View Full Version : O ring ??

Rollin Thunder
01-27-09, 12:50
Newbie here,
I'm new to the AR however, I've been around firearms my entire life. I just got my first AR and started cleaning it, no problems there. I break it down to your basic field strip, clean everything and put back together.

So far all is good.... I look on my bench and there is a rubber O ring laying on the bench. I've looked in the manual, I looked at a schematic, I can't find a rubber
O ring.

Am I missing something here? I could swear that my bench was clean and clear when I started.

Is there an O ring in these puppies?



01-27-09, 12:53
How big is it?

Is it like small that might fit around the extractor plunger and spring? Some ARs come with that upgrade and some do not.


01-27-09, 12:54
oops. indeed- probably extractor o-ring. sort of odd that it would just fall off, though. what kind of gun?

Rollin Thunder
01-27-09, 13:37
No, it can't the extractor o ring, I didn't break that down.
The O ring is about the size of a pinky finger. Almost like it would fit in the breech??
Heck, it may have been on the bench all along.


01-27-09, 13:41
no o-ring goes in the chamber.. maybe it is a chunk of packaging or something.. or left over from when you rebuilt your lawn sprinkler there and just set the gun right on it.

a picture would speak a thousand words

01-27-09, 13:47
It could have been on the rear of the upper. (over the nub that the rear take down pin goes thru.

I think some apes have tried to put them there to get tighter lower/upper fit. Just leave it out.

01-27-09, 13:53
regardless of if its from that rifle or not, its not needed.

Rollin Thunder
01-27-09, 14:39
It's not needed, ah! that's what I needed to hear.

As far as sprinklers go, It's funny you said that, I had some up there about a week ago.


01-27-09, 16:30
You can probably sell that part on Gunbroker right now as I hear that they are pretty rare.:eek: