View Full Version : Group calls on Obama to deport aunt

02-05-09, 03:57

lol. :rolleyes:

02-05-09, 04:42
I'm not sure how I feel about this.

02-05-09, 07:02
In my opinion an illegal Alien is an illegal alien and it shouldn't matter who her nephew is.

02-05-09, 07:07
There is a proper way to make a point, and an improper way to make a point.

I think this public outcry by this group is an improper way to make a point.

02-05-09, 08:53
What is improper about calling the appropriate Law Enforcement agency when you know a crime is being committed? You'd call the FBI about an abduction, the BATFE about that neighbor's stinky still, and ICE about an illegal staying past deportation order. . . . right?

Kenya is a hard place to imagine wanting asylum from. For one there isn't a political or religious war that is generating refugees and for two, it is beautiful. Wow what a pretty country. I don't really want my tax dollars to pay for her ticket, but I also don't really want to keep paying her rent and buying her groceries (with my tax money). In the end the plane ticket is cheaper.

Jay Cunningham
02-05-09, 08:54
There is a proper way to make a point, and an improper way to make a point.

I think this public outcry by this group is an improper way to make a point.

I would tend to agree.

02-05-09, 09:11
I would tend to agree.

What would be the proper approach? Just curious, because I do not see our current POTUS paying a bit of attention to anything below a concerted roar.

02-06-09, 17:47
I posted the :rolleyes: for a 2 reasons.

1. Like this is ever going to happen

2. What a retarded platform to take just to protest the POTUS

02-06-09, 17:59
I posted the :rolleyes: for a 2 reasons.

1. Like this is ever going to happen

2. What a retarded platform to take just to protest the POTUS

Have to disagree with your point #2. Our Republic was founded on the ideal of the rule of law. No one, no matter position or relation is above the law. Now if the POTUS is willing to ignore a law being broken in a national news level manner, what other laws might he be willing to overlook due to the connections or relations of those that will be affect by his decision?

02-06-09, 18:01
Have to disagree with your point #2. Our Republic was founded on the ideal of the rule of law. No one, no matter position or relation is above the law. Now if the POTUS is willing to ignore a law being broken in a national news level manner, what other laws might he be willing to overlook due to the connections or relations of those that will be affect by his decision?

There are greater things already the POTUS is doing that warrant protesting. Picking on his illegal alien aunt is not near the top of the list was my point. Kind like the guy you pullover for speeding that has a dead body in the backseat and you simply citing him for speeding... That was my point.

02-06-09, 18:24
There are greater things already the POTUS is doing that warrant protesting. Picking on his illegal alien aunt is not near the top of the list was my point. Kind like the guy you pullover for speeding that has a dead body in the backseat and you simply citing him for speeding... That was my point.

Just this alone, yes dumb attack, but it is not the only one he is facing at the moment. One little group attacks on this front and other go after the multilpe tax cheats he has appointed, another goes after the fact that he has hired multiple lobbyist. Etc, etc....

02-06-09, 20:25
I think this is ridiculous. I can't imagine how many calls ICE is getting over every Illegal from south of the border. I think we have enough problems dealing with the ones that are committing serious crimes here! Just my $.02's.

02-06-09, 21:15
What would be the proper approach? Just curious, because I do not see our current POTUS paying a bit of attention to anything below a concerted roar.

It's not about making POTUS pay attention. It's about causing bad PR for the cause.

Nobody is less of a fan of our current immigration situation than I am, but campaigning to have Obama's aunt tossed out of the country strikes ME as a mean spirited PR stunt. If *I* get that feeling, it's sure as heck not making a better impression on the people on the fence.

Sometimes pushing for the wrong thing can set back the cause folks want to advance. I think these stories just add more fuel to the "Immigration enforcement advocates are nothing but big racist meanies!!" argument.

02-07-09, 01:23
I gotta agree that the energy put into this coulda been spent better elsewhere. That said, now that its been done, if POTUS decides to use his power to legalize her status, I got a problem with that kind of abuse.

Bottom line though, is no matter what happens, Id rather see ICE and INS spending their time on people like the russian mob, mexican mafia, ect.

02-07-09, 02:03
hmm.. i sort of think there are some "perks" to being president, and showing a little favoritism to your family is one of them. i dont suppose i could blame a man for pardoning his brother, or keeping his aunt in the country, if he has the power to do so.

all depending on the circumstances, of course... but in these, i wouldn't think any less of Obama if he did what he could for his aunt. family comes first.

02-07-09, 10:27
[QUOTE=bkb0000;305568]hmm.. i sort of think there are some "perks" to being president, and showing a little favoritism to your family is one of them. i dont suppose i could blame a man for pardoning his brother, or keeping his aunt in the country, if he has the power to do so.

all depending on the circumstances, of course... but in these, i wouldn't think any less of Obama if he did what he could for his aunt. family comes first.QUOTE]

I'm apt to think that since he has done nothing for her during his stint in Ill and well had the means. I would see it as an act to benefit only himself. When dealing with a politician the first thing you tell yourself is the last thing you tell yourself “Always hold a snake by it’s head.”

02-08-09, 14:23
part of the issue here though is responsibility.

every LEO knows that they are held to a higher standard, and more things of expected/demanded of them, as compared to the average person.

for the POTUS, that elevated sense of responsibility is even higher. If not, then there appears to be a type of "bell curve" for responsibility, where the people in the middle have the highest sense of responsibility attributed to them, while people at the further end of elevated power, have a reduced level of responsibility.

if the "bell curve" situation is the actual condition, then we really have gone down the wrong path.

02-08-09, 14:26
part of the issue here though is responsibility.

every LEO knows that they are held to a higher standard, and more things of expected/demanded of them, as compared to the average person.

for the POTUS, that elevated sense of responsibility is even higher. If not, then there appears to be a type of "bell curve" for responsibility, where the people in the middle have the highest sense of responsibility attributed to them, while people at the further end of elevated power, have a reduced level of responsibility.

if the "bell curve" situation is the actual condition, then we really have gone down the wrong path.

Great Great Great post. Well done.

02-08-09, 14:40
I would guess that the President does not deal with Immigration issues as it pertains to individual illegal immigrants.

02-08-09, 14:54
not generally- but POTUS is chief of the executive branch, which includes ICE

02-09-09, 20:13
part of the issue here though is responsibility.

every LEO knows that they are held to a higher standard, and more things of expected/demanded of them, as compared to the average person.

for the POTUS, that elevated sense of responsibility is even higher. If not, then there appears to be a type of "bell curve" for responsibility, where the people in the middle have the highest sense of responsibility attributed to them, while people at the further end of elevated power, have a reduced level of responsibility.

if the "bell curve" situation is the actual condition, then we really have gone down the wrong path.
I don't cite other cops, nor would I cite my mother. Did they break the law? Yes. Do I have the power to take action against them? Yes. Do I choose to help them out and let them slide b/c of who they are? Absolutely.

Spirit of the law vs letter of the law kinda thing.

I know 99% here, myself included, are NOT obama fans. But you'd be a damn liar if you said you'd deport your non-criminal aunt if you were the POTUS and you had the means to help her...

02-09-09, 21:36
I don't cite other cops, nor would I cite my mother. Did they break the law? Yes. Do I have the power to take action against them? Yes. Do I choose to help them out and let them slide b/c of who they are? Absolutely.

Spirit of the law vs letter of the law kinda thing.

I know 99% here, myself included, are NOT obama fans. But you'd be a damn liar if you said you'd deport your non-criminal aunt if you were the POTUS and you had the means to help her...

I don't think that was what he was getting at.

02-09-09, 21:43
I don't think that was what he was getting at.
Yeah, I read his post a little too fast, and took it as him saying that LEOs/PTOUS/etc have the responsibility to uphold the law no matter what. When I re-read it, it had a different tone. That's why I usually just read more than post:p

02-09-09, 22:10
what i was also trying to show, was the required consistency that directly relates to professionalism. "Spirit" of the law was mentioned, and i'm a serious believer in that, versus the letter of the law. But without consistency in application, then your level of professionalism is not only decreased, but becomes a matter of question.

It gets back to: "Do as I say not as I do". Everyone will be watching the POTUS as he deals with the issues surrounding his aunt, but even more closely they will be watching what he does afterwards. If he applies a consistent pattern to everyone, then his level of professionalism will be increased/or remain high.

.......as to citing my kids or parents.................depends on situation. hopefully they know better then to ever let that situation develope. didn't used to be that way. growing up as a teenager, the worst thing that could happen was to be pulled over and have the officer tell me he wasn't going to give me a ticket; he was just going to tell my dad and let him deal with it. I pleaded to have the ticket!!!! Only had to go that route once and i learned.:rolleyes:

02-09-09, 23:33
what i was also trying to show, was the required consistency that directly relates to professionalism. "Spirit" of the law was mentioned, and i'm a serious believer in that, versus the letter of the law. But without consistency in application, then your level of professionalism is not only decreased, but becomes a matter of question.

It gets back to: "Do as I say not as I do". Everyone will be watching the POTUS as he deals with the issues surrounding his aunt, but even more closely they will be watching what he does afterwards. If he applies a consistent pattern to everyone, then his level of professionalism will be increased/or remain high.

.......as to citing my kids or parents.................depends on situation. hopefully they know better then to ever let that situation develope. didn't used to be that way. growing up as a teenager, the worst thing that could happen was to be pulled over and have the officer tell me he wasn't going to give me a ticket; he was just going to tell my dad and let him deal with it. I pleaded to have the ticket!!!! Only had to go that route once and i learned.:rolleyes:

Spot on again.

02-09-09, 23:51
But you'd be a damn liar if you said you'd deport your non-criminal aunt if you were the POTUS and you had the means to help her...

Help her.... kinda like when he as a millionaire helped his OnTee so much that she lived in a run down public housing unit.....

Oh, I see what you mean 'help her' means that he uses his special 'above the law' status to help her take more of our tax dollars.... OK, I get it now.

**** that..... she goes.

Jay Cunningham
02-10-09, 03:48
There are some bitter individuals out there.

His aunt should not receive "special treatment" - that includes from both sides. None of you would give a rat's ass about her except that she is Obama's aunt. Is she illegal? Yes. Are there between 12 and 20 million others like her? Yes.

Why should we focus on her? Just because you want to make a political point with Obama?

Partisan stupidity.

02-10-09, 11:57
If that was partially (wholly) directed at me, allow me to explain:

- It isn't about BHO's aunt. It is about law and process. I would get rid of ALL 12 million of them. If they want to get in line and do it legally - so be it. We have laws and if something is worthy of the status of a law then it should be respected. I have to respect them, they can too.

- On the note of Obama - it's bullshit to write about Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in his book Dreams from My Father on one hand and on the other hand allowing his family to live on the public dole when he himself is a millionaire. It is even bigger bullshit to say that he had no knowledge that she was here. So either he was lying about her when he wrote the book or he is lying about her now. Now the ethical question part - now that he knows, does he use his influence to smooth this out? Does he use his PERSONAL wealth to take care of his On_tee so I don't have to? Any action on the man whos #2 says it is patriotic to pay more in taxes and is himself a multimillionaire but has given an average of $369 per year for the last 10 years to charity? My bet, she stays and gets more welfare, or thanks to Charlie Rangle and his 'no white people policy', she gets a cushy gubbermint job making 6 figures.

Oh, and this was the guy that was gonna get rid of corruption and not have lobbiests as a part of the power structure... what, that lasted about 6 days?

Anybody notice that Obama appointed GE CEO Jeff Immelt to the econ recovery board? Since GE has been in decline since he took over you can see why he is such a stellar choice. However since GE owns NBC and MSNBC, which were totally in the bag for Obama (what was line from Chris Mathews? Obama's speech caused a thrill going up my leg); oh and the kicker - google Smart Grid and now you will see the real relationship.

Obama is a sack of crap only outdone by his handlers.

Good luck