View Full Version : "I'm going to be an advocate for hunter's rights"

01-23-09, 18:17

Hudson County Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand to replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate.

Gillibrand's pro-gun stance hung over the event, but she said she was willing to work with people against gun violence.

"I'm going to be an advocate for hunter's rights, but there is so much area where there is common ground, where I can work together with really solving the problem of gun violence," Gillibrand said.

When she takes office on Sunday she will be 99th in seniority in the Senate.

Here's where Gillibrand stands on some key issues: She supports same-sex marriage, abortion rights and withdrawing troops from Iraq, but is against providing drivers licenses for illegal immigrants.

I dont hunt, but I own a gun so she can forget my support for her on this issue.

I freaking hate when people say that stuff

"How do you feel about guns?"

"I support hunter's rights" What the hell does that even mean

forget it!

01-23-09, 18:32
The impression I got from watchING Chris Matthews (gag) was/is twofold:

She filed a Friend of the Court Brief in the Heller Case. In support of Heller.

She is opposed to repealing the Tiarht Amendment.

Chris and Carolyn McCarthy were practically frothing at the mouth.


01-23-09, 18:41
She's not perfect but she's about as good as it gets from NY State.

Certainly about a 1000x improvement over someone like, say, McCarthy.

01-23-09, 18:44

01-23-09, 20:45
I think she is posturing for the home crowd. Her actions seem OK. Someone ought to have a quiet talk with her to help her understand that

* "gun violence" has nothing to do with guns
* the 2A has nothing to do with hunting


Gutshot John
01-23-09, 20:49
Gotta love it when Mattews says "she seems very NRA-ish". :D

01-23-09, 20:50
From the AP article on AOL.com:

"At the news conference, Gillibrand commended McCarthy for her "outstanding leadership in fighting against gun violence and keeping our children safe," and added: 'I pledge to work with her on her signature bill for updating background checks to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.' Gillibrand said she would support gun control 'but also protect our hunters' rights.'"

She's a Democrat, and I don't trust her, but anything to see that moron McCarthy get pissed off makes me happy. As for her A rating from the NRA, we'll see how that changes. Didn't Clinton have a high rating from the NRA when he was governor of Arkansas?

01-23-09, 21:01
She's a Democrat, and I don't trust her,

Just being a politician is enough for me not to trust her. ;)

01-23-09, 22:00
This is like dream come true, as far as gun rights, and an appointed Dem senator from NY.

01-23-09, 22:47
I haven't hunted in 20 years!

01-23-09, 23:29
As for her A rating from the NRA, we'll see how that changes. Didn't Clinton have a high rating from the NRA when he was governor of Arkansas?

I actually think that those "A" ratings fit, since the NRA has always been more inclined to effectivelyadvocate for hunters and paper-target-only shooters than they ever have for those that practice to shoot against targets that shoot back. They didn't take the '94 ban seriously, didn't mount anything more than what could be called a token defense against it, and I think that it's because they couldn't care less.

An "A" rating from the NRA doesn't impact our little niche favorably, since the NRA doesn't have a viable political stake in our fight to keep our tools. Yes, the 2nd Amendment wasn't written with hunting in mind, because when viewed in the historical context, hunting for your food was a pretty much a given, not hobby or a "lifestyle" *shudder* as the Fudds like to describe it. However, it's the vehicle that they've chosen to use as the means to drive their political will. They can't fight the enviro-freaks and their PETA counterparts on an emotional level, so they do it constitutionally, and screw protecting what 2A was created to shield.

We're only relevant to the NRA when it comes to sound bytes designed to keep those dues flowing in.

01-24-09, 00:06
Yes, the 2nd Amendment wasn't written with hunting in mind, because when viewed in the historical context, hunting for your food was a pretty much a given

yup you are correct sir

01-24-09, 00:09
Do they know what the Tiarht Amendment actually is?

Gutshot John
01-24-09, 08:08
Do they know what the Tiarht Amendment actually is?

According to the video it seems they do, but privacy is only an issue for Democrats when it's medical.

For the democrats, privacy doesn't apply to gun owners.

Watching Matthews and McCarthy in an intellectual circle-jerk was refreshing. Notice how both accused Gillibrand of "working for the NRA".

I'd submit that Patterson made a shrewd political choice. A 2 year appointment of someone who hardcore NYC dems are going to challenge in the primary.

I don't think Gillibrand will last so enjoy it while she does.

01-24-09, 08:56

I had to turn it off around the 4 minute mark, before I smashed my laptop. I used to somewhat tolerate Chris Matthews years ago, but after his love affair with Obama the guy makes me want to vomit every time I hear his voice. I was impressed with his and Keith Olbermann's ability to commentate with Obama's balls in their mouths during the election season though.

01-24-09, 09:01
What's hunting?

01-24-09, 09:07
It's pretty obvious to me that she's attempting to walk a fine line between the fanatical anti gunners near NYC and the normal folk in her district. Remember, she did get an "A" from the NRA despite whatever videos you pull up. Let's be glad she's in there and not some damned Kennedy.

01-24-09, 09:30
She's solidly on our side and trying to be diplomatic with gun-grabbing fanatics in her own party. Every vote in Congress counts and I think this selection is very good news for us. It could pay double --another 2nd Amendment friendly Senator has been appointed and her district just might vote in a 2nd Amendment friendly replacement for her seat in the House.

Very good news.