View Full Version : H.R. 45 introduced 1-6-2009 - Gun registration for us gun nuts

01-16-09, 11:08
Here is a link to the legislation introduced on January 6, 2009 by Bobby Rush from
Illinois. House bill H.R. 45, named after Blair Holt, a 16 year old Chicago youth gunned down in the prime of life by a card carrying member of the NRA who needed some target practice. Actually he was killed by gang members who currently do not
and will never be law abiding citizens. All the gun laws in the world will not change
a criminals behavior. That's why they are called criminals. Nevertheless, here is the
first New Years attempt to have federal control over firearms.


Note: This is a "federal" attempt to take away states rights regarding firearm laws. This violates at least two of amendments.
Specifically the 2nd and the 10th. Here in Arizona we have firearm laws much more liberal than say NY or Illinois. The 10th
amendment allows states to determine their own destiny regarding certain ways of living. However, the central government
does not trust the states, and is slowly grabbing more and more control. This is how it ALWAYS starts.

01-16-09, 15:22
Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

no cosponsers. this bill will die in committee, and was dead before it even started. it is what is called 'we tried' legislation - they guy who wrote it can now go and honestly tell his special intrest group, 'look, I tried - see?'.

01-16-09, 19:22
.....Yawn ...

One bozo , out of the 435 members of the House.

Just to compare , the ATF Reform and Modernization bill had 225 co-sponsors and:

The 2nd Amendment Enforcement Act ( to fix the DC problem ) got 266 'yes' votes
( 85 of them from Democrats) against 152 ' no ' votes.
That's right , the good guys won by over 100 votes.

H.R. 45 is a good excuse to write your Congressman and Senators , it can serve as a bad example of an attempted complete waste of their time.

Jay Cunningham
01-17-09, 09:09
discussed ad nauseum in various forms