View Full Version : Letters to Congress

01-25-09, 21:03
Just curious, when's the last time you wrote, e-mailed or called your representative concerning the 2nd Amendment?

01-25-09, 21:38
Last week and tried to get other firearms enthusiast do due the same to no avail.

01-26-09, 05:36
I thought I was the only one.:D I have all my representatives email addresses in my address book. I emailed my Senators two weeks ago concerning Eric Holder.

01-26-09, 07:14
I fillled out anti-abortion cards at Mass yesterday, does that count? :D


Cruncher Block
01-28-09, 19:42
Tonight. My Representative voted against the stimulus bill. I am opposed to it as well and wrote to thank him.

While I was at it, I thanked one of my Senators for being one of two members of the Judiciary Committee who voted against Eric Holder for Attorney General. I emailed my other Senator and asked that she vote against confirming Holder.

01-28-09, 20:47
Maybe an instruction manual on who to call, what to say and what to expect might help some people.

01-28-09, 20:53
Ive written a few times, and always get back that standard letter that everyone else gets. :mad:

01-28-09, 22:24
I do it quite frequently lately, starting from Bear Stearn bailout, all the way to TARP. I've been right all this time.