View Full Version : Any Weight Lifters?

01-21-09, 22:24
Any body in here really into workin out? liftin weights, runnin, swimmin, mtb... stuff like that?

Im an addict to say the least.... work out five days a week, run, swim... i mostly do push ups, pull ups, dips, a lot of body weight stuff... About twice a week ill do a full body routine with moderate weight and high reps. Im also addicted to mountain biking. I think being in peak physical condition is really important, for everybody. You live longer, you feel better, look better, and if the shtf you're less likely to become a victim of Darwinism. I love leavin the gym feelin all woosie, legs and arms so tired i can barely shift gears on the way home :)

Im gonna work out the rest of my life, im gonna die when im like 100 hanging from a pull up bar :D

Just wanted to see how many m4.netters are serious about their physical fitness too!


murphy j
01-21-09, 22:49
I do a 2 days on 1 day off schedule with dumbbells light to moderate weight(25-30lbs up to 50-55lbs). With variations that activate your core along with a basic core workout. Cable machine exercises are thrown in there too. I used to run 3 times a week, but it's been cold and I've had baby daddy duty alot, so I've been doing mostly weights. Every couple of weeks I'll do a 2 day rest period and then start my schedule over again.

01-21-09, 22:58
I typically work out 5-6 days/week. I have an elliptical trainer at home and a universal gym, I have had them for years and have liked to work out since way back in high school. I lift weights 2-3 times per week just to keep good muscle tone, I am not trying to bulk up, but I do want to stay in good shape...it is a lifestyle.

01-21-09, 23:03
Sunday: Off
Monday: 1 hour lifting, HIIT
Tuesday: 45 min LISS
Wednesday: 1 hour lifting
Thursday: 1 hour lifting, 45 min LISS
Friday: 1 hour lifting, 45 min LISS
Saturday: Body Pump

I'm 5' 10" tall. In 2005, I was 275 lbs. I got as low as 156 lbs in 2007 and have since packed on a little muscle and am back up to 175. So yeah, you could say I work out...a little. :D

01-21-09, 23:08
that sounds like a good routine bro! i usually use sat and sun for my rest days every weekend, then kick it back off on monday... however, if i start to get tired of things, ill mix things up, work out here, day off there... two days off here, work out for days straight here.... it keeps things interesting. My big goal this year is be able to do 900 pushups in sets of 300.

Good routines guys!

Heres Mine:


500 pushups (sets of 50)
500 Crunches (sets of 50)
60 pullups (25,20,15)

Military press (in front and behind neck)
Dead Lifts
Bent over rows
Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Lateral Raises
BB curls
Reverse BB curls
Tricep push downs
Reverse Tricep push downs

DB pull overs
Swim 1 mile with fins (combat stroke)


Run 2 miles (fast as possible)
Swim 1 Mile (free style)

I usually do my weight routine in sets of 4 for everything, min 12 reps, will go to 20 or 30 reps on some exercises.

I work at a gym/pool as a lifeguard. company policy says, time on duty = time off duty, so, on an eight hour day i only work 4 hours (eight hours paid though :D) so i spend my breaks working out. usually run at night after class.

Edit: Sat morning and wed night i do judo at my gym

01-21-09, 23:19
love it:

Sunday: 1H10 running
Monday: off
Tuesday: 1H kickboxing/ conditioning ie push ups/pull ups/ sit ups/ dips...
Wed: 1H10 running
Thursd: off
Friday: 1H kickboxing/24 or 28 KG Kettle Bell/ conditioning ie push ups/pull ups/ sit ups/ dips...
Saturday: 1H kickboxing//24 or 28 KG Kettle Bell/ conditioning ie push ups/pull ups/ sit ups/ dips...

plus 200 push ups every morning 5 days a week after the shower

not into weight lifting anymore..it slows me down for the kickboxing/sparring. :)

recently dropped 25 lbs from180 lbs to my " fight" weight of 155...feels good to be back there.

01-21-09, 23:20
I'm addicted for sure. I go at least 6 times a week. And if I miss a day, I feel like a shitbag. I'm no huge guy, more ripped than anything, but I can hold my own and I'm strong for my size. 6'0, 156lbs. Just maxed out on bench today. 245 baby. Going for 275 by this time next month.

01-21-09, 23:22
impact, thats when i do my push ups/ pullups/ crunches too :). I have a pull up bar in my bed room, i wake up every morning, and push em out.... gets my day started and blood flowing! i think body weight exercises are some of the best you can do for your self, ive come to love pull ups and push ups, just rep it out!

