View Full Version : New Declaration of Independence

01-17-09, 19:50
This is not sounding good!

01-17-09, 20:01
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AFP) - Barack Obama exhorted Americans Saturday to unite in a
"new declaration of independence" from bigotry, small thinking and ideology,
as he set off by train to Washington to take power.

"bigotry, small thinking and ideology"?

Translated that means: People who disagree with him.

That's what's scary!

01-17-09, 20:04
The last thing this country needs is tolerance, pragmatism, and free thinking.

01-17-09, 20:34
"But now, all Americans hold within our hands the promise of a new beginning"

"What is required is a new declaration of independence, not just in our nation, but in our own lives -- from ideology and small thinking, prejudice and bigotry -- an appeal not to our easy instincts but to our better angels."

those two parts sound particularly ugly. the more and more i hear and the farther along this elections gets, the more sure i become that America is doomed and that this election will result in the collapse of America; a revolution.

01-17-09, 21:19
Barack Obama exhorted Americans Saturday to unite in a "new declaration of independence" from bigotry, small thinking and ideology, as he set off by train to Washington to take power.

Note that these are not his words but interpretations make by the author.

Surely there are many who are giddy with delight, but I for one am interested in what he actually does not what some would imply will occur. I am concerned not only with his plans and those of his accomplices but also with the fawning masses who assume many foolish things.


01-18-09, 01:28
The Declaration of Interdependence

01-18-09, 06:58
Power? Um, I thought he was hired for four years to be the chief executive of the federal government to follow the Constitution and carry out the laws passed by congress.:rolleyes:

01-18-09, 07:15
The last thing this country needs is tolerance, pragmatism, and free thinking.

nope- not obama's version of them. do you think he's nearly as pragmatic as he tries so terribly hard to seem?

"...practical, common-sense approach..." if i had a bullet for every time i've heard him use those four words in that order without actually explaining what the practical, common-sense appoach actually IS, i wouldn't be stockpiling ammo. if i thought he actually had a practical, common-sense approach to anything i probably wouldn't feel the NEED to stockpile ammo.

01-18-09, 07:33

01-18-09, 07:37
The last thing this country needs is tolerance, pragmatism, and free thinking.

Sorry attempt to troll. Get lost.

01-18-09, 08:17
please cut him some slack,LL,,,,that made me smile!!!! a little humor, first thing in the morning.

01-18-09, 08:56
"free thinking" = coloring outside the lines

01-18-09, 09:45
Frankly, I think that we are screw... big time.

01-18-09, 09:52
"...practical, common-sense approach..." if i had a bullet for every time i've heard him use those four words in that order without actually explaining what the practical, common-sense appoach actually IS

THAT'S exactly what I kept asking everybody who was openly talking about voting for this whackjob, what his plans actually are and they couldn't come up with anything other than change, hope, and he's not Bush.

01-18-09, 15:00
nope- not obama's version of them. do you think he's nearly as pragmatic as he tries so terribly hard to seem?

"...practical, common-sense approach..." if i had a bullet for every time i've heard him use those four words in that order without actually explaining what the practical, common-sense appoach actually IS, i wouldn't be stockpiling ammo. if i thought he actually had a practical, common-sense approach to anything i probably wouldn't feel the NEED to stockpile ammo.

Actually, no, I don't think he's as pragmatic as his speech shiny new speech writers would make us think. It doesn't even matter who's definition of tolerance you use. NOTHING will change with this president, just more empty promises from Washington and useless rhetoric. To make real change there, you'd need to replace just about everyone if you wanted to get rid of all the crooked politicians. Until then this token bullshit "change" is all talk. I think he's in for a rude awakening when the honeymoon is over.

01-18-09, 15:10
I think he's in for a rude awakening when the honeymoon is over.

That implies that he actually believes his own bullshit. I doubt that.

01-18-09, 15:37
That implies that he actually believes his own bullshit. I doubt that.

oh no- he's not the naive idealist he wants America to think he is. he's just another crook knowingly spewing empty promises. being young and black was the only difference this time- it supported the whole "change" theme.

01-18-09, 15:47
Why are "we" stocking up on ammo? If we can't buy it anymore then there will be no place (legal) to shoot. If we plan on taking up arms (and we won't because we're a law abiding Americans) then you can't carry that much. Trying to beat the price hikes? Then we should have bought before November 4th, 2008. Otherwise we're just adding to the panic. ;)

i DID stock up on many things before the election- but i'm the sole provider of a family of 5, i wasn't going to spend my last dime on a coin flip.

why do people always bringing up the amount of ammo you can carry? i don't know how you all envision the End of the World, but I don't plan on living out of my ruck forraging on nuts and grubs and shit. My truck can carry 1 ton of ammo IF i care about my suspension, and it's only 9 miles up Tide Creek Road to Bubba's compound.

must be city slickers, with visions of forest meadows and log cabins and granola. me and mine will be ambushing convoys for MREs while you get skinny trying to remember which part of the spider you can eat. :)

01-18-09, 18:14

Don Robison
01-18-09, 18:16
Sorry, but he's too late. I've already declared myself independent of his bullshit.

01-18-09, 19:15
Sorry, but he's too late. I've already declared myself independent of his bullshit.

i read this,it made me realize,, none of us are independent of his b.s.,,, he has most of us on the ropes,,wondering where he will will strike. sum-bitch has most where he wants them,,,reeling under the realization that a "messiah" has arrived,to explain exactly what we all need. i'm gonna quit right there,,, i'm a 65yo white male raised in mississippi during the 1950's, and 1960's,,,,someone might get the mis-taken impression about my concerns!!!

Don Robison
01-18-09, 19:17
i read this,it made me realize,, none of us are independent of his b.s.,,, he has most of us on the ropes,,wondering where he will will strike. sum-bitch has most where he wants them,,,reeling under the realization that a "messiah" has arrived,to explain exactly what we all need. i'm gonna quit right there,,, i'm a 65yo white male raised in mississippi during the 1950's, and 1960's,,,,someone might get the mis-taken impression about my concerns!!!

I understand what you're saying, but just because he says it's so, doesn't mean I have to follow his lead. That is what I mean by independent of his BS.

01-18-09, 19:59
End of the World, huh? Can we have a reality check, please? :rolleyes:

ah, you have no grasp of ironic exaggeration... sorry, didn't realize.

01-18-09, 20:30
Cant we all just agree that obama is a sorry excuse for an American president? Lets all stop arguing people.

01-18-09, 20:47
Power? Um, I thought he was hired for four years to be the chief executive of the federal government to follow the Constitution and carry out the laws passed by congress.:rolleyes:

Uh no, 'the messiah' has stated he is 'ready to rule' and is 'ready to take power' and 'lead' on day one!

01-18-09, 20:48
Why are "we" stocking up on ammo? If we can't buy it anymore then there will be no place (legal) to shoot. If we plan on taking up arms (and we won't because we're a law abiding Americans) then you can't carry that much. Trying to beat the price hikes? Then we should have bought before November 4th, 2008. Otherwise we're just adding to the panic. ;)

So you wont fight tyranny if its against the law? Then we are already lost as a nation if you expect that to be how things are done...

End of the World, huh? Can we have a reality check, please? :rolleyes:

Well see how reality looks on 4 years

Jay Cunningham
01-18-09, 20:56
Let's try and back off on the hyperbole a bit, okay?


01-18-09, 21:11
me and mine will be ambushing convoys for MREs while you get skinny trying to remember which part of the spider you can eat. :)

thats funny, when around others like myself and some liberal balls out speaks up about guns, this is what i say. we all get a good laugh while the liberal soils their pants. what really agravates me when having discussions with leftists, they have the nerve to ask me what reason i think i have to be allowed to have firearms.

01-18-09, 21:27
thats funny, when around others like myself and some liberal balls out speaks up about guns, this is what i say. we all get a good laugh while the liberal soils their pants. what really agravates me when having discussions with leftists, they have the nerve to ask me what reason i think i have to be allowed to have firearms.

For the samereason they are 'allowed' to have an Opinion :D

01-18-09, 21:29
if tyranny is what prevails and nobody stands up to do anything about it, because its against the law, then yea, we are all doomed. mabey atleast the Marine Corps will have the balls to do whats right. If a tyrannical gov takes power, its the job of patriots to restore power to the people. I'm a law abiding citizen, but if America falls into tyranny, I'm not gonna stand around and watch. If our founding fathers just stood around and watched we would all be having tea time and speaking with funny accents, and part of the EU. ahhhhhhh!

Tea time a Mildred?

Edit: the above is not to do with our current gov.... the above is under the circumstance that America falls into a dictatorship or even outside rule... in which case, will be an ugly day.

murphy j
01-18-09, 21:29
they have the nerve to ask me what reason i think i have to be allowed to have firearms.

I ask them what gives them the right to think they can take them away. I usually get some sorta 'the country will be safer' or 'only cops need guns' type response. It's like beating your head against a brick wall talking to people like that.

01-18-09, 21:30

01-18-09, 21:31
I ask them what gives them the right to think they can take them away. I usually get some sorta 'the country will be safer' or 'only cops need guns' type response. It's like beating your head against a brick wall talking to people like that.

dude i agree, you cant argue with a retard. no matter what sort of educated answer you give them, theyll just repeat their misinformed brainwashed liberal bs to you until you give up.

01-18-09, 21:32

01-18-09, 21:43
thats true. i guess the best way to put what im trying to say with out sounding like im speaking of treason is, ill defend my countries constitution, the original constitution. if this country came to the point of civil war, things would be so cluster f$%$ed that i dont even want to imagine it. what would become of our military? how would that work out? would the states succeed? the military split based on political and ideological views?

murphy j
01-18-09, 21:51
dude i agree, you cant argue with a retard. no matter what sort of educated answer you give them, theyll just repeat their misinformed brainwashed liberal bs to you until you give up.
I'm sure some are retarded, but most of the ones I've come across have no personal experience with firearms and are afraid because they're such an unknown and have chosen the 'feel good' solution based on what they've heard from the media and erroneous literature.

01-19-09, 00:35
Wow! I didn't know that his would get so heated. I think we need to just relax and stay on guard. Just watch and listen to what he is saying. If we do that, we may get a hint to what is comming and can react appropriately. through the proper channels.