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View Full Version : Fackler and WBR Journal Availability...

01-22-09, 20:21
I personally spoke today with Dr. Fackler about the availability of WBR Journals... both individual issues, and complete sets. He told me that the amount of journal copies vary from issue to issue, and that he may have enough journals to make at least several complete sets. He even talked about the posibility of making more copies. He said he would physically go to his barn and look into it when he gets some time, and that he would email me when he can. He sounded good, but sounded busy, too. It was nice to hear his voice again.

01-22-09, 21:56
It is sad that Marty had to retire, but life does go on.....sadder yet, that the reins of the IWBA didn't get taken over to allow it to continue. I wish I could have gone to their conference they had back in the day.

01-23-09, 13:31

I don't think the IWBA's 'ending' really had anything to do with Marty retiring. He retired from the Army as a Colonel. As for anyone who could have taken over, remember that Marty was the 'founder'of the IWBA and Chief Editor of the WBR journal. Although there was a board of directors, he probably had the most control over whether it continued or ended.

I agree 100% with your sentiments, though... I think it ended too soon.


01-23-09, 14:08
We all thought it ended too soon...