01-21-09, 23:28
I'm addicted for sure. I go at least 6 times a week. And if I miss a day, I feel like a shitbag. I'm no huge guy, more ripped than anything, but I can hold my own and I'm strong for my size. 6'0, 156lbs. Just maxed out on bench today. 245 baby. Going for 275 by this time next month.

Congrats on maxin out USMC! ive got a little more size then i do definition... im 6 oh and 175 lbs, eight percent bf... im getting leaner though from all the running im doin.

I got three years of college left... when i graduate im gonna pursue my life long goal of becoming a SEAL. When i show u for BUD/S, I want physical fitness to be the last thing im worried about.

01-21-09, 23:39
Yea I haven't maxed out in a few months. Last time I could barely get 185. That was right after my 8 months in the desert though. I was surprised to put up 245 though. As for being a SEAL, body-weight exercises are the best thing for you, along with lot's of running. I'd even start doing 30-40lb pack runs to get your endurance up more. Also, I see you're from Riverview. I'm from Citrus County, a few hours north of you. My buddy goes to USF and I used to date a girl from Valrico.

01-22-09, 00:06
Hey sweet dude! i actually live in Valrico now, right behind Bloomingdale High School. Ive been itchin to do some pack runs, i need to get a good pack first and they seem kinda expensive.... gonna buy one for sure when i get my tax return though. I go to HCC right now, but after i finish my two years here im going to try and get a 2 year NROTC scholarship.

I should try and max out, i havent maxed since summer, i did 225 3 times. since i started doin high rep moderate weight stuff i doubt i could do that now. I love body weight stuff, its the best... i love the looks i get from some of the ladies too... the pull up bar is right in front of a mirror, so i can see the treadmills behind me, its funny to watch em point and look... i owe a lot to that pull up bar, its gotten me stronger and scored me a couple phone numbers in the process :D

01-22-09, 01:12
Mostly lifting/stretching and MT/boxing for me. Although I've not worked boxing/cardio as much as I like..

If I could stop myself from gun purchases for a bit, I'll get this:


Lots cheaper than AR's and Pmags! :p

R Moran
01-22-09, 02:35
Well I try not to take it to seriously, I want to keep it in the "I want to lift" rather then the "I have to lift" category.

I don't do as much cardio as I should, and eat like crap, so my body fat is not great, but according the fitness specialists at work, it's right where it should be for my age group.

As an "excuse" right now I'm battling sever tendinitis in my knees, elbows and an impingement in my shoulder. Physical therapy and some serious meds didn't really help, so who knows whats next.

I'm 5'5" about 180 with a 45" chest. Last time I did a one rep max, it was about 280 +/-

Monday/Thursday: Chest/shoulders/Tri's
Wednesday: Legs and Ab's
Tues/Fri: Back/shoulders/Bi's

Sat/sun: off, sorta

I work 12 to 13 hour shifts 4 on 4 off,( not including the O/T) so getting a good work out and routine can be difficult, for all but the most dedicated guys. We have one, I call him the machine.
We also have some good but limited weights at work, and we're supposed to get two, 2 hour, PT sessions in, during the 4 day rotation, but that doesn't always happen.( we have a PT run qual).

So I try, but I admittedly come up short. Still have to squeeze in time for shooting and the strippers:D


01-22-09, 03:41
sadly not anymore !!!!!

I used to be in ripped shape now I am not !!!
going to get back to it though

I used to when I met my wife ten years ago
do yoga for 30 minutes every day and swim 3 miles a day
ride at least 20 miles a day (when I raced bikes I rode about 400+ miles a week)

since I was a island boy and free diving is a life I used to do breathe holding and heart beat exercises for a bout half hour a day in the water slowing my heart rate down about 20 BPM and then hold my breathe for 3 minutes then 3:15 then 3:30 then 3:45 then 4 minutes then as long as I could then repeat a few times then go dive :)

01-22-09, 07:53
Any body in here really into workin out? liftin weights, runnin, swimmin, mtb... stuff like that?

Im an addict to say the least.... work out five days a week, run, swim... i mostly do push ups, pull ups, dips, a lot of body weight stuff... About twice a week ill do a full body routine with moderate weight and high reps. Im also addicted to mountain biking. I think being in peak physical condition is really important, for everybody. You live longer, you feel better, look better, and if the shtf you're less likely to become a victim of Darwinism. I love leavin the gym feelin all woosie, legs and arms so tired i can barely shift gears on the way home :)

Im gonna work out the rest of my life, im gonna die when im like 100 hanging from a pull up bar :D

Just wanted to see how many m4.netters are serious about their physical fitness too!



