View Full Version : Always Wear Eye-Pro

Outlander Systems
02-06-09, 09:13
Found this on another forum. Thought I'd share this here:

"I debated on posting anything about this regrettable incident that happened to me today.....but I'm going to do it because it was a learning experience I should share. So, got off early today and decided of course to shoot for a while. It was warm here today for the first time in weeks so I thought a little rifle practice was in order. I felt kinda lazy and figured just a hundred rounds of .223 would be enough so I grabbed my AR and stepped outside. I shot about half a mag and got a FTF, snap no boom. I waited thirty seconds and kicked the round (new PMC bronze 55) out onto the table. I've cleared hundreds of duds in many calibers and always the same way, turn face away after thirty seconds and operate to clear. This one hit the table in a pile of other brass and detonated. I have never had that happen before, never. It blew the primer out in fragments and popped off the bullet at really low speed into the plywood casing catcher on the bench. I ate three pieces of primer to the side of the face and two more embedded themselves squarely in my shooting glasses. No glasses=no eye. This was a one in a million, but it would have taken my eye regardless. My mug is unharmed, the primer shrapnel was tiny (thankfully) and it stung but nothing serious. Lesson#1 Don't get lazy and clear a misfire into anything but open air. I should have stood up and got the rifle off the bench and jacked the dud into the yard. Lesson#2 Wear those four eyes, every single time always. I got lucky because I got complacent just for one second, STAY SHARP. -James"

02-06-09, 09:17
Good lesson and I'm glad the guy wasn't hurt.

02-06-09, 09:18
Thanks for posting this as a reminder for everyone that safety isn't something to take for granted...Glad you weren't hurt seriously.
Eye and Ear Protection are always a good idea.

Outlander Systems
02-06-09, 19:00
Glad Six-Gun Jim wasn't hurt either.

I want some Oakleys that are ballistic-friendly, that AREN'T M-Frames.

I know M-Frames are HSLD, but I can't ditch the Nascar connection.

02-06-09, 19:07
Glad Six-Gun Jim wasn't hurt either.

I want some Oakleys that are ballistic-friendly, that AREN'T M-Frames.

I know M-Frames are HSLD, but I can't ditch the Nascar connection.

Have you tried the Half Jackets or Flak Jackets?

Chunky Monkey
02-06-09, 19:35
Thanks for sharing sometimes I may shoot a few with out hearing but never eye protection. Good to hear you weren't hurt!! ;)

02-06-09, 20:17
I was at an indoor range with a friend of mine (girl) teaching her how to fire my old AR. The hanger has a piece of metal covering each of the clips that hold the paper, it's angled like ">" to direct incoming rounds up or down. She hit the '>' right on the edge. The round fragmented, hit me in the glasses (rented from the desk as I forgot mine), cracking them in the center on the bridge and ricochet in to her back barely below the skin.

I shouldn't have taken her to an indoor range for an AR-15, but that's the beauty of hindsight. Learning experiences are tough but get the job done. Thank god for the eyepro.

02-06-09, 20:20
To the OP, what kind of eye protection were you wearing? Thanks,


Outlander Systems
02-06-09, 22:44
I was not the victim of this incident: I was reposting something from another forum I'm on. I'll shoot Six-Gun Jim (The Original, Original Poster) and see what sort of shades he was rockin'.

Outlander Systems
02-07-09, 09:08
Me: "Jim what sort of eye-pro were you sportin'"

James: "I had on Nemesis smoke tint poly carbonates. They're just my work safety glasses I use when mechanicing but they are really comfy, look like Oakleys and cost about $6 a pair."

02-07-09, 09:21
This guy has "cleared hundreds of duds"?

I've had like one or two in my lifetime. And I'm a reloader of over 10 years. :confused:

Outlander Systems
02-07-09, 10:56
Maybe he shoots Wolf?


02-07-09, 16:56
Maybe he shoots Wolf?


:D Good point!