 06:09
I'm not there yet. I'm hoping to be there by 2 today, but I may miss today altogether.

01-15-09, 09:04
lol - shop owner says I can go with him next year...says he wants to work out in the gym, swim and watch porn all day and says I can go drool at the guns if I want.

01-15-09, 09:21
We are heading down tomorrow to look at new poly mags, billet receivers and hopefully some decent alternatives to the M4 platform. We were considering the SCAR, but really need to get our hands on them before we commit. The ACR should also be an alternative this year, so we will look at that.