01-22-09, 09:48
sadly not anymore !!!!!

I used to be in ripped shape now I am not !!!
going to get back to it though

I used to when I met my wife ten years ago
do yoga for 30 minutes every day and swim 3 miles a day
ride at least 20 miles a day (when I raced bikes I rode about 400+ miles a week)

since I was a island boy and free diving is a life I used to do breathe holding and heart beat exercises for a bout half hour a day in the water slowing my heart rate down about 20 BPM and then hold my breathe for 3 minutes then 3:15 then 3:30 then 3:45 then 4 minutes then as long as I could then repeat a few times then go dive :)

one of those boys jumping off that small pier in Waikiki ? those kids are in the water all day long..crazy..

anyways, running is awesome to bring you back in shape in no time.
I include 100 to 150 stairs during my routine.
I live by the beach so gotta take the stairs to go down running.

01-22-09, 10:05
I'm addicted to working out. I workout 7 days a week, and try to keep a very solid balance between strength, quickness, and endurance. I run half marathons, 5k's, and starting to get into training for a triathlon. Currently weigh around 185, 5'7". My current 5k time is right around 18:00 (6 min mile) and half marathon time is 1:45:00 (8 min mile). I don't want to add too much muscle to the point where my running times get worse, and I don't want to run so much that I have that skin&bones marathon runner look. My routine is:

Mon: Lower body plyometrics, plus 5 sets of 5 reps @ 235 on bench, 5 sets of 5 reps of 185 on powerclean, 3x100meter sprints, ab routine.
Tues: 3-5 mile run @ 7:00-7:30 pace, upper body plyometrics.
Wed: Full body weight lifting routine -- 30 min elliptical
Thurs: Speed Work -- 1/2 mile warmup, 1 mile @ 5:30-5:45 pace, 1/2 mile rest, 1 mile @ 5:30-5:45 pace, 1/2 mile rest,....repeat for 3 or 4 total fast paced miles. Then do same upper body plyometric routine as Tuesday.
Friday: Repeat of Monday
Saturday: 5+ mile run. When training up for a half marathon I increase run distance up to 12+ miler on saturday.
Sunday: Recreational--Tennis, basketball, swimming, cycling, etc. (adding more swimming/biking here to prepare for tri).

I also squeeze each routine into about a 1:15-1:30 total time. That means I really don't take much rest/break between lifts/routines. The plyometrics is a new thing that I'm trying (it's the new buzz word workouts for pro athletes), but I've already noticed a huge increase in overall quickness, especially when doing the sprints. I was doing a full body weight routine on M, W, F, and running T, TH, S, but feel like the plyometrics helps me more toward my goals. You definitely get some weird looks though at the gym when you're squatting/pressing a 12 lb medicine ball and then chucking it over your head, or doing clapping pushups.

01-22-09, 10:33
that sounds like a good routine bro! i usually use sat and sun for my rest days every weekend, then kick it back off on monday... however, if i start to get tired of things, ill mix things up, work out here, day off there... two days off here, work out for days straight here.... it keeps things interesting. My big goal this year is be able to do 900 pushups in sets of 300.

Good routines guys!I like to mix it up, too. As a matter of fact, starting today, I'm trying out a spinning class on Tue/Thur instead of LISS. I hear there are some intervals done there. If it's enough to replace my HIIT sprints on Monday, I'll put LISS back on Monday.

I have screwy knees (inherited from my mom), the sprints are starting to hurt. I just started taking Glucosamine/Condroitin supplements a couple days ago, hoping that curbs the knee pain.

01-22-09, 11:18
I'm into weight - my body weight.

I do pushups and pullups and chinups and crunches.

I used to lift a lot, but got tired of setting aside time I didn't have to work out. It was too easy to make excuses and miss a workout or 20. I wasn't maintaining.
A few years ago I sold my weights and bought a pullup bar and a set of pushup bars. Now I do 4 sets (50) of pushups and 4 sets (15-18) of pullups and chins, plus walking 2-3 times a week. I do 10-15 minutes of crunches - straight, twisting, bicycle - twice a week. I've gotten to the point where I can't get tired doing crunches. I stop when I get bored.
My waist stays between 32 and 33" and my chest around 44". I'm going to turn 63 in a week and a half, so that's not too bad.

