View Full Version : Does the economy scare people into buying guns?

01-27-09, 09:08
Dilbert (c) 2009 by Scott Adams

Original source: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2009-01-27/

01-27-09, 09:11
Seems like while it was never an issue for me, this bank crisis does seem to be motivating some after all. Thought it was baloney at first, but the times are a changin'.


Cold Zero
01-27-09, 09:17
It should.:eek:

01-27-09, 09:23
"Does the economy scare people into buying guns?"


When times get rough, people turn to Gold and Guns
to make themselves feel better.

When the crisis passes, they sell the Gold and Guns
at a reduced rate and continue on to the next crisis.

01-27-09, 10:15
Economy is down, the people are buying up guns, ammo, and mags. I think some could view this as some type of indicator of the dissaproval and unrest of the people. But I dont know shit about politics, economics etc... So this is just my .02$


01-27-09, 10:40
Love that cartoon !!

01-27-09, 10:49
But I dont know shit about politics,


This is a common theme among our nation. As long as it remains this way, we will continue to have the worst people represent us, and lead us.

01-27-09, 12:55
This is a common theme among our nation.

And why the idiot masses are easily duped into voting for a peckerhead who couldn't even pass a basic background check for mall security.

01-27-09, 15:54
Um fellas!

The media is making up this argument as a ploy to steer the mindless masses away from concluding (rightfully so) that we are buying guns because of Obama.

Don't fall for the Bad Economy=More Guns logic...

01-27-09, 16:20
Um fellas!

The media is making up this argument as a ploy to steer the mindless masses away from concluding (rightfully so) that we are buying guns because of Obama.

Don't fall for the Bad Economy=More Guns logic...

I think that people buy guns during times of uncertainty. Whether that comes from Obama( which is my biggest concern) or the economy, it is just what people do when they get worried

01-27-09, 16:33
people buy guns when they think they might be on their own.

economic collapse, crime spikes, LE gets bogged down, crime spikes more- people gotta be able to take care of themselves. and that's best-case.

worst-case- the shit hits the fan so hard there basically is no organized LE, nor organized government. anarchy.

either way, you'd best be prepared.

others are hoping for revolution- and you need a gun to fight in a war.

01-27-09, 16:49
i think it's a combination of the economy, and a more delicate social situation, that seems to be deteriorating.

i came across this link while researching "signing statements" and it's an interesting modification of the constitution. there was a house resolution that repealed the presidential act, but bush included a signing statement. as far as i know, the current POTUS hasn't said much about going back and erasing alot of those signing statements.

pls take this link with a grain of salt, but it does reference some specific issues.


01-27-09, 16:52
Um fellas!

The media is making up this argument as a ploy to steer the mindless masses away from concluding (rightfully so) that we are buying guns because of Obama.

Don't fall for the Bad Economy=More Guns logic...

Acknowledging that people are buying primarily out of fear of Obama would be to publicize the fact that there really is a perceived threat amongst the people of a new ban. To admit such would fly in the face of the "we respect your 2nd amendment rights" nonsense touted during the election.

Now, it may not be a huge conspiracy in the media to hide this, I'd imagine most outlets just like the juicy idea of people preparing for a meltdown. Buying out of fear of civil unrest is more compelling than a fear of legislation. I'm sure no one who really understands the impetus for the run on arms is eager to correct them, though.

01-27-09, 16:57
Look at it another way. The media could pick one of the following stories:

"Look at the crazy gun nuts buying dangerous assault weapons for fear that our new President will finally put an end to the wild unregulated flow."


"Look at all the people scared as hell that BHO isn't going to be able to solve the economic crisis, and so they finally realized that owning a gun was the smartest thing they could do."

Personally, I prefer the second option. It doesn't matter what began the run on guns & ammo. And it doesn't matter whether the media are trying to protect BHO or just running with the juciest story they could create. Either way, it paints these new gun owners in a much better light and makes their ascribed reasoning sound much more mainstream.

01-27-09, 17:01
The biggest motivator is fear of bans.

01-27-09, 17:21
Either way, it paints these new gun owners in a much better light and makes their ascribed reasoning sound much more mainstream.

Good point, Todd.

It's odd, but in the not too recent past people buying guns for fear of civil unrest would have been cast in a much more "looney" light than it is right now. Even the mainstream folks see it's not that farfetched...

01-27-09, 17:54
Does the economy scare people into buying guns?

No, Government does.

01-27-09, 17:57
I fly for a living and meet people from all across the country and have talked to some died in the wool dems and they are stocking up. Most people I meet feel that bho will do all in his power to limit the sales of new firearms and ammo so they are stocking up now.
Most feel that it is there Choice to own a gun not the govs.

My mother in law a bleeding heart lib has even is talking of buying a gun.

The next few months will be a Eye opener for the country............


01-27-09, 18:26
No, Government does.
MY thoughts exactly!

01-27-09, 18:42
Responding to the original question, yes, historically Americans buy guns when the economy starts getting shaky. What I'd like to see is an order of magnitude: are we buying more guns proportionally now than in previous times when the economy has suffered? How does the proportion of our income spent on firearms products now compare to that of previous times of economic hardship?


01-27-09, 18:55
The biggest motivator is fear of bans.

I've had more guys at work start buying guns for this reason than any other.

01-27-09, 19:33
This is a common theme among our nation. As long as it remains this way, we will continue to have the worst people represent us, and lead us.

I was being modest. But thanks for the kind words.