View Full Version : Ammending WA suppressor laws

01-30-09, 15:39
To all Washingtonians...and sympathizers for them

Our 12th District representative, Carey Condotta, has introduced a bill to allow suppressor use in Washington state. As the law now stands we can buy/own/install them, but using them is illegal. Call your legislator and ask them to support SB1604, text is here: HB 1604
Main points:
1) Noise is one of the most common complaints about rifle ranges. Why outlaw the solution?
2)Hearing damage would be greatly reduced at the range and in the field.
3) The change will bring us into comliance with Federal law and our neighboring states, as Idaho and Oregon allow their use.
4) In most european countries, suppressors are mandatory, mostly for reason number 1 above.

Please use 'suppressor', not 'silencer', when you call. Inevitably one response will be that it makes it easier for criminals to commit crimes. Point out that, since they are criminals, they don't obey the laws (duh) and are unlikely to go through the Federal investigation and pay the $200 tax to legally purchase a suppressor to commit a crime with. Hollywood has played up the Evil Silencer myth for so long, people think it's true. The actual percentage of legally owned suppressors used in a crime is damn near zero.

Besides, they're fun as hell. Call your representative and express your support!

Here's a possible template for a letter;

Here's the note that I just sent to my 3 Reps, might send it to all of them just because. Feel free to use some or all of it, it's not the best written letter but I think it gets the point across. You can go here to enter your address and it will take you through an easy process to email all your reps.... Enter in your address and it may tell you that this person is not your Rep, then it will give the option to email your reps.


Dear Representatives,

I am writing to encourage you to please support HB 1604 and to change the current restriction on noise suppressors for firearms.

As you may know Washington has an odd law that allows the ownership of suppressors, but outlaws the use of them even for the legal owners of them. This forces law abiding owners to travel to our neighboring states where suppressor use is legal. Some would have you believe, thanks to the Hollywood portrayal of suppressors, that they make firearms whisper quiet and that this somehow makes them more useable in crimes. There are many untruths in this belief, but the biggest is the use of suppressors in illegal activity. Due to the expense of suppressors, a $200 tax stamp and the very thorough federal background check only the most serious of sportsman purchase suppressors, not your common criminals. Suppressors also don't make firearms whisper quiet, they simply reduce the noise to safer levels, which is better for not only the shooter but surrounding individuals.

One of the most common complaints about rifle ranges is the noise, allowing the use of suppressors would reduce these complaints. Ranges are important because they give people of all ages a controlled and safe environment to learn how to safely use firearms. An interesting fact is that most European countries actually "require" suppressor use in order to reduce noise for the surrounding areas. The sound reduction benefit to the shooter is also important to note since the suppressor, combined with proper ear protection, would lower the sound to a safe level.

Of course we can't overlook the financial benefits of allowing suppressor use. Keeping shooters, sportsmen and women in the state of Washington versus having them leave the state the shoot increases revenue from everything from gas taxes to even food and beverage sales.

If you have any additional questions about why you should support HB 1604 please do not hesitate to contact me, I would be happy to sit down and discuss this further and hopefully provide some clarity in the matter.

I greatly appreciate your time and your support of HB 1604.

Best regards
(Your Name Here)

01-30-09, 15:48
Done. Thanks for bringing this to light.

01-30-09, 16:23
Go for it man! You inspired me to stir up my fellow oppressed Minnesotans. Been so focused on SBRs I hadn't even noticed we cant have cans AT ALL up here in Siberia.

01-30-09, 16:28
wow. i live near seattle and was actually just about to buy a supressor for my m4 in the next week or so... i had no idea that you could own them but not shoot them, that is rediculous!!

01-31-09, 07:04
Actually, I have to give credit to those who deserve it....I found out about this from some of the members at snipershide. I am just a "messenger" doing what I can to spread the word because I just want to play with my cans in my "backyard" :D, rather than "literally" driving hundreds of miles south or east to someone else's :mad:.

02-04-09, 17:31
Thanks for this. M4tographer referred me to this thread. I'll be drafting up a similar letter to send to my reps. I just hope we can get this through. Does anyone have SBRs on their radar?

02-05-09, 19:06
+1 on the SBR!! But lets hit one target at a time.

02-05-09, 19:45
Two recommendation:
1. Include average price of a supressor.
2. Include range as training venue for local LEOs.

02-05-09, 21:17
I sent a modified version of the below email to my reps today. One, Sam Hunt, replied saying he will "take a good look at the bill if it gets to the House floor for a vote." I would have preferred, "Hell yes! I'll support it."

02-06-09, 12:41
I sent a note to Murray, Pedersen, and Chopp. If this passes a suppressor will be priority number 1.

02-06-09, 18:49
I sent a note to Murray, Pedersen, and Chopp. If this passes a suppressor will be priority number 1.

Agreed !

02-26-09, 12:36
I received this from Karen Fraser this morning. Damn!

Thank you for your email message in support of HB 1604, Firearm Noise Suppressors. If you have been following the bill, then you are aware it was not voted out of its committee of origin before the deadline. It is not likely the bill will be considered further this session.

Thank you for contacting me.

Senator – 22nd District