View Full Version : global warming

02-05-09, 21:01
there's all this talk of global warming propaganda being taught in our school systems. keep in mind I graduated hs going on 8 years ago. I was taught it was a bunch of bs and that the earth naturally has warming and cooling cycles.

what say you?

02-05-09, 22:52
You were taught correctly.

Educate your children (assuming you have some) at home so that when their teachers spew their PC lessons your kids know better and can raise the BS flag in an appropriate manner. Usually by asking really good questions.

My kids have learned all about evolutionary theory in school and about Intelligent Design at home. They are better able to debate the issue because they have been exposed to both sides of the debate.

Many issues will be contrary to your/their beliefs but you can help them to be better citizens by learning how to identify rational arguments vs foolishness.


02-05-09, 23:28
We are definitely in a warming cycle right now, that much is clear. But the Earth has been a lot warmer and a lot colder in my opinion (based on the geologic record). There is coal in Antartica, so even if it was a bit further north, the average temperatures were warmer at the time the peat bogs were developed there. Also, a large inland sea existed over much of Utah, Western Colorado, New Mexico and part of Arizona. There are still saline acquifers in many of those regions.

There was a mini ice age as recently as the 16th century (check historical records for Scottland and England). Also, it is the opinion of one of my Egyptian friends that the rise of the Moslem religion was itself aided by major climatic changes at that point in time (i.e., ariable lands were becoming deserts so better to fight than starve).

Also, the models for global warming that are being used do not work--there are too many variables to consider and really there is too little data on which to base a model. The number of years of accurate weather data (including concentrations of gases in the atmosphere) that we have is not statistically significant. There are many factors that contribute to global warming and we don't have them sorted out.

Unfortunately, I feel that a lot of the current push is fueled by ulterior motives such as redistribution of wealth, more global controls over production of goods and services, creation of an urgent need for world government, etc.

02-05-09, 23:32
Global warmming my ass. I live SC and its going down to 19 tonite.

02-06-09, 01:36
We are definitely in a warming cycle right now, that much is clear.

Could you elaborate, because it is not clear to me?

02-06-09, 12:35
Global warmming my ass. I live SC and its going down to 19 tonite.

I know what you mean. I live in the Upstate and it got down to 13 a couple of nights ago.

02-06-09, 13:47
Could you elaborate, because it is not clear to me?

Sure, the ice packs are becoming smaller at both the North pole and in Antartica. Tropical glaciers are melting at a rapid rate, at the current rate of retreat most of these will be gone in the next 10 years. Glaciers outside the tropics, for example in the U.S., Canada, Patagonia (Chile and Argentina), the Alps, the Himalayas, etc. are also retreating.

Again though, there are not many detailed records of glaciers (outside of Europe) that go back for more than 100 years. Realy, 100 years is nothing in geologic terms--even 1,000 years doesn't represent a very large data set.

For the record, I am not convinced that this is happening due to carbon emissions. One major volcanic eruption could change everything very quickly.

Also, does anyone remember the doom and gloom after the Mt. St. Helens eruptions? There were going to be extended winters in the northern Hemisphere, no potato crop from Idaho for 10 years, etc.--these things never happened.

02-06-09, 14:06
Quoting Glen Beck -

If we look at the last 3 yrs temp it puts us in another ice age somewhere around 2100.

Good luck

02-06-09, 14:10
Quoting Glen Beck -

If we look at the last 3 yrs temp it puts us in another ice age somewhere around 2100.

Good luck

Yeah... 'cause Glen Beck is an expert.

He also doesn't believe in evolution. Go figure....