View Full Version : Icy weather

01-28-09, 08:02
Went to bed last night with a nice steady snowfall going on. This made me happy as I like snow and they had been threatening that we would get ice not snow.

Well, I get up this morning and look out my back window and see a rather picturesque view of my security light reflecting off of the ice sheet that was my back yard.

Had about 3/4" of ice built up on everything, luckily no wind so we on still on grid power and I am not burning diesel. If the wind does start, katy bar the door.

Hope everyone else was only inconvenienced by the weather and not out of services or in a ditch.

Gutshot John
01-28-09, 08:16
Went to bed last night with a nice steady snowfall going on. This made me happy as I like snow and they had been threatening that we would get ice not snow.

Well, I get up this morning and look out my back window and see a rather picturesque view of my security light reflecting off of the ice sheet that was my back yard.

Had about 3/4" of ice built up on everything, luckily no wind so we on still on grid power and I am not burning diesel. If the wind does start, katy bar the door.

Hope everyone else was only inconvenienced by the weather and not out of services or in a ditch.

Ugly here too. We knew the ice was coming but it doesn't make it any easier.

Pittsburghers have enough trouble driving in perfect conditions, today is gonna be fun.

Every school in the region is closed, but somehow I still have to go to class tonight. Yayyy!!! :rolleyes:

Marcus L.
01-28-09, 08:52
Must be all that global warming........:rolleyes:

The environmentalists are now calling it "climate change" to cover their butts.

01-28-09, 10:09
Ha! My attorney (Gun guy, but a lib) sent me an email last night explianing that these extremes were caused by "Global Warming" Made perfect sense to him. He must be drinking better Kool aid than me! Oh and the new admin is telling it's minions to use the phrase "Climate Change" instead. Just another tool to gain power to remove our freedoms as I see it. Any my side of Pgh is nicely coated in ice. I woke to the sounds of my neighbors out there hacking at it. After the next cup of coffee I might be motivated enough to join them, I said might!:D

01-28-09, 14:38
Ha, it's a breezy 82 degrees down here in o-town. But hot as hell in the summer:rolleyes:

01-28-09, 17:46
Your just afraid of the ice because you have much further to fall than most of us. :p

01-28-09, 20:41
Your just afraid of the ice because you have much further to fall than most of us. :p

Damn straight, skippy :p

Robb Jensen
01-28-09, 20:43
Barry said we just need to get tougher like people from Chicago to drive on ice......last I checked they get a ton of snow not ice.

01-28-09, 22:47
we had a cold snap here in Southern Az., got a high yesterday of 53 degrees and low of 31 deg. at night, so i know what it's like :D