View Full Version : Buffalo shooting

01-29-09, 03:22

now i know this stuff gets posted, and i know we've all seen it, we all know what the media does. the story is basically ok- except for the opening statements by the anchor people. they make it sound like the story your about to hear is way up in the air, plus the added "for now, the owner isn't being charged." as though it's likely that he will.

i feel compelled to post, for what it's worth. perhaps someone can give me some insight as to how this BS propaganda is allowed to continue virtually uncontested. and this isn't even the worst i've seen... oh no, there's been much worse. in fact, if you have good examples of horrible liberal bias skews on apparently justified shootings, please post here. i'd like to get a sense for how common this is

01-29-09, 06:26
Damn, I thought it was a hunting video.

The only evidence missing was a note on the robbers car saying "Back in 5 minutes, robbing a store."

Was the neighbor "Kristy" a man or a woman?

01-29-09, 07:26
Was the neighbor "Kristy" a man or a woman?

Well, "her" hat does say field hockey. :D

01-29-09, 09:27
What is with the “Do you know where your parents are? Swingers Club” sign at 0:17? It is like Tyler Durden did a splice.

Meanwhile, in what way was the robber threatening property with his shotgun? Seems like he was threatening the clerk. The property can't open the register. Yeash! These media putzes take about as clear a cut case of lawful self defense and try and put a spin on it, where it'd be better (for their side) to just burry the story or do what they do elswehere and report it as "a shooting" and not give any details if it is a justified shoot. That is what they do here in MN and what they did back in Pittsburgh . . . . if some innocent got capped or a kid did something stupid they'd make a big deal out of it, print every concievable detail and followup and revive the story for the funerals, and revive the story on the aniversary, toss in a human interest story on the victim's mother as a canned interview they could run on any given slow news day. .. and if it was a justified shoot they'd report "A shooting occured lat night at such and so adress at X o'clock, police are looking into the details. . . . and now a story on the environmental impact of snow men. Childhood activity or dangerous contributer to global warming".

01-29-09, 13:37
What is with the “Do you know where your parents are? Swingers Club” sign at 0:17? It is like Tyler Durden did a splice.

The reporters had to cover it because they were walking out of the swingers club when the police were there. The police asked "You guys here to cover the shooting?" and the reporters said "Uh, yea, sure."

Swinger club in Buffalo, I hope that feed isn't on the web.