View Full Version : Please help block Treasury Secretary Confirmation

01-21-09, 19:43
We all have pretty strong opinions on this site about gear, techniques, methods etc.....

Well I have a strong opinion about the new president’s Secretary of the Treasury appointment.

The confirmation of Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary is something I vehemently oppose as a tax paying citizen.

If you're not familiar with his trials and tribulations regarding the paying of taxes owed to the federal government, then please go here:


Bottom line, he paid his taxes not because it was the law, but because it was politically expedient.

I am looking for but haven't found the information that he didn't even pay a fine, although he did pay interest, to the IRS for the taxes that he owed for 2001 and 2002 even though he just paid them in late 2008 early January 2009!

Found it here:


I called my senator today and stated to his staff that I opposed the confirmation.

This idiot would be overseeing the very agency he tried to cheat.

That's comparable to Theodore Kaczynski being picked as director of the BATFE.

Please call your senator if you find this man's behavior and those that have said that they will vote to confirm him despicable.

The US Senators willing to vote to confirm him are sellouts to the American people be they democrat, republican or independent.

I swear if some of these bums aren’t sent packing the next election, this country is doomed, because that’s just confirming we now have a majority of the population that can be categorized as apathetic, uninformed, and uninterested in the health and future of the greatest nation on earth.

Start with John McCain, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.

Link to list of United States Senators by state:


....Was going to edit the title to make it more eye catching but you can't edit the subject line.

Anyway, does this not just piss you guys off?

Come on, for those that are self employed or have additional income outside of your main job, requiring the paying of quarterly estimates.....why don't you see what happens to you if you don't pay your estimates or pay your social security tax for you or your employees.

And for everyone else, what if you have too little withholding come out of your check and then you OWE taxes and then just not pay them for say 8 years. What would happen to you, your family, your house, your good name?

I bet one thing's certain, you wouldn't be rewarded like this guy.