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02-06-09, 16:10

US Deserter Receives German Peace Prize
February 06, 2009
Agence France-Presse
A US army deserter claiming asylum in Germany due to his moral opposition to the war in Iraq is set to scoop a peace prize, a US activist group said Friday.

Andre Shepherd, 31, originally from Cleveland, Ohio, will be awarded the Munich American Peace Committee's annual prize on Saturday during a protest at a major security conference in southern Germany. The committee is an anti-war activist group.

The new US administration -- represented by Vice President Joseph Biden -- will give details of its foreign policy vision at the Munich Security Conference.

However, Shepherd will not appear in person to receive the award, Rudi Friedrich, head of Connection e.V -- a support group for conscientious objectors and deserters -- told AFP.

While Shepherd's asylum application is being assessed, he is not allowed to travel beyond the confines of Karlsruhe in southern Germany where he is staying at a refugee-processing centre, Friedrich said.

The Munich American Peace Committee said it was awarding the prize to Shepherd for his "courage and conviction in despite of the possibly extreme punishment from the US authorities" and "for publicising your convictions to give other soldiers the courage also to leave the army and to push for peace."

Shepherd, whose application for asylum was heard Wednesday during a nine-hour interview with German immigration officials, has received support from ordinary German citizens, Friedrich said.

A petition calling for his asylum claim to be granted has attracted "more than 1,000 signatures," he said, adding, "I get a lot of letters every day."

Connection e.V intends to present the petition to the German authorities considering his asylum application.

Shepherd walked off his base in southern Germany in spring 2007 and spent 19 months on the run before applying for asylum in November last year. He is the first Army deserter to seek asylum in Germany.

Before then, he had completed a five-month stint in Iraq between September 2004 and February 2005 in which he serviced Apache helicopters as part of the 412th Aviation Support Battalion.

Outlander Systems
02-06-09, 16:19
What a bitch.

How can a POG be "morally opposed" to a war? Think of all the brutality he would have caused, servicing Acrashies.

Again, why would someone, opposed to war, enlist in the United States Army?

What a coward. Pathetic.

02-06-09, 18:22
Hell, I'll sign the petition. Germany can keep his sorry cowardly a**. We don't want him back anyway.

02-06-09, 19:36
"However, Shepherd will not appear in person to receive the award, Rudi Friedrich, head of Connection e.V -- a support group for conscientious objectors and deserters -- told AFP."

How apropos - a deserter does not have the courage to attend the presentation of an award, honoring his desertion........

All the more reason to thank and appreciate the brave men and women that really do defend us every day.

Outlander Systems
02-06-09, 22:45
All the more reason to thank and appreciate the brave men and women that really do defend us every day.

Hear! Hear!

02-06-09, 22:52
How apropos - a deserter does not have the courage to attend the presentation of an award, honoring his desertion........

its funny bc its true...

All the more reason to thank and appreciate the brave men and women that really do defend us every day.

02-07-09, 02:30
What's even more pathetic is this POS joined the military after 9/11 and after we invaded Iraq. I hope that he is stripped of his benefits, gets a Big Chicken Dinner and serves some Leavenworth time. :mad:

02-07-09, 14:18
What's even more pathetic is this POS joined the military after 9/11 and after we invaded Iraq. I hope that he is stripped of his benefits, gets a Big Chicken Dinner and serves some Leavenworth time. :mad:

Personally, I think "Six, six and a kick" is too good for him.

I'd put him to work crushing boulders into gravel with a ball peen hammer. Then use that gravel to pour foundation slabs for new Fisher House locations.


Or perhaps have him donate his skin to a soldier or Marine burned in an IED blast. Of course, we would save the painkillers for the people that have earned them. So they might just have to peel that skin a bit at a time......

Yeah, I used to be an squad leader. So I have some strong feelings on this subject as well. ;)

Gutshot John
02-07-09, 15:41
German peace prize? Don't that beat all.

No wonder he didn't show. :p

02-07-09, 18:37
P_A_T_H_E_T_I_C. Germany will have really gained an asset, and I thought the US was only nation letting scum in

02-07-09, 19:41
Personally, I think "Six, six and a kick" is too good for him.

I'd put him to work crushing boulders into gravel with a ball peen hammer. Then use that gravel to pour foundation slabs for new Fisher House locations.


Or perhaps have him donate his skin to a soldier or Marine burned in an IED blast. Of course, we would save the painkillers for the people that have earned them. So they might just have to peel that skin a bit at a time......

Yeah, I used to be an squad leader. So I have some strong feelings on this subject as well. ;)

You make me smile SS, I think we'd get along just fine.

02-07-09, 19:51
You make me smile SS, I think we'd get along just fine.

Yeah, I am pretty much "Old Testament" in my approach to justice.

But mainly, it's because I recall a particular New Testament verse, when I think of the military. John 15:13 really applies to grunts:

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

I guess I am just a crochety old bastige. ;)

02-07-09, 20:39
What's even more pathetic is this POS joined the military after 9/11 and after we invaded Iraq. I hope that he is stripped of his benefits, gets a Big Chicken Dinner and serves some Leavenworth time. :mad:

Ditto on that

02-07-09, 23:37
The Munich American Peace Committee said it was awarding the prize to Shepherd for his "courage and conviction in despite of the possibly extreme punishment from the US authorities" and "for publicising your convictions to give other soldiers the courage also to leave the army and to push for peace."

What extreme punishment. What is the most they do to deserters. That spineless POS LT. Ehren Watada from FT. Lewis didn’t get jack shit for not deploying.

Army Chief
02-08-09, 13:43
Germany doesn't want this comfort-seeker any worse than we do -- the problem is that their recent history doesn't exactly put them in a position to take a hard line against those seeking refuge from political opression (whether real or imagined).

In the end, no one really respects -- or wishes to harbor -- a traitor, so I wouldn't be too optimistic about Shepherd's future prospects no matter where he chooses to go.


02-09-09, 07:40
Sounds like he would be a better fit in France. :rolleyes:

02-09-09, 10:42
What a bitch.

How can a POG be "morally opposed" to a war? Think of all the brutality he would have caused, servicing Acrashies.

Again, why would someone, opposed to war, enlist in the United States Army?

What a coward. Pathetic.

I say it was for college and one weekend a month or whatever, god forbid if they have to be soldiers and deploy :rolleyes: