View Full Version : So did anyone read the story of the ARFCOM'r that fired warning shots............

01-21-09, 13:28
At a psychotic women that shot a man with an arrow?

I'm sorry but firing warning shots just irks me. Regardless of who the shooter is.

I feel bad when anyone is put in a situation where they have to take another persons life. But firing warning shots in a crowded office building is against every single cell in my body. To the member that was involved please take this as my apology for Monday morning quarterbacking you. Next time resist the urge to play humanitarian and shoot COM.

Oh, and .380 just don't cut for self defense.


ETA: linkhttp://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=8&f=8&t=341905

01-21-09, 13:39
He survived, and only the original target was hurt.

I can't say I would have hesitated if I'd had the shot, but I won't second guess his actions while he was there and I was warm in my office surfing the internet.

01-21-09, 13:45
He did alright in my book. All of his coworkers are alive and he didn't have to kill his friend's daughter. I can't say what I would have done as you can't call reactions to those kinds of things in advance, but I can't knock the guy as things worked out.

I think more than half the people criticizing him on ArfCom and GlockIdiots probably would have gotten in their cars and drove away instead of going back in to help their friends.

Jay Cunningham
01-21-09, 13:55
My New Year's Resolution: What Goes on in ARFCom Stays in ARFCom.

30 cal slut
01-21-09, 13:56
Now before you guys hammer me for not tapping her CM (which I could have as I shoot regularly), I learned when I was dragging my friend away that this woman is the daughter of one of our engineers. She has severe mental issues. My goal again was to keep her in that CR until HPD arrived.

Wow. Talk about a difficult situation. Not sure I would have done differently than he did.

01-21-09, 14:03
My concern would be an errant warning shot hitting someone that was hunched down on the floor. That's one of the major reasons for no warning shots as a rule. The chance you'll hit an innocent is too much of a risk.

Like I said MMQ'ing is easy. I just can't say I'd have done the same.

01-21-09, 14:15
"I RUN out of his office, thru a side exit and retrieve my HK from my vehicle."

He's a hero in my book!

How many people would have kept running out the exit and not looked back

01-21-09, 14:23
I for one would not be talking about it !!!
NO WAY not until way later after I know everything is gone and lawyer says so
even then I think I would write it up as a 3rd person story

01-21-09, 14:42
My New Year's Resolution: What Goes on in ARFCom Stays in ARFCom.

Agreed. Lots of funky topics over there these days.

01-21-09, 15:07
Oh, and .380 just don't cut for self defense.

There was some Retard on ARF (or ArizonaShooting.com.. I can't remember which) who had a punk fire a shot over his hood in traffic. He promtly returned fire thru his Jeep Windshield with his .380 p3at or some such piece of shit pistol. No one was hit.

The moron was lucky the bullet didn't bounce off his windshield and blind him. What is with people and JUNK GUNS? :rolleyes:

01-21-09, 15:27
That's probably the best thing he could have done in that situation..

01-21-09, 16:41
There was some Retard on ARF (or ArizonaShooting.com.. I can't remember which) who had a punk fire a shot over his hood in traffic. He promtly returned fire thru his Jeep Windshield with his .380 p3at or some such piece of shit pistol. No one was hit.

The moron was lucky the bullet didn't bounce off his windshield and blind him. What is with people and JUNK GUNS? :rolleyes:

Hey man, don't clown the p3at. I'ts a good gun for what it is. I have one and while it's not anywhere near being my primary handgun, it's a dependable backup. I've fired a few hundred wounds from it, from re-loads to high quality hollow point to crap rounds and NEVER had a malfunction. Shoot through the windshield? No, that was pretty stupid with a .380. But don't rule it out as a "junk gun"

01-22-09, 07:14
I for one would not be talking about it !!!
NO WAY not until way later after I know everything is gone and lawyer says so
even then I think I would write it up as a 3rd person story

That's the best advice I've seen regarding the incident.

01-22-09, 07:52
Oh, and .380 just don't cut for self defense.


ETA: linkhttp://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=8&f=8&t=341905

I'm reading the story for the first time now. She's put an arrow into one person's chest, and she has a handgun which she tries to use on other people. She's an active shooter. There is one response appropriate for dealing with an active shooter.

I doubt I would have been shooting over her head. When you only have X bullets and X opportunities to stop a threat before another innocent gets hurt it's not the time to fool with warning shots, IMO.

01-22-09, 11:05
I am also in agreement with Honu.

I wouldnt be posting much about the incident on a message board until getting the all clear from my attorney. Other then the fact that I was ok.

And about the actual situation, I will not MMQB it as I was not there and am not privy to all of the situation or tactical layout of the office or the position of the people still inside.

01-22-09, 11:36
I'm reading the story for the first time now. She's put an arrow into one person's chest, and she has a handgun which she tries to use on other people. She's an active shooter.

Her gun was fake otherwise the body count would have been higher. Sometimes luck works better than skill. My favorite quote:

No. At no point DURING the situation did I shake. I was calm and very collected. I think my training took over.

Someone please tell me who trains people to fire not 1, not 2, but 3 warning shots at what is apparently an active shooter (they did not know her gun was fake at the time) pointing a gun at you.

Not meant to be critical or Monday Morning QB'ing, but if that gun was real and she returned fire and killed him we would be wondering WTF was he firing warning shots when she was shooting at him?

01-22-09, 13:05
I don't have a problem with his actions. He was there and I wasn't.

I wouldn't have commented on it on an internet forum.