View Full Version : "Gunman used AK47 to fire on crowd, police say"

01-24-09, 21:39

Don Robison
01-24-09, 21:58
Manual Diaz can kiss my ass.

01-24-09, 22:03
Manual Diaz can kiss my ass.
I second that.

Gutshot John
01-24-09, 22:20
Here's an idea... violent felons don't belong on the streets of Miami. Can't stop that? Then how the hell are you going to stop violent felons from getting guns?


01-25-09, 01:11
In that video he said he knows Joe Biden and that Joe Biden "assured" him that there would be another three letter acronym staring with A. and ending with B. that the Katar will not let us say otherwise we risk getting banned. Oops!

01-25-09, 03:55
Actually what the Katar said is that he doesn't want people hijacking threads by continuously putting Obama and AWB in just about every discussion that gets posted. Additonally people wouldn't even bother to see if such a thread existed and continued to post even more shit. We all know who he is and what has been discussed and I am fairly certain that if/when a real AWB bill hits the floor we will be talking about it. Until then it is all just speculation and inuendo.

In that video he said he knows Joe Biden and that Joe Biden "assured" him that there would be another three letter acronym staring with A. and ending with B. that the Katar will not let us say otherwise we risk getting banned. Oops!

01-25-09, 08:31
This situation really pisses me off. I doubt the gangstas in question obtained the firearms legitimately, and how do they know they shot an AK. Did they decide this simply from the caliber or was there an eyewitness. From my understanding they only shot 9 rounds. Is that correct? There are several 7.62x39 bolt action rifles or sks that hold 10 rds or less. So the addition of 30 rd mags apparently make them lethal while only 10 rds per mag is safe. If anything this is an argument for Concealed Carry. Imagine this scenario. You are with some friends, then you begin to hear gunfire from your six you and your friends also legally carrying concealed firearms turn and return fire. Thugs panic and run away, or you shoot kill/wound one degenerate, waste of my air, piece of crap excuse for a human being. Some may argue that this is turning the streets into the wild west but it would have prevented the thugs from firing on innocent unarmed civilians.

"It was like a war zone," resident Joan Rutherford told CNN affiliate WSVN
This pissed me off too. I wonder how many wars Joan has shipped off to.

I have been shot at locally here in the US by a chemically imbalanced farmer with an 30/30 scared the piss out of me but nothing like a war zone. I did not have a gun to return fire b/c I was 15 at the time. Now when I leave the house I have Mr. 45 acp at all time Just for the crazies.

01-25-09, 08:55

Gutshot John
01-25-09, 08:58
Funny I thought it was illegal for violent felons to possess any firearm.

01-25-09, 09:10

Army Chief
01-25-09, 09:10
Haven't exactly caught the specifics on the news yet, but it wouldn't surprise me very much if this involved a crappy SKS or something else that really has nothing to do with an AK. I'm not saying that is the case here (as it may well not be), but my point is that the media often gets it wrong in the interest of leading with a sensational headline. To them, just about everything seems to be an assault rifle, and if that proves to be less than accurate later, well, you won't hear much about that. Either way, the damage is done.

I was afraid of something like this happening ... the timing really could not be any worse.



01-25-09, 10:24
I noticed on the video about assault weapons that the statistics were from the Miami Police Department on the percentage increase over the past 4 years that last year 28% of violent crimes were due to 'assault weapons'. Can anyone confirm this and where can anyone get this information?

Gutshot John
01-25-09, 10:32
I noticed on the video about assault weapons that the statistics were from the Miami Police Department on the percentage increase over the past 4 years that last year 28% of violent crimes were due to 'assault weapons'. Can anyone confirm this and where can anyone get this information?

Probably DOJ statistics.

It should be noted that according to their own statistics 72% of violent crimes were committed with other weapons. ;)

Robert Jordan
01-25-09, 11:08
Someone needs to ask why Miami police are allowed to carry weapons of war.:eek:
Using gun prohibitionist logic, this will cause an arms races with the thugs. Now every violent felon will have to have an assault weapon not just the few that have them now. Manny needs to tell us why he wants to allow the police to wage war on the fine citizens of Miami.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

The whole weapons of war logic needs to be turned on its head.


01-25-09, 11:29
Apparently Miami is the exception to the rule. I believe the FBI stats say something to the effect that less than 2% of all violent crimes are committed with Assault weapons. Ironically upwards of 80% are committed with knives, blunt objects and other(hands and feet). I would like to see Miami's stats on homicides with knives. I am willing to bet that it would be over 50%. If so do they want to ban knives because it is a problem across the nation, or maybe this is another agenda??? Just speculation.

01-25-09, 11:49
weapons of war hahahahahahaha....damn, I didn't know that the enemy preferred semi autos as opposed to the select fire M4's that the US uses.

01-25-09, 11:54
I agree. Those weapons of war have no business on the streets of America.

Take them away from the Miami PD.

01-25-09, 12:11
It's always refreshing when some nameless scum of no moral worth uses an AK to kill as well as to create fuel for the anti-gun movement. They just love to talk about those AK's...

Left Sig
01-25-09, 12:50
I noticed on the video about assault weapons that the statistics were from the Miami Police Department on the percentage increase over the past 4 years that last year 28% of violent crimes were due to 'assault weapons'. Can anyone confirm this and where can anyone get this information?

Since semi-auto pistol mags with greater than 10 round capacity were banned under the Clinton assault weapon ban, I assume that the above statistic includes all pistols with mags greater than 10 rounds. It's not that assault rifles are being used more, they are just classifying everything previously affected by the ban as being an assault weapon, which includes virtually every modern hi-capacity pistol.

But the thing we really need to know is if the "assault weapons" being used in crime were legally purchased and ended up in criminal hands, or if they are smuggled in along with the massive amounts of drugs that enter the Miami area on a near constant basis.

Bans will not stop drug gangs from bringing illegal weapons into the country - most likely the FA variants.