John Frazer
01-22-09, 11:28
Constantly varied, functional movements at high intensity:


01-22-09, 12:17
Monday: morning stretches, 100 pushups, 80 sit ups, 20 pullups. Afternoon, chest/arms at the gym Evening stretches, 3 mile training pace run, pushups to failure, situps to failure x's 2, pullups to failure x's 2.

Tuesday: morning stretches, 100 pushups, 80 sit ups, 20 pullups. Afternoon 30 min on treadmill with snorkle and nose plugs for better lung endurance. Evening stretches, 1.5 mile training pace run, pushups to failure, situps to failure x's 2, pullups to failure x's 2.

Wednesday: morning stretches, 100 pushups, 80 sit ups, 20 pullups. Afternoon back/ shoulders at the gym. Evening stretches, 3 mile training pace run, pushups to failure, situps to failure x's 2, pullups to failure x's 2.

Thursday: morning stretches, 100 pushups, 80 sit ups, 20 pullups. Afternoon 30 min on treadmill with snorkle and nose plugs for better lung endurance. Evening stretches, 1.5 mile training pace run, pushups to failure, situps to failure x's 2, pullups to failure x's 2.

Friday: morning stretches, 100 pushups, 80 sit ups, 20 pullups. Afternoon leg workout at the gym. Evening stretches, 1.5 mile training pace run, pushups to failure, situps to failure x's 2, pullups to failure x's 2.

Saturday: 1.5 mile training pace run. Currently at a 8:50 time

Sunday: morning stretches, 100 pushups, 80 sit ups, 20 pullups. Evening stretches, 3 mile training pace run, pushups to failure, situps to failure x's 2, pullups to failure x's 2.

Current supplements: MyoFusion protein from Gasparri Nutrition *this shit is good*, NaNO vapor from Muscletech * this shit is also good* and BCAA's from universal nutrition.

ETA: forgot to mention. I was training for competitive bodybuilding 2 years ago. I did a 5 day a week training routine that was loaded with eating, supplements, training extremely heavy, and sleeping alot. I miss the days of 900lb leg presses :(

01-22-09, 12:39
This is starting my 19th year of lifting so I would say I am addicted. Can't lift what I used to when I was younger but still do well for someone my age and always drug free.

01-22-09, 13:32
one of those boys jumping off that small pier in Waikiki ? those kids are in the water all day long..crazy..

:) maybe should have said Local Haole island boy :) heehehehe
and would be off blackrock on Maui :) heheheeheh

yeah being in AZ I have never been away from the water like this !!!!!

01-22-09, 15:44
Integrated into my lifestyle for over 30 years and I feel great as usual.

01-22-09, 16:01
I normally have 5 days a week, hit the Treadmill or bike for 3 and weight training at least twice. Since I'm older now, my focus is more overall conditioning and cardio. Stretching is important.

Remember, everyone is different in regards to strength limitations and abilities. The biggest thing that will get you hurt in the gym is you ego.

Don't overwork, you need rest to heal. I used to Powerlift and could easily tell by week 4-5 of a 8-9 week cycle if I was over doing it. I also found that more isn't always better. I made the gains with 5-6 sets once a week as 8-12 and/or twice a week. If you are into the heavy stuff, be careful of your back and shoulders-light on the shoulders otherwise they will get stressed.

Do the exercises correctly, form first weight later--same as shooting--

I had to go to a Chiropractor for a year after a drunk hit me--he said there's two types of injuries-the one's you feel right away---and the one's you feel when you are 60 for all of the dumb stuff you did when you were 20

01-22-09, 16:17
one of the most important things in weight lifting is finding what WORKS FOR YOU. When i was liftin heavy weights for 5 to 8 reps, i was making little gains. some people explode like that.... then i met an ex recon Marine at my gym one night and this guy was huge, 6ft 225lbs of pure muscle... i asked him how he worked out and told me that what works for HIM was high reps (12-20) for sets of four on everything, with moderate weight. so i tried it, and finally found what works best for me. doin high reps really put alot of strength and muscle on me. but this wont work for everybody, just like lifting really heavy isnt every bodies forte. Certain individuals are made up of different types of muscle, so you need to learn what stimulates that muscle the best. I always lift with very strict form too.

I agree rest is very important! if i work out too many days in a row or dont get enough sleep, i can feel it big time. ill lose motivation and my lifts will be horrible!

Its cool to see so many people here are physically active! exercise is the shiz

01-22-09, 16:43
I did cycles of the 8-9 week program with 1-2 weeks off on active rest. The 8-9 week was a pyramid set up. Highest reps were 10 at the beginning and closed to a one rep max at the end. I tried longer programs and they didn't work for me.